Irons Jr. High Newsletter
We Are Hawks!
Irons Family,
Junior High School Cell Phone and Smartwatch Guidelines Adopted by CISD School Board:
- Cell phones and smartwatches may be used respectfully and responsibly before school and after school.
- Cell phones and smartwatches should be set on silent mode and be kept in the designated storage area during class time (e.g. backpacks, cell phone caddy, or lockers), and should not be visible during instructional time. Cell phones should not be used for reward time or free time. Cell phones and smartwatches should not be utilized in any area of the building during class time. This includes hallways, offices, restrooms, locker rooms, etc. Cell phones and smartwatches should remain in the designated storage area when students leave the classroom during class time.
- Cell phone and smartwatch use during common times (e.g. lunches and class change) will be determined by campus administration in collaboration with the campus Foundations Team.
- Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus.
Thank a Staff member: If you would like to send a personalized thank you to one of your student’s teachers, the easiest way to do this is by creating a Teacher Achieving Excellence or T.A.E. submission. This is done by going to Parent Access Center, clicking on “Communication”, and then “Teacher/Staff Excellence”. You then have the option of selecting the teacher or staff member’s name. The message that you send will go directly to the staff member.
Attendance Matters: It is essential that your child is in class each day unless they are ill. If your child misses school, please email our attendance office and remind your child to get with their teacher about missed work. Irons Attendance Office
Yearbooks: We only have 118 yearbooks remaining for sale. Please purchase yours before the next price increase and before we are sold out.
Santa's Dreams: The CISD Police Department would like to invite you to help us make a child’s dream come true. On Monday, November 13th, 2023 the CISD Police Department will start collecting “NEW” unwrapped gifts for boys and girls of all ages. These gifts will be wrapped and given to families who, without our support, may not otherwise have a wonderful Christmas.
In 2022, Children In Santa’s Dreams provided gifts to 1196 children in 551 families. All gift donations should be made by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2023 to ensure the gifts will be wrapped in time for Santa to deliver.
Student IDs: All students must wear their CISD Student ID to school every day. Students who forget their ID will need to purchase a temporary ID for $1.00. Students must have their student ID in order to purchase lunch, ride CISD Transportation, and attend games and school events. If your child needs a new Student ID, they need to stop by the AP Office.
Thank You for your support in the recent election! Conroe ISD voters turned out to pass three of the four propositions in Bond 2023. The three propositions total $1.973 billion, 98.8% of the funds in Bond 2023, and will have a two-cent impact on the tax rate. Updates will be shared on social media, in Board Meetings and posted to We will also share campus-specific project updates in our newsletters. We are so excited about the great things to come!
Robert MacFarlane
Irons Jr. High Principal
We Are Hawks!
Student Council Campus Project
Irons Choir Caroling at HEB
Holiday Dress Up Days
Semester Exam Schedule
Support Irons PTO Spirit Night
Set a screen-free time period before bedtime to promote better sleep.
about bus safety. Please keep our children safe by stopping for buses that are loading or
Irons Jr. High
Location: 16780 Needham Road, Conroe, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-8500
Twitter: @Irons_Principal