News and events

December 2024
December 20 - January 1 (Winter Break) ---- NO SCHOOL!
January 2 - Students return to school
January 9 - PTO Meeting
January 17 -- No School! (Staff Development Day)
January 20 -- No School! (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
January 23 -- Warm Up with Arts & Culture Night (5:00 - 7:30 pm)
Message from Principal Zimmerman
Hello Lincoln Families,
Can you believe we're already at the end of 2024 and preparing to welcome 2025? This month has been filled with fun events, exciting learning, and plenty of time spent with friends—making it a great way to close out the year.
In December, our students have been focusing on "empathy"—learning how to be supportive of others in our community and at home. We’ve had many conversations about the importance of respecting one another and working together to maintain Lincoln as the safe, caring, and supportive community we all value.
As we wrap up this week, a reminder that there will be no school from December 20 through January 1. We look forward to welcoming students back on Thursday, January 2.
Wishing you all a warm and restful break, and a very Happy New Year! See you in 2025!
Office Reminders
Early Student Pickup
After 3:10, the office is not able to accommodate any changes to student dismissal plans, or accommodate early student pick up in the office. This is for the safety of all students as the end of the day is very busy as we get ready for dismissal. This will allow office staff and classroom teachers to support a smooth dismissal process every day. Please plan accordingly and thank you for your cooperation.
Parking in Front of School
After 3:00, there is no parking along the curb in front of school (Door 1). This area is reserved for designated vans picking up students at dismissal. Please find a parking spot in our parking lot.
District Budget Update
School Board action addresses $26 million budget gap for 2025-26 school year
The Anoka-Hennepin School Board endorsed a $26 million budget reduction and reallocation plan at its November 25 meeting, a decision that completes a process that unfolded over the past several months and allows planning for the 2025-26 school year to remain on schedule.
A number of factors converged in early 2024 that led to the need to reduce district expenditures. Read about the impact to Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
Kindergarten News
We had a fun-filled month of learning! Some of the highlights were Gingerbread Day in Kindergarten and going on a field trip to CRHS to see The Mitten!
In January, our reading topics will be: Time for Work (What do people use to do their jobs?), Meet Your Neighbors (Who are our neighbors?), and Pitch In (How can people help to make our community better?). Kindergarteners will continue to work on writing sentences beginning with an uppercase letter and ending with punctuation. We are working on writing sight words correctly and writing beginning, middle, and ending sounds.
In math we will be working on addition and subtraction story problems. We will also continue to look at numbers that can be added together to make 5, 6, and 7. We will compare and measure length and work with 5’s and 1’s using coins.
With the colder, snowier weather, please help your child remember to bring winter gear each day. It is very helpful if it is labeled so we can help missing items get back to their owner! In addition, please make sure your child has tennis shoes each day to wear in the classroom. They are more than welcome to leave a pair at school! Thank you so much for your help with this!
We hope you have a wonderful winter break! We’ll see you next year!
Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Ovitt, Mrs Peterson and Ms. Costello
First Grade News
December seems so short and sweet! We had a very busy month in the classroom, from learning to fun events, we have been staying busy!
This month in math we focused on teen numbers as well as comparing numbers. When we come back in January we will be focusing on number lines, and putting numbers in order up to 120.
For ELA this month we have been focusing on the short vowel sounds. For writing we are still working on perfecting our handwriting as well as starting our opinion writings.
This past month we have had lots of fun along with our learning, we went to see “The Mitten” at Coon Rapids High School. We also celebrated/learned about lots of different holidays celebrated around the world during the winter months, had pajama day, and we even created some pretty cool crafts that hopefully made it home.
We can’t wait to see what is in store for the new year in first grade and we look forward to seeing all your students in the new year!
As always, please feel to reach out to your students teacher with any questions. Have a great winter break, see you all in the new year!
Mrs. Hustad, Mrs. Mehan, Mrs. Skinner and Ms. Walz
Second Grade News
Happy December! Winter is here and we would like to remind you to have your child bring warm clothes everyday. This would include boots, snow-pants, coat, hat, and gloves. We will plan to go outside each day if it is not too cold. Please label all of their gear with their name. Be sure to also send their gym shoes each day.
During the month of December we will wrap-up our second Wonders unit. The big idea for unit 2 is: Animal Discoveries – How do animals play a part in the world around us? We will continue working on our How To Genre Writing. During the month of December the focus of instruction will continue to be addition and subtraction within 100. We will use efficient strategies, represent problems on a number line, and solve story problems. Check out the math unit newsletter for more information.
The month ended with a fun field trip to see the play The Mitten at Coon Rapids High School. What a wonderful way to end our time together before winter break.
Mrs. McDowell, Mrs. Pitzl, Mr. Robertson
Third Grade News
It has been a fun and busy month in 3rd grade. We are finishing up unit 2 in ELA. The Big Question for the unit has been What Does it Take to Solve a Problem? We have read some great stories. We are also working really hard in Bridge to Read. Our focus has been on words with a 3 letter blend. The students are working to read and spell these words. Ask your child about our Heart Words from Bridge to Read.
Math has been exciting. Unit 3 starts with Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We also worked on the addition of 2 and 3 digit numbers. The students have worked on different strategies to solve these addition problems.
Social Studies for Trimester 2 brings us discussing Economics. We talked about basic Economics: Products and Services, Income and Expenditure.
The month ended with a fun field trip to see the play The Mitten at Coon Rapids High School. What a wonderful way to end our time in December before winter break .
Mrs. Arendt, Mrs. Luongvan, and Mrs. Olson
Fourth Grade News
Hello Fourth Grade Families!
We have been so busy in fourth grade. We have started our second module in science which is all about exploring different types of renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. In Math, we have been working with fractions and decimals in Unit 3. So far we have learned about fractions through many hands-on experiences including an egg-carton model, paper folding, and geoboards! After winter break, we will move onto addition and subtraction strategies in Unit 4.
In reading class this month we are halfway through Unit 2. We have read folktales, dramas, and narrative nonfiction stories in the first 3 weeks of this unit. Our comprehension skills we are focusing on include the theme and the main idea of the stories. In this unit we will begin exploring topics for our “How To” essays. We will learn about the features of a “How To” essay and what needs to be included in our writing. Please continue to read each night.
Have a wonderful end of the year!
Ms. Carlson, Mrs. Gaspar and Mrs. Nye
Fifth Grade News
December was full of fun for our Lincoln 5th graders but the new year is bringing even more excitement. On January 6th representatives from Anoka Middle School will be coming to talk to the 5th graders about registration for 6th grade. Be on the lookout for a large green paper to come home for 6th grade registration.
Mr. Gamache and Mrs. Mercer
Arts at Lincoln
Our first Arts Jam of the school year was amazings! Nov. 22 was a wonderful day filled with artistic exploration, creation, collaboration, and personal expression. Thank you to our Lincoln staff and to our countless volunteers for coming together to create something magical for our students!
5th grade has completed their 10-week Heart of Dance residency! To celebrate, they presented their learning in a culminating event on Wed., Dec. 18. Some students shared their experience with dance or their curriculum connection travel brochures, which highlight the country of origin of one of their dances, and all had a chance to demonstrate the social dances they have learned. Check out some pictures and videos HERE!
We held auditions for our winter musical earlier this month. Congratulations to the cast of “Bots!” Rehearsals started this week and will continue for the next 2 months. There will be two public performances and we hope you can come support and celebrate with our actors on February 27 or 28 from 6:30-7:30 PM. If you have any questions, please reach out to the director, Mrs. Gaspar (rachel.gaspar@ahschools.us).
Students in Band, Orchestra, and Choir received a rehearsal calendar for December/January. You can find the calendar HERE, as well as in your child’s Seesaw class. We will continue to meet after break. Please mark your calendar for our performances this year!
Feb. 11: Band/Orchestra Recitals
(More information will come home to sign up for a time. You will only sign up for 1 slot.)
6:00-6:30 PM
6:45-7:15 PM
Feb. 25: Winter Choir Concert
6:30-7:00 PM
May 13: Spring Concerts
5:30-6:00 PM - 4/5 Orchestra
6:15-6:45 PM - 4/5 Choir
7:00-7:30 PM - 4/5 Band
School Choice
Specialty and magnet school options provide family choice in Anoka-Hennepin
Anoka-Hennepin Schools offers 12 schools that provide in-demand educational options such as the arts; science, technology, math, engineering and biomedical sciences (STEM/STEAM), as well as International Baccalaureate (IB).
Specialty and magnet school options are available to all students at no additional cost, designed to provide family choice. Students who live within the Anoka-Hennepin boundaries are eligible to apply to any of the specialty or magnet schools. The magnet schools belong to Northwest Suburban Integration School District (NWSISD) which provides transportation. Students may join the specialty programs using an in-district transfer process without transportation.
Six sites offer specialty programs, which students can access via in-district transfer; and six sites are magnet schools, available choices for families through the NWSISD. View the full article to learn more about Specialty and Magnet School options available to all families in Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
The specialty and magnet schools are hosting information nights/open houses for parents to learn more about the programs offered. These events range from November - mid January. For specific open house dates and more information on each of the specialty and magnet schools and the application/enrollment process, visit ahschools.us/specialtymagnet.
View Report Cards Online
Families may login to their A-HConnect account or download the ParentVUE mobile app to access student report cards. Report cards are only available online and will no longer be sent through postal mail or student’s backpacks.
The switch to online report cards means that information is available to review at the conclusion of each trimester. Schools will notify families when the report cards are available to view. Parents, guardians and any person with educational rights to a student will be able to access the student’s report card online.
Get steps for viewing report cards on the Anoka-Hennepin Schools website.
For assistance with your login information, contact the Anoka-Hennepin Schools HELP Desk at 506help@ahschools.us or 763-506-HELP (4357). For questions about the report cards or for printing accommodations, please contact the main office at your child’s school.
Volunteer Program
Lincoln Volunteer Program
Welcome! To date, our 160+ volunteers have given 1360+ hours of their time to help our students! They worked with students, did clerical projects, organized fundraisers/apparel and staff appreciation, helped with Lost-n-Found, etc... Thank you volunteers!
Want to become a volunteer and help our staff and students? Complete 2024/25 Lincoln Volunteer Forms and contact the VSC today!
Volunteer Opportunities-
* Skillbuilder / Gr 1/2 Reading
* Challenge Reading Groups / Math + Groups / Destination Imagination Groups
* (On call) Art Help / Lost-n-Found / Recess Help
* PTO/School Warm Up w/Arts & Culture
* PTO Positions- Box Tops / Events / Fundraising / Fun Run / Raffle / Secretary / Staff Appreciation
* PTO Book Fair / PTO Staff Appreciation
* Mystery Reading / Play / Concert-Recital
If you have any questions or need information, please let me know.
Diana Orr / Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC)
Diana.Orr@ahschools.us / 763-506-3130
Tuesday 8a.m. - 3p.m. / Wednesday and Thursday 8a.m. -2:45pm. (schedule may vary)
Volunteer Handbook - Manual para voluntarios / Safeguard Privacy / Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines
Community Education
FEATURED CLASS- 01/29: Art Memes
Hello from Community Education! We are looking forward to our upcoming classes and would love to see your student enrolled. Register now to ensure a spot for one of our many activities including:
01/29: Epic Gym Games
For even more classes and opportunities: All CURRENT Community Education Classes
Questions about Community Ed?
Please contact Tricia Josephs at tricia.josephs@ahschools.us or 763-506-4012
Need help with online registration?
Please contact Erinn Gardiner at 763-506-5144
*Financial assistance available if needed, please call to inquire
Lincoln PTO
Parent Teacher Organization Update
Thanks to all the Lincoln Families who supported PTO over the last month with donations for Fill the Fridge, participation in the Lions Night Out Fundraiser at Urban Air, and ordering from our Lincoln Lions Pride Apparel Fundraiser! We appreciate your continued support of the PTO!
Coming up in January, Lincoln School along with the PTO are planning the 2nd annual Warm Up with Arts & Culture event for Thursday, January 23rd. Part of the event is spent outside at the skating rink and snowshoeing (weather permitting) from 5-6pm. Then from 6-7:30pm, families will be invited inside to explore some Arts & Culture booths and presentations. If you are interested in sharing your family's heritage or culture at the event please fill out this GOOGLE FORM and we will get in contact with you about participating in the event.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Lions Night Out scheduled for January and February.
Wednesday, Jan. 15th at Cafe Zupas! from 4-9pm
Wednesday, Jan. 29th at Grand Slam from 4-8pm
Wednesday, Feb. 5th at Buffalo Wild Wings from open-close
Wednesday, Feb. 26th at Cheap Skate from 5-7:30pm
We can’t wait to see you at these FUNdraisers!
Upcoming Meetings
January 9th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the conference room at Lincoln. Enter on South St (door 6). Childcare available for potty trained children during the meeting. Or join us virtually with the meeting code: https://meet.google.com/uzr-oofz-wgt
Parent Resources
Parent Involvement [PI] Facebook- has info on what's happening in the district and PI (fundraisers, events, volunteering, PI team activities, etc.).
PI Free training workshops- gives parent/teacher organizations, booster clubs & nonprofits a boost as they help support the efforts of Anoka-Hennepin students, schools and community.
The Bolster (subscribe)- a newsletter for PTO’s and Booster Clubs that shares resources, ideas, and tips to improve their organization.
Parent Resource Center (PRC)- is located at the AHSD Educational Service Center (ESC) and lends library materials to parents, families, and staff. Families are welcome to browse our library-
Online: PRC library/Use Library Name: AHPRC (no password required)/ Visit us on the Web / Follow on Facebook and Instagram
Stop-in: Use the self-service check-out and return. Enter Door 1 on the west side of the ESC (2727 N. Ferry St, Anoka, MN 55303)
Phone: 763-506-1587 or 763-506-1278 to discuss your resource requests. Selections can be delivered to your school and sent home with your child.
Parent Press
Click here to view this month's Parent Press which discusses coping skills and responding to stress behavior.
Lincoln spirit wear is available online for all families to purchase. If interested in purchasing spirit wear, please visit our vendor Innovations Plus. Items are available for purchase 24/7 and can be shipped to your home or to the school.
This e-newsletter is published by Lincoln Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.