East Elementary

September Newsletter
Important Dates
✔️ September 9- PTA Meeting 6:00 PM
✔️ September 18- Breakfast and Books 7:30-8:00 AM
✔️ September 23- No school, Teacher Work Day
✔️ October 8- Picture Day
✔️ Book Fair- October 11-18
Top Tigers
Every month we will celebrate excellent student behavior and character traits. We had several Top Tigers for August! Way to go!
Good Behavior is a Big "Dill" at East!
In our lunchroom, good behavior is rewarded by our Big "Dill" award. The class with the best behavior for the week gets to keep Mr. Dill in their class for the week. This morning over daily announcements, Mrs. Pearcey's class was declared our first winner!
Breakfast and Books!
Our first Breakfast and Books will be this month on September 18th from 7:30-8:00 AM. We will meet at the Free Little Library outside- weather permitting. Our Guest Reader will be Miss Edda! We hope to see you there!
PTA Updates
Our first PTA meeting will be on September 9 at 6:00 PM in the Cafeteria. We will introduce the PTA Board members and talk about the events that the PTA will be doing for the school year. We will also have a guest speaker. Her name is Jami Glenn and she is the counselor at the Dream Center and owner of Sacred Ground Coaching. This will be geared towards parents/home setting and will be about children’s brains and boundaries.
We would like to thank everyone for helping make the Back to School Bash such a success and so much fun!!
Red Friday
Every Friday the entire community shows Ozark Pride by wearing red. We encourage everyone to show their Ozark Tiger pride by wearing red!
Picture Day- October 8th
Please make plans to be at school on October 8th!!! Pictures start first thing in the morning. Avoid wearing green because Jostens uses a green screen to take pictures. Be sure to bring those beautiful smiles!
Reminder- Policy Regarding Student Use of Smartwatches and Call Phones
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
The Book Fair is Coming!!!
This year we are going to try something new. We will be having a Literati Book Fair next month. The fair will run October 11-18. Be watching for more information in the coming weeks!
Drop-Off & Pick Up Info
- Enter the parking lot (on the west side) on Hartley Street
- Snake around spaces and continue out of the new lot going straight into the driveway of the original lot (on the east)
- Snake around spots in this lot too
- Pull around to the loading area to drop off/pick up your child
- Exit by making a right into the new lot and driving around the perimeter to the same entrance/exit you entered the lot
- Please be sure to leave as little of a gap as possible with the car in front of you in order to avoid cars being backed up on Hartley Street
- When loading and unloading your child, pull all the way up to designated cone areas
Calendar & Website Info
You should have received this in the mail, but just in case, our District calendar for the 2024-25 school year can be found online here.
- Here is a printable version
- Here is a link to our East Elementary Calendar
- Visit the East Elementary website to find more East specific information - elementary.ozarktigers.org/east
Behavior Expectations
Ozark School District is committed to creating a positive and productive learning environment for all students and faculty. We strive to promote safety, respect and responsibility.
Please review these Behavior Expectations with your child.