Paw Prints
August 16, 2024
Principal Corner
Welcome Back, Bulldogs!
We are so excited for school to start on Monday! Yesterday, our district theme was rolled out to all staff: "It's a Great Day to Be A Bulldog!" We spent the day in meetings, listening to inspirational speakers, and working on teacher planning—all with one goal in mind: making sure our students have a successful and positive start to the school year.
We can't wait to see the smiling faces in the halls and classrooms as we kick off this new school year together. Let's make it a great year to be a Bulldog!
- Mr. Reed and Mrs. Maxwell
Looking Ahead
August 19 - First Day of School
August 23 - No School
August 26-29 - NWEA Testing (Adjusted Schedule)
August 26 - First Day of Tech Center
August 30 - No School
September 2 - No School
September 4 - First Delayed Start
September 14 - Homecoming
Student Top Five
Cell phones and wireless headphones need to be kept in lockers from 7:45 AM - 2:46 PM during school days. Any parents needing to reach their students can call the OHS office at 269.694.7400. Thank you for your support in helping us shift school to a place centered on student growth and learning.
Dress Code
Please take a few minutes to review the OHS dress code below with your student. As a reminder, these guidelines are also required to be followed at after-school events like football games.
Teacher Training
We had a great first day with the whole OHS staff on Thursday - here are the teachers learning about the supports available to serve our multi-language learners.
NWEA Testing
All 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade students will be NWEA testing on August 26, 27th, and 28th. This allows us to set a baseline for academic growth over the school year, both as a school and for individual students.
A few students will have adjusted schedules. Please check below to see if this applies to your student.
- Seniors who are not attending the Tech Center, or who attend the PM session at the Tech Center, will report to school at 9:10 AM.
- LMC students will test in the media center at 7:45 AM on Monday.
- Tech Center students will start Tech classes this week. Some classes will be shortened for these students, due to the testing schedule.
- AM Tech Center students will need to report to the Media Center when they return from the Tech Center each morning.
Schedule Change Request Form
All students have established schedules, but we know changes may need to happen. Any requests are due by Wednesday, August 21, at 3:00 PM, and need to be initiated by the student filling out the form below.
Tech Center
The Tech Center will start on August 26. The AM bus will depart OHS at 7:40 AM from the bus loop, and the PM bus will depart from OHS at 11:20 from the front entrance. A few reminders for tech center students:
- Attendance at the Tech Center is required, even when OHS is not in session.
- Students may pick up driving forms from the Tech Center. Until these are processed, students are required to ride the OHS bus to and from the Tech Center.
- When students return from the Tech Center, they should report to the Media Center until classes have started or the day has ended.
Student Council Petitions
Student Council petitions will be available from the main office on the first day of school and due in the main office on Thursday by 3 pm. All petitioners will deliver a brief (less than two minutes) speech during class meetings on Monday, August 25th. Elections will run on Monday, August 25th, and Tuesday, August 26th
Class officer signups will open on Wednesday, August 27th, and run for one week.
The duties of class officers are:
- Lead the design and construction of the Homecoming float. (Including at least two hours of float construction.)
- Organize and help create Snocoming hallway decorations. (Including at least two hours of hallway decoration.
- Any other duties as assigned by your class advisor. (Examples: Seniors design the class t-shirt, plan the senior class gift, etc. Juniors serve on the Prom Committee.) Class officers must be in good academic standing (GPA at least 2.5) and have minimal absences, tardies, and disciplinary issues.
Wolverine Conference Pass
OPS Athletic Passes
Home Athletic Events
Otsego High School
Attendance line: 269-694-7480
Athletic Office: 269-694-7405
Location: 550 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, USA
Phone: 269-694-7400