BMS STAR - Family Bulletin
October 4, 2024
As we move into the fall season, I want to thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Take a moment to review important information coming up this month.
Let's work together to reinforce the following messages at home:
- Practice and demonstrate STAR values.
- Cellphones are allowed in the cafeteria during lunch only. Cellphones are to be Off, Away, and Out of Sight in the classrooms and during transitions.
- Chromebooks charged each night and ready for the day.
Please reach out to any member of the BMS leadership team if you have any questions.
Enjoy the October Newsletter.
Diana Vergara
Translating: Did you know?
You can translate this newsletter to any language! You can also change the size of the text and use a high contrast mode!
- If you are reading this on a computer, the feature is on the top right by the heading.
- If you are reading this on a phone, the feature is the round icon in the bottom right corner.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be:
Thursday, October 24 - 12:00 - 8:00 PM
Friday, October 25 - 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Please use the link to MyConferenceTime to sign up for your conferences. Sign-up opens on October 7, 2024.
Please click here to read the letter regarding Parent Teacher Conferences.
9.19.24 Curriculum Night Slides
Thank you to all the families who were able to join us for Curriculum Night! The slide presentations are linked.
BSD2 Website
Stay connected! Use the BSD2 website for more information about the strategic plan and information about Blackhawk Middle School!
Signs of Suicide Screening (SOS) and Erin's Law
Information was shared with families on August 26, 2024 regarding the state mandated screening. Review the information provided. Signs of Suicide Screening will take place on the following dates for each grade level:
October 7 - 6th Grade Information
Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online system that will provide parents access to their students’ schedules, attendance, assignments and grades.
Blackhawk Middle School PTO
Please join us for our next PTO meeting on Thursday, October 10! We meet in the cafeteria and start promptly at 6:30 pm. We have a lot of fun things we are planning out. Hope to see all of you there! Blackhawk PTO
PTO - BMS Spiritwear Store
PTO - BMS Spiritwear Store - Store closes Sunday, October 20
Save the Date
Band and Choir Schedules
Band Schedule
See Mr. Winters for more information.
Tentative Choir Schedule
See Mrs. Ramel for more information.
Upcoming Dates
- 10/7: SOS Screening - 6th Grade
- 10/10: PTO Meeting - 6:30 - Cafeteria
- 10/11: Trimester 1 Progress Reports Released to Families
- 10/14: Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Columbus Day - No School
- 10/15: BMS McTeacher's Night - 4:00 - 7:00 PM
- 10/17: Speaker Fabian Ramirez - Assembly
- 10/24: Parent Teacher Conferences, 12:00 - 8:00 PM
- 10/25: Parent Teacher Conferences, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- 10/30: Halloween Dance Sponsored by PTO - 6th (5:00 - 6:30) - 7th/8th (7:00-8:30)
District 2 prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at https://www.bsd2.org/students-families/non-discrimination-title-ix-and-anti-harassment
BMS Contact Information
Diana Vergara - Principal
Jamie Hogue, Assistant Principal
Jacquelyn Le-Mon, Assistant Principal
Mary Hamilton, Students Services Coordinator