Riverview School
PK-8th Grade
Riverview School
3550 Barkwood Drive
Johnstown, CO 80534
(970) 613-7000
Attendance Line: (970) 613-6666
Fax: (970) 613-7020
Principal: John Dumbleton
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Bradshaw
Dean of Students: Jessica Laue
School Secretary: Jana Lewis
Registration: Denise Scott
From the Desk of Dr. D.
Dear Riverview Families,
On behalf of our amazing team of educators, it is my honor to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! We have a lot to celebrate, a lot to be grateful for, and a lot to look forward to!
At Riverview, we see education as a partnership between our students, our educators, our families, and our community. The primary goal of our partnership is to prepare each student for success, both now and in future. As a school, our first priority is academic growth and achievement. We are excited to have the opportunity to work together to prepare students to excel in high school, in college, and in life. Additionally, we prepare students in ways that go beyond academics. As adults, we know that persevering through obstacles and learning from our mistakes matters. We know that making positive connections and collaborating with others to solve problems matters. We know that thinking critically and seeking solutions matters. And, we know that being a good person and positively contributing to our community matters. At Riverview, we are dedicated to all aspects of our students’ development, and this is evident in our school’s vision statement:
At Riverview, we create a collaborative partnership to value and support all students,
staff, family, and community. All learners will believe in their power to excel and own their
future so that they can contribute to the world. We champion the personal gifts of each
student helping them develop a sense of self and their place in the world.
In order for all of us to fulfill this vision, I have a few requests:
Attendance: Please help your students get to school on time each and every day. Our teachers design lessons that build upon one another to prepare students to learn deeply. Simply put, students who attend school every day get better every day.
Communication: Please keep lines of communication open between your child and learn what is going well. Communicate with our teachers and with administration. We will do the same.
Family Engagement: Please volunteer to support our educators and our work throughout the day. Check your student’s attendance and grades. Attend extracurricular events and support the efforts of our amazing students and educators. Join our incredible PTCO or our School Accountability Committee. Your voice matters!
Support: Please review our Student/Family Handbook with your student, and ensure they meet the expectations outlined by our policies and procedures. Our handbook helps to support learning, promote safety, and minimize distractions in our school.
As a team of educators, we are dedicated to the success of each and every child, each and every day. Thank you for entrusting us with the education of your children. We Rise Above and Rise Together!
John Dumbleton
Principal-Riverview PK-8
Back to School Night
Tour your school
Meet your teacher(s)
Find ways to get involved
Visit the PTCO & PBIS Tables
Pay your student fees
School Hours
8:20 AM - 3:35 PM M, T, TH, F
9:20 AM - 3:35 PM Wednesday Only
Students may be on campus at 8:00 AM (9:00 AM on Wed). First bell is at 8:18 AM (9:18 AM Wed.) and tardy bell is at 8:20 AM (9:20 AM Wed.)
Breakfast is served from 8:00 AM - 8:18 AM (9:00 AM - 9:18 AM Wed.)
At the end of the school day, it is expected that parents arrive promptly at 3:35 PM to pick up their children.
School Office Hours: 7:50 AM - 3:50 PM
Registration Documents to Be Sent to School
- Immunization Record
- Proof of Residence - current utility bill or lease agreement
- Proof of Age
How do I send these documents to the school?
- You can Upload the Immunization Record and Proof of Residence during Registration OR
- You can take a clear picture or scan and email all documents to denise.scott@tsd.org
Annual Family Check-In
The Annual Family Check-In (AFC) Link is available on Campus Parent from February 5, 2024 through September 30th, 2024 and must be completed every year.
A parent/guardian in the student’s primary household must review and sign the permission forms for the upcoming school year. The parent/guardian must also review (and update as needed) the student’s household information, emergency contacts, and health information.
The AFC will show the Attendance Boundary school, IF you have received and accepted a Choice Enrollment seat, please complete the AFC and the registrars will update the enrollment.
Log in to your Campus Parent account here.
- Choose “More” located on the bottom left side of the Campus Parent Home Page
- Choose "Annual Family Check-In"
- Choose "Begin Registration"
The application opens in a new window. Be sure to allow pop-ups in the browser before you begin. Follow the prompts to view and update information as needed. To add a new student, click on “Add New Student” from the Student Tab.
**For address changes, your school will require proof of residency, and will contact you for that when your AFC is processed.
When you have completed the application, Save/Continue and click the Submit button and press Confirm. You will receive an email confirming that your application has been submitted.
If you need assistance with your Campus Parent account, email portal@tsd.org
Health Information
Please see the Riverview Health Office for questions about Immunization requirements.
Student Drop Off & Pick Up
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
The Hug and Go process in the morning is intended to be a quick and safe drop off for students from the right hand lane only of the Hug and Go lane.
In order to ensure student safety, please help your student follow the guidelines below:
Enter the Hug and Go lane from the north side of the building (River Ranch Pkwy)
Please merge to join the line in the right lane
Please pull all the way forward before dropping off your student
Exit the passenger door nearest the curb
Please do not park in the Hug and Go lane
Please exit the Hug and Go lane on the east side of the building (Barkwood Dr.)
- Please do not drop off or pick up student(s) in the west parking lot, this is only for staff parking.
Transportation Services has a new process for applying for bus services through the Parent Portal.
For assistance in completing your transportation application, view our HOW TO: https://bit.ly/TSDHOWTObusapplication
Once your application is submitted, contact transportationrouting@tsd.org with questions about eligibility.
For information please call 970-613-5185
Parent Portal
At Riverview we continue to strive to make information easily accessible to families and reduce our paper usage. All parents in the Thompson School District are asked to have a parent portal account. If you are new to our district you will receive an email with a temporary username and password. You can then set up your account at https://thompsonco.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/thompson.jsp You may also access your Parent Portal through the Parent Resources button on the TDS website. If you need assistance with accessing or setting up your Parent Portal account, please email portal@thompsonschools.org . As parents of students, you can update basic student information and parent contact data, view report cards and complete your Annual Family Update yearly registration.
Parent Portal Set Up Instructions (Spanish Version)
Reporting Absences
Parents and guardians can now log in to their Infinite Campus Parent Portal site to notify school staff of an expected student absence. This will ensure the authenticity of reported absences, while also providing families with improved communication when a student misses class.
Click here to learn how to request an absence.
While families may continue to request absences by calling their school's attendance line, completing the process via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal is recommended for a faster experience.
For questions, please contact portal@tsd.org.
Nutrition Services
Free/Reduced Meals:
All families are asked to fill out an application. Why? The Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) program is funded in partnership with federal nutrition programs that rely on income information to support meals for all students. Other state and federal grants are awarded based on free and reduced meal eligibility rates.
Additionally, families that qualify may receive discounted or waived fees for programs/fees/sports inside and outside of the school district. Applications are available to all households at school sites and online at www.myschoolapps.com.
Applications need to be completed annually (after mid-July) for the new school year. The information provided on the application is confidential and is not shared without your consent.
Backpacks with school supplies are available for our RVS families in need. Please reach out to Mrs. Lewis in the office to receive one for your student(s).
To register for Riverview 6th-8th grade sports:
Register online at https://riverview-p8.bigteams.com/
Make sure you submit a physical - physicals are good for 365 days check to make sure it isn't expired
Pay fees $75 per sport. Family max of $175.
Pay using cash or pay using check - please put your athlete’s name and sport in the memo section
Pay using parent portal (Note--we are no longer using RevTrak for athletic payments)
Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch may request to have their fees waived.
Athletes will not be allowed to participate until all paperwork and payments have been turned in and processed.
Volunteering at Riverview - VITAL
All parents/visitors that wish to visit the building are required to complete the VITAL online. Parents/visitors will not be able to volunteer or go on field trips until the VITAL application has been completed.
Using Firefox as a browser works best.
1. Go to https://www.thompsonschools.org/Volunteer
2. Click on the blue button that says “New Volunteers”.
3. Volunteers will be instructed to create a Username (we suggest using your e-mail address) and Password. Make sure to write them down because you will need this in the future.
4. Make sure to completely fill out all the information and correctly spell your LEGAL name.
5. In the area that asks what school you will volunteer with, select the school in which you will volunteer.
6. Once registered, volunteers do not need to re-register each year. It is good for 3 years at which time you will receive a request through email for a follow-up background check. You must respond to the email or you will be deleted.