Smith Saber Family Connections
Sarah Simpson Principal September 6, 2024
Smith Elementary School
Parent Connections
Smith Families,
We have had such a great start to the school year. We have been busy establishing PAX Visions and establishing routines and procedures, practicing safety drills and completing benchmark assessments.
With the reduction in the districts music and PE classes we are running "Maroon" and "Gray" weeks. Maroon weeks students will have 2 PE classes and 1 music class and Gray weeks students will have 1 PE class and 2 music classes. In addition students have library skills and library checkout weekly and a lesson with Ms. Fred.
Thank you for sharing your children with us.
It's a great day to be a Saber.
Sarah Simpson
Communication from Smith
Please be on the lookout for weekly newsletters from your child's teacher. Teachers do a great job keeping parents informed on what will be taught, special events, activities and field trips for the class and anything the class may need for parties or general supplies and snacks. Please contact the teacher directly or the front office if you have not received anything yet, we may need an updated email address.
For updates and what is happening around Smith be sure to check out our Facebook page.
Principal monthly newsletters will be sent out and other communication as necessary.
Arrival and Dismissal
Please make sure to communicate with Kirsten in the front office if there will be a change in your child's normal dismissal. It is great to inform the teacher as well but sometimes teachers do not get a chance to check their email before the end of the day.
Thank you for not bringing pets from home onto the playground during school hours.
If students are riding their bikes to school let them know they need to walk their bikes on the playground. Students should use the crosswalk if they are walking or biking to school.
Overage Para and Substitutes
We are in need of overage help in our Kindergarten class 1.5 hours per day. If you are interested in volunteering or becoming a para please let me know. If you are interested in becoming a substitute at Smith or within the district please fill out the application online at HSD and let me know.
Parents for Smith-PSS
Helena Public Montessori Parents
Picture Day September 12 and enter Picture Day ID EVTFXW67V