The Weekly News West Elementary
February 10, 2025
Be A Better You
For the 2024-2025 school year, West Elementary will be working on targeted practice on some “life” skills in addition to academics. Every week, we will practice a skill that will help us all be a little better. This week’s skill is AVOIDING TROUBLE.
Most people are pretty good at AVOIDING TROUBLE but a reminder never hurts. This week we will be practicing.
Keeping Practicing These "Be A Better You Skills"
9/23/24 -- Following Directions
9/30/24 -- Knowing your Feelings
10/7/24 -- Expressing your Feelings
10/14/24 -- Asking for Help
10/21/24 -- Ignoring Distractions
10/27/24 -- Self Talk - Flip the Script
11/4/24 -- Flexible Thinking
11/11/24 -- Reacting to Problems (AKA Size of the Problem)
11/18/24 -- Following the Group Plan
11/25/24 -- Being Grateful
12/10/24 -- Empathy
1/6/25 -- Sharing
1/13/25 -- Making Mistakes
1/20/25 -- Reacting to Problems (AKA Size of the Problem)
1/27/25 -- Accepting Consequences
2/3/25 -- Apologizing
2/10/25 -- Avoiding Trouble
"Nurturing Our Full Potential"
Meredith Willson's "The Music Man Kids"
Be You, Be Here, Belong -- Celebrating "March into Literacy" in Style!
- To help us celebrate our WILDCAT PRIDE, West El ‘s PTA has generously purchased these shirts for all students!
- You are part of the PRIDE too, and you may be interested in purchasing a shirt!
- Shirts are $15.
- All orders are due no later than Thursday, February 13th. Please enclose cash or checks made payable to West Elementary PTA.
Yearbooks -- On Sale Now!
Don't Miss Out on All the Great Memories -- Order Now!
Please visit https://inter-state.com/YearbookEntry/90991Z to order your yearbook.
Use this code -- 90991Z
iReady Reports
The Winter iReady Family Report for grades K-8 is now available to view in the Document Library within the WEB Version of Parent Portal. You can find both the 24-25 Winter Math & Reading Assessments there separated by assessment subject.
To access:
- Log in to the Parent Portal (this can ONLY be done from a web browser and NOT the app)
- Under the Navigation column on the left - select Document Library
Once there, please locate the following titles/descriptions:
- "24-25 Winter Reading Assessment"
- "24-25 Winter Math Assessment"
To view & download your student's assessments, please click on the PDF icon that can be found in line with the assessment report title/description(next to the date column). After clicking the PDF icon, it may take a few moments to generate.
You CANNOT get to this through the stand alone PowerSchool App at this time. If you need to view these(and report cards, etc.) from your mobile device, you MUST go into a web browser such as Safari or Chrome. Thank you for your understanding.
Exploring Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs at BOCES in Grade 5
Explore Careers at the Potter Career and Technical Education Center!
The Potter CTE Center is excited to introduce your child to the world of careers
at the Potter CTE Center. On March 19th, Grade 5 students will first explore a variety of career
pathways at a career fair hosted at West Elementary School. On March 27th, students will visit the Potter CTE Center and explore a program, experiencing firsthand what their future could look like. See the attached flyer for more info, and expect permission slips soon from the fifth grade teachers.
PBS Kids Writing Contest
Hey Kids -- you can be a published writer. Think about working on a story for the PBS Kids Writing Contest.
Last year, a West El second grader won second place!!
Read his story here -- 2nd Place: The Video Game Problem by Coleman G.For contest information and entry forms, please visit the PBS Kids Writing Contest website.
First in Math
Kids -- keep practicing! Remember you can log in to First in Math on Clever. Practice the 24 Game and get ready for the state competition on March 20th. West Elementary will be competing this year, and we are hopeful we will have another team head to Albany for the state competition!!!
For more information, please visit -- https://explore.firstinmath.com/nysed-competition/
White Whiskers
West Elementary will be providing some love for senior dogs next week by supporting White Whisters senior dog sanctuary. It is a kennel free dog shelter for senior dogs located in Akron, NY. It is completely run by volunteers, and donations from the community! We will be doing a collection on Wednesday February 12th collecting $1 or spare change donations to help purchase items the shelter is in need of! ALL students will receive a paw print bracelet to show our support! Mrs. Wurl, Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Hriczko, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. McDonough, Mrs. Moretta, and Mrs. Gajewski’s classes will be making tie blankets to help keep these pups cozy! Thank you for your donations! Thank you to the West Seneca Women's Club for cutting the fabric.
These are a few of the dogs that you will be helping --
Library Students of the Month!
January Musicians of the Month
January Grade 5 Phys Ed Students of the Month
Audrey Brehm, Jillian Sitarek, Van Biegaj, and Ryan Latza.
Blast from the Past -- The First 100 Days for Our FIFTH GRADERS!
Making Memories!
Maybe You Are Interested -- Girls LAX Clinic -- Questions, ask Mrs. Bell
Grade 5 Internet Safety Lesson
This past week, Grade 5 students attended an internet safety lesson presented by an instructor from the Missing Persons Clearinghouse through the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services.
See the attached list of resources for parents, and stay tuned for a link to a parent presentation when it is made available by the Division of Criminal Justice Services.
Free School Breakfast and Lunch
All school breakfasts and lunches are free for the 2024-2025 school year!
Sign up to add money your child's My School Bucks account for snacks or additional lunch items through Parent Portal or here -- https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
Volunteer Acknowledgement Form 2024-2025
Please use the following link to fill out the West Seneca School District Volunteer Acknowledgement Presentation and Form. If you plan on coming in as a guest reader, to volunteer with PTA, or to work in your child's classroom for holiday parties, please adhere to the obligations and expectations of a responsible parent volunteer. The following guidelines/procedures shall serve as a review of your important role in our schools. Please be sure to fill out West Elementary's form.
Attendance Matters!
It is never too soon to start thinking about good school attendance.
There are only 180 days in the school year, and every one of these days matter!
And elementary school is just the beginning of a long educational career. Good habits start now!
Please give us a call or send an email if you are concerned about your child's attendance.
West Elementary's Mental Health Staff -- Contact Information
Ms. Elizabeth Caprio, School Social Worker
Ms. Lisa Gill, School Social Worker
Mrs. Nubia Cawthard, School Psychologist
Mrs. Lea O'Malley, School Counselor
716- 677-3671
Save the Dates!
Mon 17th- Fri 21st -- Winter Break
Mon 24th-28th Dollar Day - All for Books
Tue 25th - Popcorn and Paws 3-5
March -- stay tuned for March into Literacy Events
Tue 4th -- Popcorn and Paws K-2
Wed 5th -- PTA Meeting 6:30 in Library
Fri 7th -- NO SCHOOL
Thurs 13th -- Graduation Pictures, K and Grade 5
Fri 14th -- Early Dismissal, 11:30am
Tue 18th -- Popcorn and Paws 3-5
Thurs 20th -- Scholastic Book Fair, in school
Fri 21st -- Scholastic Book Fair, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Fri 21st -- Family Fit Night, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Fri 21st -- Dollar Days - Silly Socks
West Seneca Schools Mission
We are an educational community that encourages kindness, inspires confidence, and instills the belief that together we can achieve anything.