Excel Academy Eagle Update
January 31, 2025
January Board of Directors Meeting Actions and Topics
On January 28, 2025, the Excel Academy Board of Directors held their regular meeting. The full meeting agenda can be found here. While the board reviewed many items, a few to highlight included Ms. Vuolo's Director's Report and the approval of the 2025/2026 School Year Calendar. The board also unanimously voted to renew Ms. Vuolo's contract as Executive Director for the 2025/2026 school year. We look forward to her continued leadership!
The governing board also approved committee members for the New Preschool Exploration Committee. This committee will be exploring the interest and viability of adding a preschool program at Excel in the future. The committee would like to hear from you! Please complete this one-question survey if you will have a pre-K student in the 26/27 school year or beyond.
The governing board also reviewed Jeffco's Policy JB-R2 - Equal Education Opportunities - Transgender Students. As a Jeffco-authorized charter school, Excel can follow a district policy or adopt a replacement policy specific to Excel Academy. The school follows district policy until the replacement policy is adopted. At the meeting, the governing board had an initial discussion reviewing Jeffco's policy and will be proceeding with writing a replacement policy that better addresses our needs as a K-8 charter school. With any policy revision, we keep our mission "to enrich the academic, social, and emotional experiences of every student through rigorous curriculum and engaging opportunities" at the forefront, as well as our core values of differentiation, teamwork, respect, relationships, integrity, accountability, creativity, and individuality. The Governance Committee will draft policy revisions, which the board will review at upcoming meetings.
Navigating Social Media and Mental Health at Home
A Workshop for Parents and Caregivers
There is growing concern about social media’s impact on youth. The Sun General recently issued an advisory to the public about its potential risks to youth mental health. However, families often report challenges navigating social media with their youth.
Jeffco Public Schools, in partnership with Partners for Children’s Mental Health at Children’s Hospital Colorado, is hosting a virtual workshop that will explore the potential effects and signs of concern around social media use. Families that attend will receive a template for developing a social media plan with their youth and tips for navigating discussions around digital wellness.
Date: Wednesday, February 26
Time: Noon – 1 p.m.
Details: Website & Registration
Excel Students SOAR at Future City Regional Competition
Future City starts with a question – how can we make the world a better place?
To answer it, middle school students imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future that showcase their solution to a citywide sustainability issue.
Congratulations Future City Team Tanana Mitsinkafona! They won a special award for their city’s transportation system and their care of the elderly.
Logan Yeager, Henry Schuetz, Noah Kelley
(not in photo Audrey Baskin, Jacob Ketterling, Jeremiah Lopez)
Future City is a hands-on cross-curricular educational program that brings STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to life for students in grades 6 through 8. Using the Engineering Design Process (EDP) and project management skills, students showcase their solutions to a citywide sustainability issue. This year’s challenge asked students build a floating city and provide two innovative examples of how your floating city works and keeps its citizens healthy and safe.
NJHS Students Shine at Charter School Advocacy Day
On January 28, nine 8th grade members of Excel's National Junior Honor Society volunteered to participate in the Charter School Advocacy Day at the State Capitol. They advocated for prioritizing charter school students alongside peers from across Colorado.
Our students met with Representative Brianna Titone, shared their love for Excel Academy, and highlighted the importance of charter schools. After hearing from multiple students, Rep. Titone invited the students to the house floor where she shared about the importance of civic engagement and gave examples of bills which Jeffco citizens and students have brought to the state government and have been passed. After meeting with Rep. Titone, students were able to meet with Senator Lindsey Daugherty's assistant and share their experiences and advocate for charter schools again.
The following students were excellent representatives of Excel Academy and should be very proud of their professionalism and activism: Lien N., Aaliyah O., Gisselle I., Sienna M., Logan Y., Addie Y., Ruby Y., Sophie V., and Kathryn P.
Final Week: Annual Family Survey
This is the time of year that Jeffco Public Schools seeks input from guardians via the annual Jeffco Listens: Family Engagement Survey (formerly called the Family-School Partnership Survey). Panorama Education is conducting our annual family survey to provide us with benchmarking against national norms. We encourage you to complete this survey about your experience with Excel Academy. If you have more than one student at Excel, please take the survey thinking about your oldest student enrolled. Be sure to select the submit button at the end of the survey so your responses are captured. The survey is open until Friday, February 7th.
The survey is anonymous and takes approximately 15–20 minutes to complete. Results will beused to improve Excel's learning environment. You can view previous survey results under theSchool Culture tab. You can click here to complete this year's survey. It is available in 15 languages, which can be changed through the drop-down menu at the top.
Leadership Coffee Chat Discussion Topics
The January Leadership Coffee Chat took place on Wednesday, January 29th. Thanks to the guardians and school leadership team members who attended. Topics discussed included:
- Communication Regarding Awards Assemblies: One of the parents in attendance expressed frustration that she was not notified that her student would be receiving an award, and therefore did not attend the assembly despite having been on campus that morning. Another parent asked that communications specify which student(s) are slated to receive an award. This feedback will help us adjust the manner in which we track our award recipients and inform families so that they are able to make plans to attend if desired.
- Homework and Standards Based Grading: We had a robust conversation related to homework and standards based grading. Parents shared their student experience related to homework expectations across grade levels, and ways to establish homework routines at home even if a student doesn't have homework that night by leveraging at-home access to IXL, Lexia, and other online learning platforms. Parents and staff also shared various ways students are able to earn 4's through completion of optional or deeper-level work. Our standards based grading information can be found here, and listed in every Eagle Update in the Helpful Links & Resources section at the bottom of the newsletter.
- Introduction from Mr. Dale, Assistant Director - Middle School: Mr. Dale joined us and shared his perceptions and experience with Excel Academy and our Middle School to date. He shared that he enjoys our students and finds our community a great place to be.
Our next Leadership Coffee Chat will be held virtually on Tuesday, March 4th from 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. via Google Meet. Participants must use their name when logging in.
Excel Academy Spelling Bee Update
We are incredibly proud of our top spellers, Lien N. and Maillee W., who represented us in the Jeffco Charter Regional competition on January 29. Both students impressively advanced to around round 25 before being eliminated. The final two contestants went head-to-head for over 20 rounds. Great job, Lien and Maillee!
Out of This World Middle School Dance
The National Junior Honor Society Members are excited to announce our first middle school dance of the year! Hopefully, MS students will join us as we transform our gym into an Outerspace Themed Middle School Dance! We will have a DJ playing students' favorite songs, a game room for those who need a break from dancing but still want to have fun, and plenty of food to fuel up before heading out to groove on the dancefloor.
Here are the details:
What: Outerspace Themed Middle School Dance (only for Excel students in grades 6, 7, and 8)
When: Friday, February 7 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Where: Excel Academy Gym
Food: Please sign up here to bring in drinks and snacks.
Cost: $7 in advance OR $10 at the door
Tickets are available to purchase online here for $7 until Thursday night, February 6. Please make sure to include the students' name(s) when purchasing tickets online. Additionally, students may purchase tickets from Mrs. Smith for those who prefer to bring in cash.
You're Invited to Stay After School to Watch "Rio!"
Join us for after-school fun with Blu and friends in the animated hit "Rio!" Get ready for an adventure on Friday, February 7, 2025 from 2:15-4:00pm. Snacks, including fruit, popcorn, and water, are included. Please complete this Google Form to sign up kindergarten through 5th grade students. Cost: $15 per student/$10 for siblings. Student pick-up will be at 4:05p.m.
Upcoming Features:
- February 21 - Mulan
P. S. I Love You Day Coming to Excel on Thursday, February 13
Excel Academy is excited to join schools nationwide in celebrating P.S. I Love You Day with the theme "A Brighter Reminder Begins Today." This day highlights the significance of kindness, the power of extending friendship, and standing up for those who might feel lonely or mistreated. Let's make a difference together!
- P.S. I Love You Day parties will be held on Thursday, February 13 from 2:40 to 3:30 p.m.
- K-5 students can exchange Valentine’s on February 13 at 3:20 pm. If a student chooses to participate, he/she must bring a Valentine for all of the students in the class. Valentine exchanges should not include candy.
- Middle School students will return to their homeroom at 2:40 pm and participate in P.S. I Love You Day Activities.
- Please wear purple to celebrate kindness and togetherness in our community.
- Healthy schools food options
Excel Eagles Girls Basketball Soars into Action! 🏀
It was an exciting week for the Excel Eagles Girls Basketball teams as they hit the court for their first two games of the season!
On Monday night the action kicked off in Evergreen, where the B team battled hard, gaining valuable experience and sharpening their skills. Meanwhile, the A team faced an early deficit but turned up the heat after halftime, storming back to secure a 20-11 victory!
On Tuesday night, the B team took what they learned from Monday's game and applied it in a nail-biting showdown. It was a back-and-forth battle, going point for point, but in the end, the Woodrow Wilson Wolves edged out the win by just one basket, 8-6. The A team hit the court with confidence, staying neck and neck in the first half before pulling away after halftime. They dominated down the stretch and closed out the night with an impressive 32-18 win!
A big shoutout to those who scored their first baskets of the season!
Looking ahead, the Eagles are gearing up for a full week of practice before hitting the road for two big matchups:
2/10 @ Lincoln Academy B Team at 4:15 PM | A Team at 5:15 PM
2/12 @ Woodrow Wilson B Team at 4:15 PM | A Team at 5:15 PM
Stay tuned for more thrilling action from the Excel Eagles!
2nd and 3rd Grade Music Program
All are invited to join us for the 2nd and 3rd grade classes for our America the Beautiful Music Program!
Wednesday, February 12th, 6:00pm, in the Excel Academy gym
Library News from Mrs. Black
- K-8 families, during December all of my Digital Learning classes participated in ‘Hour of Code’. This is a program that introduces and/or supports the extended learning of Computer Science for our students. Some of our students are very empowered to learn more about Coding. The potential for careers in Coding is limitless in our society and I’m so happy to be able to support our Eagles in this area of learning.
- Some of our students are getting requests for parent permission from Code.org and Tynker.com. If this is the situation for your student, we would appreciate your support by going to Code.org with your student, have them log in and then you can give your permission for them to use the digital tool.
- 6th grade families, please check in with your students and make sure they have returned their Hatchet novel to the Library. The ELA unit is complete and all copies need to be returned ASAP.
- Overdue Update: we are now at…drum roll please…163!!!!!! Way to go Eagles! Can we get it down to 2 digits by next week? I think we can. Thank you so much for your support.
SOAR Winners
Congratulations to this week's SOAR drawing winners!
Outstanding Effort
Acceptance of Others
Kindergarten-R. O'Halloran, 1st-M. Lopez, 2rd-Z. Sealey, 3rd-G.Behling, 4th-L.Lopez,
5th-B. Tangsrud, 6th-K.Goodman, 7th D. Kublitskiy, & 8th-E. Flournoy.
Weekly Class winner is Ms. Komloski's Class for Outstanding Effort!
Exciting Enrichment Activities in February
- February 4 - "Lyle the Crocodile" Arvada Center (9:15am-12:00pm) - Kinder/1st Grade
- February 13 - Young Ameritowne (9:00am-1:30pm) - 4th Grade
- February 13 - "P.S. I Love You Day" Celebration, 2:40-3:20pm
- February 25-28 - Mission to Mars, Arizona - 6th Grade Field Study
- February 26 - Bird Conservancy @ Excel - 6th Grade Non-Travelers
- February 28 - Fiske Planetarium @ Excel - 6th Grade Non-Travelers
Colorado’s school vaccine requirements
Students attending Colorado kindergarten through 12th grade schools for the 2025-26 school year: This letter includes important information about Colorado’s school vaccine requirements, as well as other resources. There’s nothing more important than making sure your child or children stay healthy and learning all year long. Getting vaccinated gives children and adolescents the best chance of staying healthy and in school.
TwIsTeD PeNnY FuN-(d)RaIsEr: January 27th - 31st
The Twisted Penny is an annual FUN classroom competition to raise funds for our Specials Departments.
- This year, our GOAL is to raise $10,000 for SPECIALS and FIELD STUDIES PROGRAM!
- The competition has a daily classroom winner, and an assortment of prizes are awarded to classes over a two-week period.
- All pennies and paper money (checks included) are counted towards your class’s daily total, with the TWIST coming in as you load up the other classroom jugs with silver coins! All silver is counted against the daily class total.
- Middle School has their own version of this at the same time as elementary peers.
Click HERE for all the details and to see the daily prizes!
Community Night: Red Robin
Join Us: February 13 for Dinner!
7460 W 52nd Ave, Arvada
Show this FLYER to your server OR mention the Excel Fundraiser to your server.
Grown Up Night Out
Grown Ups join the PTO for a fun, relaxing, community building evening.
Fade It Golf and Social Club
Click HERE for details.
McTeacher's Night
Families and Excel Staff join the PTO
Wednesday, February 26th from 4:00-7:00 pm
All orders need to be placed digitally. See Flyer for QR Code.
8001 Wadsworth Blvd.
PTO Upcoming Events
- January 27 - February 7 – TwIsTeD PeNnY FuN-(d)RaIsEr
- February 13 – Red Robin (All Day - 52nd Ave Arvada)
- February 21- Grown Up Night Out: Fade It Golf and Social Club
- February 26 – McTeacher's Night (Families included)
- March 4 – Chipotle (4 pm - 8 pm - 8797 Wadsworth)
- March 6 – Avs Game (7:30 pm)
PTO Links
Track it Forward Volunteer Opportunities & Hours Tracking Site
RaiseRight online gift card fundraising site and How It Works
Excel Academy Outreach Committee: Please reach out if your family would benefit from our care or if you can support a family in need. Email Tara Schirner, coordinator or the Excel Outreach Committee at exceloutreachcommittee@gmail.com.
Calling all 3rd – 5th grade girls! Join Girls on the Run this spring! Get ready to activate your star power as you run, walk, jump, hop, or skip your way through training for a 5K! Teams will complete activities to help them learn to be happy, healthy and confident before running a 5K at the end of the season.
Girls on the Run will start the week of March 3rd. The club will meet on Monday and Wednesdays from 3:30-4:45 pm.
Registration opens February 3rd. For more information about the program and to register go to www.girlsontherunrockies.org. 8 girls minimum, 20 max
Families will register/pay directly with Girls on the Run.
This is not a school sponsored club. The club will be run by trained Excel parents. Office staff leave at 4:30, Excel parents will be in charge.
It's Girl Scout Cookie Time!
Excel students in the Girl Scout troops will be selling their favorite cookies along the car line after school starting the week of February 3.
Educational Events in Our Community:
- Rising Star Performing Arts Academy
- CSU Spur 2nd Saturdays FREE
- CU Wizards - Events scheduled for 2/22, 3/15, 4/12, 5/17 and 6/14
- Flag Football - Starting in March
Helpful Links & Resources
Order breakfasts and lunches for mid to late January now: January Breakfast, January Lunch, Menu
Excel Academy Standards-Based Grading Scale
Infinite Campus Parent Portal (Check grades, missing assignments, attendance, pay fees)Infinite Campus Parent Directions
Jeffco Student Insights (CMAS, ACCESS, MAP, DIBELS, READ Plan, ALP Goals, etc.)
Log Volunteer Hours and sign-up for volunteer opportunities
2024-25 Excel Academy School Year Calendar
2025-26 Excel Academy School Year Calendar (approved 01-28-2025)
Ideas for thanking a staff member: Treats and Deets
Opt In for text messages: text "Y" to 67587
Excel Academy K-8 Charter School
Email: Julie.Smith@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://excel-academy.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 11500 West 84th Avenue, Arvada, CO, USA
Phone: 303-467-2295
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExcelAcademyK8