Greensview News
October 14, 2024

Dear Greensview Families,
Thank you to everyone who joined us for parent-teacher conferences this week! It’s always wonderful to see so many families in the building, and we truly value your partnership and commitment to supporting your children’s growth.
As a reminder, we have a long weekend with school being off for students this Friday, the 10th, and Monday, the 14th. We will see you all back in the building on the 15th. Also, please note that there will be no school on Tuesday, November 5, for Election Day. As a reminder, our PTO will host its annual bake sale that day—volunteers and baked goods are much appreciated!
This coming week, we look forward to a fantastic Family PE Week, October 15-18, and hope to see many of you joining your students for active and engaging PE activities.
Warm regards,
Principal Wulf
Stop, Drop and Go - Pick Up after school
As the weather changes, please keep some things in mind to help everyone at drop off and pick up.
- During drop-off in the AM, be ready to exit the car in the drop-off line. Prep your children prior to getting out of the vehicle to have all of their items ready.
- We are having issues with cars parking and parents getting out of their vehicles to go get their children while in the pick-up line. This line is for stopping only, not parking. We need cars to move forward when they are able to help keep things moving. If you must exit your car to physically get your child, please park on the South side of Langston and not in the pick-up line. Thank you for your attention to this detail.
- We will have safety patrol students outside on patrol soon, please be extra aware while driving about the school as students will begin helping to cross their peers (under supervision).
Calendar of Upcoming Events
October 15th-18th - Family PE Week
October 21-22 - 3rd Grade ELA OST
October 31 - Harvest Parade (1:45) and Student Parties (Just after 2:00)
Tuesday, November 5th: Election Day - No school students and PTO Bake Sale
New: School Lunch Menu for October
Family PE Week
Dear Greensview Families,
We’re excited to share with you that our school will be participating in Family PE Week from October 15th-18th. Each classroom will have one PE class designated for Family PE.
Please see the Sign Up Genius to sign up to join your student's PE class. Adults will need to sign in at the main office and receive a visitor's sticker before joining the class in the gym. Please leave younger siblings at home and come dressed to play with athletic shoes and clothing!
Daily physical activity has many benefits for kids, such as increasing their energy, focus, and readiness to learn and reducing stress and anxiety. Of course, physical activity has benefits for people of all ages, so helping our students’ families be active together is one of our physical education program goals.
We hope that your family will participate together in the Healthy At Home challenge together. These activities will allow you to experience firsthand the fun and enjoyment that being active as a family provides.
The national sponsor of this event, Active Schools, encourages you to share your experience on social media in words and photos – using the hashtag #FamiliesLovePE and for UA #serveleadsucceed
Your influence as a parent is important for the support of physical education in our nation’s schools. Please take a minute to join the movement using this link: Join The Movement.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the gym!
Erin Campbell and Julie Myers
Physical Education Teachers
Screenagers showing and panel discussion
On Tuesday, October 15 will be the community showing of Screenagers from 6:30-8:00 PM in the UAHS Performing Arts Center. This free event will be followed by a panel discussion that includes local experts in the areas of children’s mental health, safety, district device management, and administrative and student perspectives.
Each year, Greensview 5th Graders can order a specifically designed sweatshirt representing their class. Please use the following link to order a 2032 Class Sweatshirt before October 14!
Link: https://greensview-elementary-class-of-2032.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Select your child’s size
Add in your payment
Optional to add your child’s last name for an additional fee
If you have any financial constraints, please reach out to Principal Jason Wulf (jwulf@uaschools.org)
If you have any other questions, reach out to Sarah Barker (sarahma3ster@gmail.com)
Ordering ends October 14th, so place your order TODAY!
Multicultural Night Kick-off Party
7:30 October 15th at 4285 Mumford Dr 43220
light snacks and kids welcome
Any and all interested in helping organize or understanding how to participate in multicultural night are welcome.
Any questions, please email
Karen Dannemiller at karendannemille@gmail.com or kavitha kotha at kavskotha@gmail.com 440 864 7050
New Progress Reporting System
As we have shared, Upper Arlington Schools is implementing a new system of progress reporting for elementary students that will provide clearer and more frequent communication regarding student performance.
Families can now view the fall interim report for their student in the PowerSchool Parent Portal under the “Student Reports” tab on the left side of the page. This new interim report offers a broad view of student performance in each content area.
Teachers will be discussing the fall interim progress reports with families during conferences this week. If you have not yet scheduled a conference, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
Families will also receive a full progress report in January, which will provide clear and comprehensive communication of a student’s performance and growth over time based on the Ohio Learning Standards. This will be followed by another interim report in March and a final full progress report at the end of the school year.
If you need technical assistance with PowerSchool, please contact familytechhelp@uaschools.org.
NEW: iPad Parent Control Information
The UACS Technology Department provides 2 ways for caregivers to manage screen time, review web history, and manage apps and internet access after school hours. The typical built-in Apple ScreenTime and Parental controls do not work because the district manages iPads for school use at a district level - the typical consumer-level settings are not available. Caregivers can review web activity and disable internet access through the Lightspeed Relay Parent Portal. Additionally, caregivers can control app access and set rules through the JAMF Parent app. Questions may be directed to FamilyTechHelp@uaschools.org.
Family Support - Food Resource
For a second year, the district is partnering with the Tri-Village Packers (TVP), a group of community volunteers who work to reduce food insecurity in Upper Arlington. Families with UA students can register throughout October and early November to receive grocery items that supplement their pantries during the upcoming Thanksgiving break. This is not a Thanksgiving meal but support to offset food insecurity by providing breakfast and lunch items during the extended break from school.
Last year, TVP provided food for more than 90 students during Thanksgiving break, and we believe there will be a greater need this year.
Please review and share the linked flyer and registration form weekly through November 1st. In the coming weeks, forms and flyers will be shared in additional channels and languages. Please reach out to Kristyn Anderson at kmanderson@uaschools.org if you have any questions or need support in a particular situation related to this program.
Election Day Bake Sale
Tuesday, November 5 • time shifts vary
Please consider volunteering an hour of your time, or donating home-baked goods or fresh bakery items for our annual bake sale. All items need to be individually wrapped, and a list of ingredients available for allergen purposes. Bake sale signup
New this year: we're collecting all leftover Halloween candy! No need to sort; just drop off in the Greensview vestibule during the school day Monday, Nov. 4 and we'll bag it up to sell.
School Counselor
Please click here to view my October Counseling Corner newsletter. In it, you will find the following:
Information and sign-ups about fall small group opportunities (Lunch Bunch)
Information and sign up for a parent chat I am hosting, Empowered Parenting: Nurturing Confidence in You and Your Child.
Information about October classroom lesson topics
Event: UA Arab/Muslim Community meeting with UA Schools
Meeting Venue: Education Foundation room-UAHS
Are you part of the Arab/Muslim community in UA? Join us for a special meeting with Dr. Nidhi Satiani, UA Board of Education member, and Dr. Bob Hunt, UA Schools Superintendent, to discuss important matters related to our community. This in-person event is a great opportunity to connect with UA schools decision-makers and voice your concerns. Let's work together to build a stronger relationship between our community and the schools. Don't miss out on this chance to make a positive impact for our kids.
Explorations Updates
PTO Updates
Walking Club Volunteer Sign-up
The Walking Club is back for another year! New this year - updated tracking (laps instead of miles!) and new incentives! Parent/Caregiver volunteers are needed to mark cards, pass out charms, and monitor/encourage walkers. Please join us on Mondays during main recess and one Wacky Wednesday this fall. Sign up at the link provided.
To ensure more families have an opportunity to be involved, please sign up for a maximum of 2 slots the first week the signup is open. Thank you!
Here's the link for the Walking Club Signup:
Dropping off items at school (in the office) for your children
We strive to support our students in every way possible, but delivering items to students during the day can present challenges. Our teachers are focused on instruction and may not frequently check their emails, and calling into the classroom disrupts the flow of lessons. While essential items like lunches and backpacks will always be prioritized, other items such as water bottles, snacks, or iPads (unless specifically requested by the teacher) are not considered urgent. To help foster responsibility, we encourage you to keep these items at home until the next day. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
District Calendar: You can subscribe to the calendar and get automatic updates!
Upper Arlington Schools ATTENDANCE POLICY regarding 10 Occurrences:
A medically excused absence occurs any time a student is out of school due to an illness or medical visit/appointment (physician, dentist, or therapy). A medical excuse for personal illness will be accepted in the form of a doctor’s note within five (5) school days of the absence or parent e-mail (or phone call) on the day of the absence due to illness or doctor’s visit.
A student may have up to ten (10) medically excused absences WITHOUT a doctor’s note, as long as we receive an e-mail or phone call from a parent or guardian. After 10 occurrences, a doctor’s note is required to be marked as an excused absence.
Greensview is on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter
Instagram: greensview_elem
Twitter: @greensview_elem
Facebook: Greensview Elementary School
We will be trying to do a better job of getting out information and updates on our social media pages. Take a minute to follow Greensview!
Flyer reminders
Flyer Connection is our online “bulletin board” of opportunities for students and families in our schools from nonprofit organizations in our area.
To Report an Absence
Please send an email to the attendance email listed below to report a student absent
If you know you will be taking your child from school, you can complete a Planned Absence Form and send that to the attendance email.
Greensview News
We are looking forward to an amazing year!