Tuscan Tidings
Vol. 5, Issue 3 | September 12, 2024 Back to School Night!
12:53 pm School Dismissal Thursday, September 12, 2024
Back to School Night at Tuscan Thursday, September 12, 2024
12:53 pm School Dismissal Thursday, September 12, 2024
Back to School Night at Tuscan School!
Thursday, September 12th, 2024
Classroom Presentations
6:30 pm – 7:15 pm | Grades 1, 3, 5 & Specialists (Art, Library, Music, PE, Spanish)
7:15 pm – 8:00 pm | Grades K, 2, 4 & Specialists (Art, Library, Music, PE, Spanish)
Dear Tuscan Family~
Prior to Back-to-School Night your child’s teacher(s) will email directions to their classrooms for parents and guardians to attend presentations at the scheduled times indicated above.
Back-to-School Night is an opportunity for teachers to provide valuable information about the curriculum and suggestions for establishing routines at the beginning of the school year that will be essential for successful student learning throughout the school year. Back-to-School Night is not the time for individual conversations about your child’s progress. Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place from December 4th – December 6th, 2024.
We realize that many parents/guardians have more than one child at Tuscan. Therefore, teachers will anticipate that some parents/guardians may need to attend more than one Back-to-School Night presentation. Please do not feel that you are interrupting as you go from one classroom to another.
In partnership,
Tuscan School Administration
Ms. Majeed, Principal
Mr. Calissi, Assistant Principal
Nurse Thompson
Tuscan Principal & Assistant Principal Video Greetings (click on image below)
The First Week of School @ Tuscan!
Dear Tuscan Family~
We are off to a strong start to the 2024 – 2025 school year at Tuscan! Thank you to our office staff, Tuscan teachers, paraprofessionals, support staff, parents and especially to our students!
By now, you may have received from your child the most important feedback about the first days of school. We hope that moving forward your child's daily updates are joyful and positive reflections of their Tuscan experience.
From our perspective, the first week of school with our amazing Tuscan children unfolded as planned and pleasantly exceeded many of our expectations. Our primary responsibility is to continue to work to ensure that our students remain engaged in productive, meaningful and joyful learning experiences throughout the school year.
During the first two weeks of school, teachers will continue to establish routines and practices to build strong relationships and a firm foundation for our students to productively work and learn together as supportive, mutually respectful and cooperative members of an inclusive classroom community of learners. Ultimately, in every classroom we aim to create a safe, nurturing, engaging and joyful learning environment that will inspire and appropriately challenge each student to reach increasingly higher levels of success in their social/emotional and academic development.
We are always deeply thankful for your understanding, patience and positive partnership as we continue to do all that we can to keep Tuscan’s children safe and well-educated within a nurturing, supportive and inclusive school environment. Please know that individually and collectively, you are a vital part of our school community. Remember that your voice and your insights are highly valued.
If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of your child’s Tuscan experience, please contact your child’s teacher or reach out to Tuscan School Administration at ROARforTuscan@somsd.k12.nj.us.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful first full week of school and looking forward to seeing you on this Thursday, September 12th, 2024 for Back to School Night at Tuscan!
In partnership,
~Ms. Majeed
Tuscan Specialists Video!! (click on image below)
2024-2025 Back to School Night - Tuscan Specialist Rooms
Each year, almost 400 Tuscan students successfully complete TV Turnoff!
Tuscan School’s 24rd Annual TV Turnoff Challenge
October 2024 - June 2025
At Tuscan School, the objective of TV Turnoff is to encourage students to explore their other interests, such as reading, musical instruments, sports, writing, drawing, etc. and to create an optimal learning environment for our students. Many studies have shown that less TV, social media and/or gaming (on a console, computer, tablet or phone) is beneficial to our students' academic performance. In addition, considering the Surgeon General's guidance on the use of smartphones and social media is important to our students' mental health.
NEW THIS YEAR!!!! TV Turnoff is partnering with Team Unscreen, a local group bringing the nationwide conversation about smartphones, social media and kids' mental health to our community. Through education, resources and support, Team Unscreen aims to reduce the peer pressure that leads to the early adoption of smartphones and social media and to reprioritize in-person friendships, creativity and play. If you are interested, you can learn more at Team Unscreen and take the Wait Until 8th pledge, which already has existing cohorts at every grade level at Tuscan.
Please note: TV Turnoff solely limits TV, social media and/or gaming (on a console, computer, tablet or phone) during the week. Educational videos, academic work, adaptive technology, executive function apps, coding, and the like, does not count as screen time. To be equitable, all students will borrow the same amount of books each week (1 book/week in Kindergarten / 2 books/week in Grades 1st-5th), even if they are participating in TV Turnoff.
How to Participate:
If you would like to Participate in the TV Turn Off Program, please complete one form for each child at Tuscan School. Please do not forget to hit SUBMIT after you have completed the form, or it will not save.
If you are interested in taking the Wait Until 8th, you can do so directly on the Wait Until 8th pledge website and they will connect you with your grade's cohort at Tuscan.
TV Turnoff will officially begin on October 1, 2024.
Thank you!
Ms. Amy Popp
Library Media Specialist
Tuscan School
Click on the images to view videos!
Ms. Lillman, Tuscan School Social Worker
Mr. Pierre, Tuscan/MMS Social Worker
Elementary School Social Work Program Offers Counseling Services for Students in Grades K-5
The Elementary School Social Work Program offers counseling services for students at each of South Orange and Maplewood School District's elementary schools from grades K - 5. The program offers individual and small group counseling with a social work intern. Its aim is to remove barriers to success and to provide students with the social/ emotional support necessary for them to get the most out of their school experience.
Staffing Updates & Special Services Providers for the 2024-2025 School Year!
(Updated 09/12/24)
We are excited and thankful to welcome Special Education teacher Amanda Quinitchett to provide Evidence Based Reading (EBR) instruction, while Mrs. Van Wert is on leave of absence for this school year.
Our Grade 1 In-Class Support Special Education (ICS) teacher, Ms. Bhatti is absent and plans to return the week of September 16, 2024. Upon return from absence, Ms. Bhatti will teach our Grade 4/Grade 5 POR Special Education classes. Ms. Samson and Mrs. Mungiello will continue as co-teachers for our Grade 1 ICS class.
We are delighted to have Mrs. Elizabeth Mehl return to serve as Speech and Language Specialist.
Please join us in warmly welcoming to Tuscan, Physical Therapist Ms. Danielle Nicolosi and Occupational Therapist, Ms. Sheryl Barba.
Tuscan School is now fully staffed and well positioned to provide all of our students with meaningful, productive and wonderful learning experiences for the 2024-2025 school year!
Mrs. Elizabeth Mehl, Speech and Language Specialist
Ms. Danielle Nicolosi, Physical Therapist
Tuscan School PTA
Please visit the Tuscan PTA website at https://tuscanpta.membershiptoolkit.com. From there you will be able to opt-in to Tuscan PTA weekly newsletter, volunteer for events, purchase spirit wear and receive important communications.
To enhance your child’s Tuscan experience, we are fortunate to have a supportive, actively involved and generous parent community. The Tuscan PTA works closely with the school to provide enriching experiences for Tuscan children and families.
We hope all parents will become a member of the PTA. If cost is prohibiting your participation, please reach out confidentially to Social Worker Ms. Lillman (alillman@somsd.k12.nj.us) or Principal Ms. Majeed (mmajeed@somsd.k12.nj.us).
2024-25 SY Guide to Positive School Culture, Climate, & Code of Conduct
As per Board policy the "Guide to Positive School Culture, Climate, & Code of Conduct" information is to be disseminated annually to all school staff, students, and parents.
The "Guide to Positive School Culture, Climate, & Code of Conduct" is presented to assist students, staff, and parents/guardians to understand the expectations for acceptable conduct while in school or attending school-sponsored activities, on school grounds, and while on the way to and from school.
All students are expected to follow the "Guide to Positive School Culture, Climate, & Code of Conduct". K-12 Principals will review core principles and key components of the "Guide to Positive School Culture, Climate, & Code of Conduct" with their staff. In developmentally appropriate ways, beginning on the first day of school of each school year and frequently throughout the year, teachers will create and cultivate a community of learners based on the importance of kindness and respect.
We ask families to do the same with their children. It is the collective responsibility of students, staff, and parents/guardians to ensure that the expectations set forth in the "Guide to Positive School Culture, Climate, & Code of Conduct" are practiced and reinforced in our school on a daily basis.
Click the link to view the 2024-2025 SY Guide to Positive School Culture, Climate, & Code of Conduct
Tuscan School Outdoor Recess & Lunch Parent Volunteer Guidelines
2024-2025 Free-Reduced Application Packet-English
2024-2025 Free-reduced Application Packet-Spanish
Ms. Colleen Thaler
Supervisor of Food Services
p: (973) 762 - 5600 ext. 1002
SOMSD Chromebook Information for 2024-2025 School Year
The district web page for Chromebooks (click here) has been updated for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Items that have been updated or are new include:
- The publication of a Chromebook Technology Handbook for families to review.
- Information regarding policies for acceptable use and care of district devices.
- Instructions on how families complete the district's device agreement form.
- General information on the upcoming launch of the district's Chromebook Insurance Information.
- Cost of repairs for broken Chromebooks that students may be charged.
- General Information regarding Chromebook Carts for students in grades K - 1 and the 1:1 program for students in grades 2 - 12.
Procedures for Chromebook Repairs and New Student Device Request
Chromebook Student Handbook and Associated Policies
Policy 2361 - Acceptable Use of Computer Networks / Computers and Resources
Policy 7523 - School District Provided Technology Devices To Students
The Information Technology Department will be sending out a general communication to families highlighting the Chromebook Technology Handbook, District Chromebook Insurance Information, and the requirement for families to electronically sign the device agreement form.
Shortly after the start of school, the Information Technology Department will also share information regarding the district's launch of the GoGuardian Parent Application. This app will allow parents to block websites and monitor their student's browsing history on district Chromebooks at home. The Information Technology Department will provide more information on this application closer to launch.
Beyond the Bell is an after-school enrichment program coordinated by the South Mountain YMCA in partnership with the South Orange Maplewood School District. Beyond the Bell is designed to help all students stretch and grow by deepening and expanding after-school opportunities at the elementary level.
Students will be introduced to a wide variety of subjects and activities, taught by enthusiastic and experienced instructors in a comfortable and familiar environment. Some instructors are teachers and staff within the school building, parents or neighbors, while others come from the wider community.
If you have questions, please contact Jonelle Delk at beyondthebell@metroymcas.org
Anyone that does not receive Free or Reduced Lunch but does receive Financial Assistance through the YMCA may have their Financial Assistance applied to Beyond the Bell classes, but must send an email to beyondthebell@metroymcas.org with their financial assistance award letter prior to registration to receive the discount.
While we appreciate the companionship pets can provide, it is important to note some individuals may have allergies or fears related to animals. To ensure the comfort of everyone, we must maintain a pet-free environment. Therefore, we kindly request everyone's cooperation in adhering to
District Policy 7490 – Animals on School Property.
This policy is designed to promote the well-being and safety of our students, staff, and visitors. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
South Orange Maplewood School District
REMINDER: Sign-Up to Receive Text Message Updates & Reminder to Update Contact Information in School Messenger
Opt-In For Text Messages
In order to participate in the text messaging service, you must indicate your willingness to receive text messages to your phone, even if you received text messages this year. You must do this whether you have a child in the school system or belong to a community organization that wants to keep up-to-date with our alerts.
To learn more about signing up for SMS text messaging visit: website: https://www.somsd.k12.nj.us/headlines/district-news/2019/12/16/sms-text-message-communications-from-the-district/
REMINDER! Update Contact Information for All Parties Via School Messenger:
In order to communicate with you through School Messenger, it is important that we have the most up-to-date contact information available for all parties.
- Parents/Guardianss, if you have not yet completed the annual online parent portal forms, we are requesting you do so as soon as possible. More information for parents is found here.
- All staff members are asked to communicate any telephone number changes to the Human Resources department using the “Change staff contact information” form found on the Human Resources website.
SOMSD Dates to Remember
- September 12: Tuscan 12:53 pm Dismissal/ Back to School Night
- October 3-4: Rosh Hashanah - District Closed
- October 22: Tuscan 12:53 pm Dismissal/ PD Staff
- November 5: Election Day (Schools Closed for Students) PD Staff
- November 7-8: NJEA Convention - District Closed
- November 27: Tuscan 12:53 pm Dismissal
- November 28-29: Thanksgiving Recess - District Closed
2024-2025 Welcome Back to School edition of the Tuscan Tidings
2024-2025 Tuscan School Arrival Dismissal Procedures & Maps
The School District of South Orange and Maplewood
Email: ROARforTuscan@somsd.k12.nj.us
Website: www.somsd.k12.nj.us/tuscan/
Location: 25 Harvard Avenue, Maplewood, NJ, USA
Phone: 973-378-5221