WEEK OF February 10, 2025
Personal Electronic Device Policy Begins Jan. 22
Don't forget! HCS's new Personal Electronic Device Policy goes into effect on Wednesday, January 22 (the first day of 2nd semester). HCS believes that implementing this policy with fidelity for all students in all classrooms will produce positive outcomes for everyone involved.
Please click the photo to review the policy.
Sat, Feb 8 - Lakewood Archery Team is competing @ St. James High School (see below)
Tues, Feb 11 - Last Day for Shower Your Favorite Lakewood Employees w/Roses
Thurs, Feb 13 - CD/K Community Night @ 6:00pm
Mon, Feb 17 - No School - President's Day
Tues, Feb 18 - No School - Staff Development
Wed, Feb 19 - Random Acts of Kindness - Wear a Super Hero Shirt (see flyer below)
Thurs, Feb 20 - Random Acts of Kindness - Wear Camo (see flyer below)
Fri, Feb 21 - Random Acts of Kindness Wear Favorite Team Shirt/Jersey (see flyer below)
Thurs, Feb 20 - 2nd & 3rd Grade PTA Testing
Fri, Feb 21 - 2nd & 3rd Grade PTA Testing
Mon, Feb 24 - End of 3rd Interim
Tues, Feb 25 - Interims Issued
Wed, Feb 26 - 4th & 5th Grade PTA Testing
Thur, Feb 27 - 4th & 5th Grade PTA Testing
Come out and support the Lakewood Bobcat Archery Team tomorrow, February 8th at St. James High School. Our students will be shooting between 4:00pm and 6:00pm. Entry is $5 per person. Concessions will be sold on site.
CD/K Community Night - Thursday February 13th
Parents will enter through the Cafeteria doors. Program starts @ 6:00pm!
Parents - for the safety of all children, please refrain from dropping off or sending with your student "specialty drinks and fast food" for children to consume during the school day. It is difficult to "guess" what allergens may be present in these items. In addition, children do not have access to microwaves in order to reheat the food.
Hi, my name is Ashley Arditi. I am the new Data Quality Clerk here at Lakewood. If you need to reach me please feel free to email me at aarditi001@horrycountyschools.net or my direct line (843)650-6737. I look forward to working with all the Bobcat families!
Your child needs to be in their classroom by 7:40, otherwise they are considered tardy! If your child is still in your car, regardless of location, and not in the building when the tardy bell rings at 7:40, he or she will be marked tardy when entering the building. If you are in the front of the building, you will need to park and escort your child into the building to sign them in tardy. Remember to bring just your driver's license and keys when you sign your child in tardy or pick them up early, because everyone that enters the building is screened for safety upon entering. Thank you for your cooperation.
Early Dismissal
Parents that need to sign their student out early for any reason should do so before 2:00 pm. Students will not be allowed to be signed out after 2:00 pm unless it is an emergency. Emergency situations must be approved by an administrator.
The drama club at Lakewood is an amazing environment where students can build teamwork and performing arts skills while showing creativity and work ethic. Students put in so much time and effort into making each year's production a fantastic success. This year, the drama club will be performing the play "Happily Ever Before".
Practices are every Wednesday from 2:30-4:00.
Performance dates - May 1 and May 2
Mandatory Saturday Rehearsal - April 12
Mandatory Dress Rehearsals – April 28-30
Please mark these dates on your calendar NOW!
Book Care and Reading
Please encourage your students to keep their library books in their backpacks. They are taught to take it out and read it and put it right back in their backpacks. This is helpful when they are at after school care, a family member’s house, or visiting friends. They will always know where their books are. Also encourage them to make sure they are keeping food and liquids away from their books. It is a good idea to wash hands before and after reading and before putting their hands on food to cut down on germs. Thanks for your help with this.
Overdue Books
We have quite a few overdue library books at this time. Please have your student return or renew their library books. If you receive an overdue notice or email, please help your student look for their books.
The 16th Annual HCS Technology Fair will be held at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center on Wednesday, April 16th Click here to learn more about it https://www.horrycountyschools.net/Page/10643. We will send home some interest forms in the future to find out who is interested in participating.
Please remember to move slowly through the car rider line for everyones safety!
Gate Schedule
In the morning the car rider gate is closed at 7:35am and the front gate opens at approximately 7:40am. In the afternoon the first gate is opened at 1:00pm and the second gate is opened at 2:30pm.
Change of Transportation
Transportation changes need to be submitted before 1:30 each day. Please submit any changes to Merrilyn Perritt at mperritt@horrycountyschools.net. If you do not receive a response after emailing, then your request has not been received and processed. Any changes submitted after 1:30 will not be granted. Mrs. Perritt must receive email or written communication in order for transportation changes to be considered.
Morning Car Riders
- All students should be prepared to unload when the vehicle stops. Multiple stops are not permitted and impedes the flow of arrival.
- Be sure students have belongings ready and have said goodbyes, so they are ready to exit. Items that set off the weapons detection systems should be carried to help expedite their entry into the building.
- After your child exits the vehicle, please proceed through the line. Slow following to watch them walk up the sidewalk can cause unsafe situations and impedes the flow of the car loop.
- Please make sure your children are not hanging out of windows or sunroofs while in the drop off lane. We want to make sure that all students are safe.
Afternoon Car Riders
- Your sign MUST be visible as you approach Mrs. Gordon or Mrs. Keyser in the carline. This is for safety purposes. Please help them with this matter, or you may be asked to go to the front to pick up your child.
- Do not attempt to ask your child to get in the car before their assignment number. Again, this is for safety. It is helpful if you listen to the number your child is called to.
Bus Rider Information from the Bus Office
Reminder for parents of CD & Kindergarten Students
- All students that are in Child Development or Kindergarten classes must wear a tag while riding the school bus.
- Tagged students (except 1st graders) must have supervision at the bus stop before the child is allowed to depart the bus.
- Please make sure you are at the bus stop so the bus driver can see who is picking up the child.
- This does NOT mean standing in the doorway of your house, sitting on your porch, sitting in your vehicle, etc.... You need to be at the bus stop. The bus drivers can not verify who your child is going to if you are not at the bus stop.
- If no one is at the bus stop to pick up your child or if the bus driver can not see who is picking up your child, they will be returned to the school.
If you have any questions, please contact the Socastee Bus office at 843-293-6941
School Safety Drills
Our #1 goal is to ensure that Lakewood Elementary is a SAFE environment for our bobcats. To do this, we would hold a variety of safety drills throughout the year. Safety drills enhance school safety by allowing students and staff to understand proper emergency procedures outside of a crisis situation.
What drills will our bobcats participate in throughout the school year?
Fire Drill: Students and staff practice exiting the building in case of a fire.
Tornado Drill: Students and staff take safety position lining up along an interior wall or the safest area, in case of a tornado.
Earthquake Drill: Students and staff DROP, COVER AND HOLD ON, getting under a table or desk if one is near , in case of an earthquake.
Intruder Drill: Our school has adopted the "I Love U Guys" Foundation's Standard Response Protocol (SRP). Students and staff will be training, practicing, and drilling the protocol. You can learn more from this Standard Response Protocol Handout for Parents.
Metal Detector Wanding: Staff will use a metal detector wand to check students and their materials/backpacks as they enter the building.
Standard Response Protocol
Safety and security of our students and staff is at the forefront of everything we do daily on campus. We practice numerous safety drills during the school year, so we are all prepared in case of emergency. See below for some information on our Standard Response Protocol. You are an important member of our team so we would appreciate you reviewing these procedures with your child and the importance of practicing drills throughout the school day.
Click the above picture in order to join the PTA or go to lakewoodbobcats.givebacks.com
Cub Care
Cub Care is currently full. Below is the link to the form to place students on the waiting list. Once there is an opening, the student(s) next in line will be contacted and all others will remain on the list until there is another opening.
Lakewood Elementary FaceBook Page
Please be sure to like and follow our page we share many updates and school events on it. https://www.facebook.com/LKEBobcats
Volunteer Badges
Once you have completed the form and received an email stating that you have been approved, Contact Merrilyn Perritt by email (mperritt@horrycountyschools.net). You will then be notified when your badge is ready for pickup.
A Message from Nurse Bibbee
Please do NOT send children who are sick to school. Children who have vomited or have diarrhea should remain home until vomiting/diarrhea free, able to eat and drink without recurring episodes of vomiting/diarrhea and feel well enough to participate in school. Children with fever of 100℉ or greater should remain home until they are fever free without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours. School nurses cannot excuse absences for students who are sent to school sick.
Parents of children that have moved from out of state- A South Carolina Certificate of Immunization record needs to be on file at school as required by South Carolina State Law. Parents must take their out-of-state immunization record to their local pediatrician or go to their local Department of Public Health to have the record transferred to a SC record. A copy of the SC Certificate of Immunization must be turned into the school nurse by the dates provided on the letters that are being sent home. If this is not completed, the student must be suspended in accordance with state law.
Hello! I am Jennifer Bibbee, School Nurse at Lakewood Elementary. I have 16 years of nursing experience & this is my 6th year as a School Nurse with Horry County! Horry County Schools has full time licensed nurses in each school to enhance the educational process by addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of students. If you have questions or concerns about your child's health or school nursing services, please contact me. It is important for parents to report any illness or condition that your child has that may require medical support during the school day.
1. Please call or email the school nurse prior to a parent bringing in any prescription or over the counter medications to ensure compliance with the HCS medication policy. HCS medication forms are required for the school nurse to administer any medications. The medication policy & forms may be obtained from the school nurse or the HCS Student Health
2. Please send a complete change of clothes to school or keep in your child's book bag if you have a child in kindergarten or child development in case of an accident. Please make sure the change of clothes is appropriate for the season.
3. Please send, fax, or email a copy of your child's current immunization record to the school nurse if your child is new to this school or district. If your child attended the CD program last year, then we may need an updated immunization record for kindergarten. The school nurse will be reviewing records & contacting parents for non-compliant immunization records. Parents have 30 days from the start of school to submit immunization records.
4. The school nurse will call the parent if your child presents with the following condition(s):
Fever greater than 100 degrees, more than 1 episode of vomiting, more than 2 episodes of diarrhea, any head injury, injury with any pain/swelling/deformity, live lice, or other serious conditions that warrant immediate parent notification.
5. The school nurse may send a note home to the parent to notify you of a visit that does not require immediate notification.
6. The school nurse will NOT notify the parent of every child's visit to the health office, such as minor injuries or illnesses that are resolved.
7. Please view the following Horry County Schools website with additional information from health services:
8. Rhonda Blackmon, RN will be our Flex nurse at Lakewood Elementary.
I look forward to meeting your child's healthcare needs this school year!