Clyde Erwin Elementary School
Dr. Patterson's Weekly Update
Eagle Pride: Video by Dr. Patterson
August 11, 2019
Happy Sunday Eagles!
Our first PBIS Celebration, Water World, was a huge success! The students' smiling faces make all of the hard work worthwhile. Our next PBIS celebration will be September 13, and more information will be shared soon. Students must have 125 DoJo points (25 points per week), no think sheets, and no office referrals to attend. We regularly review our PBIS expectations with students during morning meetings, over the announcements, and in classrooms. Please review these expectations with your children at home.
Beginning-of-Year Paperwork
This week begins our fourth week of school. It is imperative that all emergency and informational paperwork be turned in for your students.If you have not turned in student information sheets or emergency medical forms for your students, please send us this important paperwork this week.
Free and Reduced Meals
If you are interested in applying for free and reduced meals for the 2019-2020 school year, please get the application submitted ASAP.
Open House and Report Card Pick-Up
Go ahead and mark your calendars for Open House and Report Card Pick-Up on Thursday, October 10, 5:00-6:00pm. Report cards will be available for pick-up, and you are welcome to visit classrooms and have brief meetings with teachers. Teachers will be scheduling conferences with all parents during the first quarter.
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Information for Parents
The PYP provides an ideal foundation for children to become successful, lifelong learners by developing their:
- social and emotional well-being
- independence, as they take responsibility for their own learning
- international mindedness
- understanding of the world and their ability to function effectively within it
- attitudes and dispositions for learning
- ability to take mindful, appropriate and sustainable student-initiated action
- language skills; all students study an additional language from at least 7 years of age.
Learning in the PYP is underpinned by six transdisciplinary themes, each selected for their relevance to the real world. Young learners explore the commonalities of human experience by investigating these themes through a programme of inquiry.
Who we are
Inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; person, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; and human relationships.
Where we are in place and time
Inquiry into our orientation in place and time; personal histories; the discoveries and explorations of humankind; and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations.
How we express ourselves
Inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values.
How the world works
Inquiry into the natural world and its laws, the interaction between the natural world and human societies; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.
How we organize ourselves
Inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; and their impact on humankind and the environment.
Sharing the planet
Inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things; access to equal opportunities; and peace and conflict resolution.
Web Page
Check out our web page at
Box Tops
Please continue to collect Box Tops and turn them in by November. Box Tops provide extra funding for our school.
THANK YOU for being a Box Tops Hero!
Coca-Cola Give Program
Our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program. When you make Coca-Cola purchases, you can support us in one of two ways:
(1) Scan or enter product codes here: select Clyde Erwin Elementary Magnet School; or
(2) Drop off product caps to the school receptionist.
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events
August 12, 2019, 8:15am: Morning Meeting (K-2)
August 13, 2019: Midterm Reports Home
August 19, 2019, 8:15am: Morning Meeting (3-5)
August 20, 2019: Early Release Day (students dismissed at 11:55am)
August 30, 2019: Student Dress-Down Day for $1.00
September 2, 2019: Holiday (no school)
September 13, 2019: PBIS Celebration
September 13, 2019: Student Dress-Down Day $1.00
September 13, 2019: First Grading Period Ends
September 16 - October 4, 2019: Fall intercession (no school for students)
October 7, 2019: Students return from intercession
October 10, 2019, 5:00-6:00pm: Open House and Report Card Pick-Up
October 11, 2019: Report Cards Home
Positive Behavior Expectations
We review our behavior expectations with students regularly so they can show school pride at CEES and earn Class DoJo points. Students must earn 100 Class DoJo points during the month to participate in the schoolwide PBIS celebrations. Please review our CEES acronym with students at home to help support our program:
Clyde Erwin Eagles SOAR!
Staying safe
Owning your actions
Acting responsibly
Respecting everyone and everything
About Us
Mission: To provide and prepare students through innovative, cutting-edge, problem based, cultural and social academic opportunities
Location: 323 New River Drive, Jacksonville, NC 28540, United States
Phone: (910)347-1261
Twitter: @CEEMEagles