LHS Update vol. 8
October 11, 2021
Upcoming Dates
- October 13 - Fall State Testing (SAT/PSAT/NMSQT/PSAT 9) for those students that have previously signed up. Regular school day for ALL students.
- October 19-29 - LHS P/T Conferences. More information included below..
- November 24-26 - Thanksgiving Break
LHS September Students of the Month
LHS Athletics
Optional Fall State Testing
Students that will be testing on October 13th must be in their testing rooms by 7:35 am. Testing rosters will be posted in the Senior Commons.
This will be a regular school day for ALL students.
LHS Fall P/T Conferences
With the current Health Order in place, and looking to create an opportunity for flexible scheduling and consistency, we have determined that our 2021 fall PT Conferences will be conducted virtually. LHS teachers will be given a two week period (Oct. 18-29) to schedule and conduct PT conferences.
LHS staff will make every effort to prioritize scheduling a virtual, or phone conference with parent(s) to discuss the growth and progress of any student whose grade is "D" or below.
LHS staff will offer the opportunity to schedule a virtual, or phone conference with parent(s) to discuss the growth and progress of any student who has a grade of "C' or above. Staff will be responsible for scheduling conferences with individual families/parents.
AP Exams
- Fill out the google form: https://forms.gle/Vpd9zR8e9RJFAvCM9
- Pay for their exams - either e-funds or check.
- Enter class and exam codes.
Please direct any AP Exam questions to Mrs. Mason.
LVS and online students should follow the due dates established in their online classes. The schedule identified below, provides additional guidance as to where student's progress should be throughout the remainder of the semester:
- 10/23/2020 (½ through the semester) 50%
- 11/24/2021 (Thanksgiving Break) 66%
- 12/10/2021 (¾ through the semester) 75%
- 12/23/2021 (Christmas Break) 92%
- 1/7/2022 (End of Semester) 100%
LHS is happy to announce that we'll be able to hold an in person FAFSA assistance night for seniors and their parents. Representatives from U of M Flint will be on hand to help guide parents and students through the FAFSA process. This event will take place on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, from 5:30pm-7:00pm in the high school media center. This event will start at 5:30pm with a brief discussion of the FAFSA and financial aid process followed by an opportunity for parents and students to complete the FAFSA. If you plan to attend, please fill out this Google Form so we can make sure we have enough computers and people to assist available. Those who attend should plan to bring their 2020 tax returns.
If you're not able to attend on November 9th, the Genesee Intermediate School District is hosting a FAFSA night on October 19th. See the attached flyers for more information.
UM-Flint STEM Open House
UM-Flint is having a STEM Open House for students on October 30th. If you have students who would benefit from this event, please consider sharing this information with them.
Undergraduate Open House
Saturday, October 30
Campus Connections | 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
STEM Open House | 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Explore everything the University of Michigan-Flint has to offer by attending informational sessions that will provide details on diverse subjects such as the admissions process, Honors Program, Promise Scholar, Residence Life programs, financial aid, housing, and student life. You’ll also have the opportunity to engage in a faculty-led overview of specific programs of interest including Natural Sciences, Pre-Health Professions, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Technology, and more! You will also have a chance to take a campus tour and transition into the STEM Open House in the afternoon! More information regarding the STEM Open House below.
STEM Open House
Saturday, October 30 | 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Get connected to a supportive scientific community:
- Explore a lab dedicated to cancer research and cell viewing.
- See how cutting edge instrumentation is used in experiential classroom learning.
- Attend design and manufacturing demos in the Engineering Design Studio and see the student-designed Baja vehicles.
- Talk to research and teaching faculty about career interests, program options, and student engagement opportunities like campus jobs, internships, and research experiences.
- Meet alumni and current students from STEM student organizations like the Chemistry Club, Game Design Club, Society of Automotive Engineers, the Student Union for Mathematics, and more.
- Visit the Cadaver Lab and specialized lab spaces for Molecular Biology, Wildlife Biology, and Biochemistry.
- Discover opportunities to collaborate with faculty on research exploring string theory, black holes, algorithms to detect social media botnets, and more.
Daily COVID Symptom Check Reminder
Students/parents/families are encouraged to continue to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. DO NOT send student(s) to school if symptoms (even mild symptoms) are present. Please contact your health care provider if symptoms are present. The Genesee County Health Department has defined symptoms of COVID-19 as any of the following not explained by a known medical or physical condition:
- any ONE of the following: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, new loss of taste or smell:
- at least TWO of the following: chills/sweating, sore throat, muscle pain or body aches, new onset of severe headache, diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, congestion or runny nose.
For additional information. please reference the GCHD 2021-2022 COVID-19 School Toolkit