Lowell Lantern
May 29, 2020
Principal's Message
Dear Lowell Families,
It is hard to believe another school year has come to an end!! The 2019-2020 school year has been a memorable one!! We are so proud of our students for having a great year of learning! They have worked hard and persevered through an unusual 4th quarter of school. While the year might not have ended as we would have liked, we still have so many wonderful memories from this year!!
To our Fourth Graders, we are so proud of you as you end your elementary school years! You have shown tremendous leadership and worked so hard over the course of your elementary school years!! We have been very lucky to have you as our students! While we missed out on some of our year-end traditions, please know that you are loved and will always be a part of our Lowell Family! We will miss you, but we also know you are ready for this next chapter in your life! Fifth grade is calling your name, and you’ve got this!! Thank you for all you’ve done for Lowell School and for a great 4th grade year!! Remember, you will always be somebody special at Lowell Elementary School! We wish you the best and know you will make us proud!!
I do have some reminders for parents. Starting Wednesday, June 3rd we will be distributing students’ personal items, including end of year reports cards, and also collecting any textbooks and library books that you might need to return to school via a drive-through service at the Lowell car rider line, which is along the front of the building. Our distribution will be on three dates depending on your students last name. Last names A-M will be Wednesday, June 3rd from 12-6 pm, last names N-Z will be Thursday, June 4th from 12-6 pm, and Friday, June 5th, 9 am-12 pm will be a make up day. Construction is in full swing at our building so please be attentive and mindful of that as you arrive at school. We will have staff directing traffic in the parking lot.
Early in June, we will be mailing grade level summer learning packets to all students in grades K-8. These packets will focus on essential math and reading skills as well as social-emotional skills. Students will receive an incentive for completing their packet upon returning it to school in the fall.
Our current food outreach program will remain the same for the month of June. Tuesdays and Fridays from 11AM - 1PM, and Wednesday from 5:30pm - 7:00pm. Visit our district or school website for locations or see the flyer in this newsletter.
To all of our Lowell Students and Families, thank you for helping make this a great year of learning! Please stay connected over the summer by visiting our district and school websites and by viewing our social media Twitter and Facebook platforms. Please know that our district is working hard to formulate plans and to ensure best decisions are made in regards to the start of our next school year. As back to school information becomes available, we will continue to communicate that to you throughout the summer. We hope you have a fabulous summer break! Play hard and have fun! But always be safe!! We look forward to seeing everyone for the 2020-2021 school year!!
Enjoy your summer! Be safe and take care!!
Mrs. Griffin
Congratulations to our 4th Graders!!!!
Personal Item Pick-Up
Starting Wednesday, June 3rd we will be distributing students’ personal items, including end of year reports cards, and collecting textbooks and library books via a drive-through service at the Lowell car rider line, which is along the front of the building.
Our distribution will be on three dates depending on your students last name:
Wednesday, June 3rd from 12pm - 6 pm -- Last Names A-M
Thursday, June 4th from 12pm - 6pm -- Last Names N - Z
Friday, June 5 from 9am - 12pm -- Make Up Day
Student Devices
Just a reminder that students who are currently in Kindergarten through 11th grade will be allowed to use their district assigned device over the summer. If you do not need the device or will not be attending a Warren school next year, you can turn your device in during materials pick-up the first week of June or Monday - Friday from 11:00 - 1:00 at the Walker Career Center, Door 70. When turning in your device, you need to include the iPad or Chromebook, the charger, chrome book plastic shell, and carrying case.
Summer Learning Packets
Early in June, we will be mailing grade level summer learning packets to all students in grades K-8. These packets will focus on essential math and reading skills as well as social-emotional skills. Students will receive an incentive for completing their packet upon returning it to school in the fall.
Registration for the 2020-2021 School Year
If you are currently enrolled in a Warren school, your information will be transferred to the next grade level and you do not need to re-register. For new families, we are currently accepting registrations for all grades for the 2020-2021 school year. Online registration details can be found on the district website by selecting Registration under the Explore tab. Additionally, we will also be offering centralized on site registration and for families to update their information at select locations from 9am - 5pm Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the summer as outlined below:
Tuesday, June 16 - Warren Central High School
Thursday, June 18 - Stonybrook Intermediate/Middle School
Tuesday, June 23 - Warren Central High School
Thursday, June 25 - Liberty Park Elementary
Tuesday, July 7 - Warren Central High School
Thursday, July 9 - Stonybrook Intermediate/Middle School
Tuesday, July 14 - Warren Central High School
Thursday, July 16 - Liberty Park Elementary School
Students of any grade level or school can be registered for the 20-21 school year at these locations. You can contact our hotline at 317-608-0545 or email regarding any online registration needs at msdwarrenelearning@warren.k12.in.us
Will You Be Returning To Lowell for the 2020-2021 School Year?
As we begin to plan for the 2020-2021 school year, it is helpful to know if you will be returning to Lowell. If you have moved or are planning on moving and will no longer be attending Lowell Elementary, please call Mrs. Griffin at 317-532-3901 or email her at kgriffin@warren.k12.in.us Thank you for helping us to be better prepared for the 2020-2021 school year.
Testing is free and registration is required. You can register onsite or online at MarionHealth.org/INDYCOVID.
Indianapolis Public Library Summer Reading Program
Have You Completed Your 2020 Census? Your Response Matters!
Food Outreach Program for June
Our current food outreach program will remain the same for the month of June. Tuesdays and Fridays from 11AM - 1PM, and Wednesday from 5:30 - 7:00. Visit our district or school website or see the flyers in our newsletter for locations.
Lowell Construction Updates
LGI/Cafeteria Fresh Concrete
Aerial View of New Addition
Aerial View of Lowell School with New Addition
Lowell Students of the Week!
May 29, 2020
Splash Into Summer!!
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Lowell Elementary School
Contact Us
Kim Griffin -- Principal
Tasha Reedus -- Dean
Website: lowell.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 2150 South Hunter Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/LOWELLLEOPARDS
Twitter: @LowellElementa1