FEB 19
Saint John Catholic School
Upcoming Events
THUR 2/20
- 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Drama Club
FRI 2/21
- $1 Dress Down for IHM Missions
MON 2/24
- 9 a.m. Mass led by 2nd Grade
TUES 2/25
- 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Drama Club
THUR 2/27
- 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Drama Club
FRI 2/28
- $1 Dress Down for IHM Missions
MON 3/3
- Students will not attend Mass - regular uniform
TUES 3/4
- Free Dress Down Day
- Mardi Gras Book Bingo
- 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. Drama Club
WED 3/5
- Ash Wednesday
- 9 a.m. Mass (All School)
- 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. Drama Club
Happy Wednesday!
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is off to a great start! Our Pre-K and Kindergarten classes are filling up, so be sure to have your friends and family register if they haven't already.
We are working on finalizing the 2025-2026 School Year Calendar. At this point, please know that our first day of school will be August 26.
As you know, most Fridays are Dress Down for charity days at Saint John School. More and more children are forgetting to bring their dollar donation, but yet remembering to dress out of uniform. Please be sure your children are bringing their donation if they are choosing to dress out of uniform. Dressing 'down' on Fridays is not mandatory, donating to the designated charity if choosing to do so is. This month's charity is for the missions of the IHM Sisters.
Stay warm and safe!
Sincerely in Christ,
Mrs. Tice
Gardners Easter Candies
Gardners Candies Easter candy order forms have been sent home. Orders and money are due to the school office by Monday, March 17, 2025, and pick-up will be Friday, April 4, 2025.
You can also provide friends and families with our Saint John School Group No: 10-0987 so that they can order through the online catalogue, if preferred. These orders will ship directly to the buyer.
Pricing is the same as the Gardners store and Saint John School can earn up to 40% on each sale. Thank you for your support of this school fundraiser.
2024 Tax Documents
Please email Mrs. St. Amant - estamant@saintjohnsch.net - if you need a letter with your 2024 After School payments for your tax return.
After School Care Enrollment
Week of February 24-28
The After School Care Enrollment link is now available for February 24 - 28.
If you are planning to have your child utilize the After School Care Program during this time, we ask that you register them using this link by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, February 21.
Traveling Crucifix
The Traveling Vocation Crucifix began its journey through all of our classrooms at the start of Advent. Now that it has visited each room, and each class has spent a week focused on praying for vocations, we are excited to extend this opportunity to our school families.
We invite families to host the Traveling Vocation Crucifix in their homes for one-week intervals. During that time, the host family is encouraged to make a special effort to pray together, focusing on an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, as well as seeking clarity in the vocation Christ is calling each family member to. A booklet of prayers will accompany the crucifix to guide your family's reflections.
To sign up, please call or email the school office.
Feb. 23 is the Feast of Saint Polycarp
Patron Saint of Earaches and Intestinal Disorders
Saint Polycarp was a brave and faithful follower of Jesus who lived around the year 150 AD. He was a bishop, helping people grow in their faith. Polycarp was a student of Saint John the Evangelist, so he learned about Jesus from someone who actually knew Him!
Polycarp loved God very much and taught others to follow Jesus. Even when people tried to stop him from believing in Jesus, he stayed strong and never gave up. He is known for his courage and faith, even when facing danger.
We remember Saint Polycarp as a great example of standing up for what is right and trusting in God no matter what.
H&SA meeting 3/12
The next Home & School Association meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 12 in the school auditorium. While we typically meet the first Wednesday of every other month, our schedule will shift next month due to Ash Wednesday on March 5. All caregivers are welcome to join!
Book BINGO Donations
Community News
Penn State Animal Adventures Camp
For the first time ever, Penn State Extension is hosting a children’s day camp on Penn State’s main campus! Animal Adventures Camp is for kids ages 8-12 and will run from July 7-11, 2025. Kids will get to tour the dairy, swine, equine, beef and sheep barns, as well as the Creamery. There will be lots of hands-on activities at the Snider Ag Arena, and no animal experience is necessary. A flyer is attached; please feel free to send it to parents who may have children who are interested.
Find more information here: https://4h.zsuite.org/external-event-registration/35532.
2024-2025 Calendars
2024-2025 Special Events
Lord, Hear Our Prayer
Please join us as we pray for the special intentions of the Polak and Fayman families, as well as those of Mrs. Weiser and her family.
Saint Joseph,
Patron Saint of Families,
Pray for Us.
Contact us
Email: sjadmin@saintjohnsch.net
Website: www.saintjohnsch.net
Location: 116 E. Bishop Street, Bellefonte, PA, United States
Phone: 814-355-7859
Fax: 814-355-2939