Wildcat Wisdom Weekly Newsletter
Wesley Chapel High School 8/23/2024
WCHS Vision
Wesley Chapel High School provides a community in which students become life ready citizens with confidence, empathy, and perseverance.
To ensure our students are college, career, and life ready, we are:
Message from Mr. McDermott
We want to thank everyone who participated in our fundraiser. The funds we raised will be used to provide positive behavior rewards to students as well as providing celebrations for on-track students. We are always seeking ways to celebrate our student successes so if you have any ideas feel free to reach out to me. As a reminder, please make sure you are monitoring your student's grades and attendance. All communication from us will be coming through myStudent emails, calls, or texts. Thanks for a great start to the year!
What is PBIS?
Wesley Chapel High School is doubling down on the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) by rewarding and encouraging student behavior that reflects our school’s expectations of Cooperative, Attentive, Timely, and Successful (CATS). Our mission to create a community where students can develop confidence, empathy, and perseverance to prepare them for life goes beyond just academic success. Being thoughtful of others in our classes, our school, and within our community also contribute to a student becoming successful. Our faculty members will be rewarding students who are demonstrating our school values with points, which in turn, can be used by the students to purchase items from our school store.
Similar to re-teaching academics when students may not understand content standards, we are also approaching student behaviors with the same mind-set. Instead of immediate disciplinary actions for minor infractions, we are going to re-teach our CATS expectations and give students the opportunity to reflect upon their actions and correct their own behaviors to encourage future success.
We are looking forward to continuing to build a positive school culture that provides a safe place for all our students to learn, be successful, and become leaders not only in our halls, but within our community. We are continuing to build on our PBIS program that encourages student and faculty participation and will be thinking of different rewards that show our students our appreciation for all the great things that they do.
Is My Student On-Track?
Our on-track program will reward students for staying on-track to graduate. Students will receive a wrist band for each quarter they are on-track. This band will allow them to come to our athletic events for free (excluding FHSAA state series events). On-track students will also receive periodic rewards for wearing their bands. The criteria for On-Track Status:
Academics- 2.5 GPA or higher with no D or F grades
Behavior- No Level 2 or 3 referrals
Attendance- Fewer than 3 unexcused absences in any class during a grading period
It is imperative to remember to excuse your student's absence by sending in a note or using our online reporting system.
Student Consequences for Unexcused Absences
At the secondary level, attendance is marked per period. If a student has at least five (5) unexcused absences, or absences for which the reasons are unknown, in any one course within a calendar month or ten (10) unexcused absences, or absences for which the reasons are unknown, in any one course within a semester, the student may lose privileges as described below. At the elementary level, attendance is marked per day. Students who accumulate excessive absences, which is defined as five (5) unexcused absences, or absences for which the reasons are unknown, in any one calendar month or ten (10) unexcused absences, or absences for which the reasons are unknown, in any semester, tardies or early dismissals may lose privileges as described below.
Loss of Privileges Due to Unexcused Absences
• May be excluded from attendance reward activities as defined at the school level
• Lose the privilege of participating in extracurricular activities. They include but are not limited to dances, special events, club activities, and athletics, until the end of the following grading quarter. Absences accumulated in the fourth quarter will result in loss of privileges during said grading quarter only and will not carry over to the following year.
• Lose the privilege to drive to campus until the end of the following grading quarter. Absences accumulated in the fourth quarter will result in loss of privileges during said grading quarter only and will not carry over to the following year
Pasco eSchool and FLVS Placeholders
We want to let you know that many of the periods for our on-campus computer labs are full. If your student would like to have an on-campus placeholder for eSchool, FLVS, or PHSC we may need to move some of their other classes in order to schedule them in a period that has room in the computer lab. You may always choose an off-campus placeholder for first or sixth period.
Also, we encourage all of our students to choose Pasco eSchool as their virtual platform. It makes it easier for us to monitor and reach out counselors and teachers.
Finally, in order to request a placeholder, your student must be active in the course. Simply requesting the course is not sufficient. The last day to drop a class will be one week after first quarter report cards.
The School Advisory Council (SAC)
The School Advisory Council is a means for community/parent involvement in and support of the school. The council is composed of the principal, teachers, educational support, employees, parents, business and community representatives, and secondary students.
Activities of the SAC
- Meeting regularly to discuss school improvement
- Reviewing the results of any needs assessment
- Providing recommendations on the goals of the school
- Suggesting strategies to accomplish school goals
- Monitoring the school’s progress in attaining goals
Get involved and join the School Advisory Council (SAC) today!
Balancing Classes
Now that the rush of schedule changes is over, we will begin balancing classes to ensure that we are in compliance with the state's class size amendment. Some student schedules may change, please have your students check their schedules in the morning to see if anything was changed. This will be completed as quickly as possible.
Parent Drop Off
Parent drop off would flow better if the following instructions are followed. Please do not drop off your student off in front of the office or the first building. Do not drop your student off until you reach the blue student drop off signs. When exiting the car line please turn right onto Wells Road as left turns will back up the line. Remember, school starts at 7:10am, students will receive discipline consequences for excessive tardiness.
B Lunch Check-out form
If you would like your student to have permission to leave school at the beginning of "B" lunch, which begins at 12:59 PM, you must complete this form for us to keep on file. Please reiterate to your child that the expectation is that they leave our campus immediately at 12:59 PM. If students do not leave campus by 1:10pm, they will be required to stay until dismissal. Furthermore, students may not leave campus and return prior to dismissal. You can access the form at this link or on our website. https://wchs.pasco.k12.fl.us/mform/view.php?id=110822 If your student stays on campus, they will be expected to remain in designated lunch locations.
Bus Loop
Students are not permitted to park in the lot near the performing arts center. Also, parents, please do not drop off or pick up in the parking lot between WCHS and Weightman Middle School. When buses are on campus AM and PM, we cannot allow vehicles to drive in the area. If you are dropping off for practice, please wait until all buses are gone, approximately 1:50PM.
Testing Updates
We will begin our Fall Testing Window on Tuesday, August 27,2024, with the 9th Grade FAST ELA Reading Progress Monitor 1. Below are the dates for our Fall State Testing Window. All rosters are in process of being posted, and communications are being sent out to families of students who are rostered for a particular test.
Upcoming Tests:
8/27/24 - 9th Grade FAST ELA Reading PM1 - Salter & Beson's Classes
8/28/24 - 9th Grade FAST ELA Reading PM1 - Sloggett & Coppinger's Classes
8/30/24 - 9th Grade FAST ELA Reading PM1 Make-up Day
9/3/24 - 10th Grade FAST ELA Reading PM1 - Cornell & Macaluso's Classes
9/4/24 - 10th Grade FAST ELA Reading PM1 - Beson & Lau's Classes
9/6/24 - 10th Grade FAST ELA Reading PM1 Make-up Day
9/10/24 - FAST ELA Reading Retake - Seniors & Some Juniors
9/11/24 - FAST ELA Reading Retake - Juniors
9/13/24 - FAST ELA Reading Retake Make-ups
9/16/24 - BEST Algebra 1 EOC - Seniors & Juniors
9/17/24 - BEST Algebra 1 EOC - Sophomores
9/18/24 - Classic Learning test (Seniors only, see Mr. Walensky for details)
9/20/24 - BEST Algebra 1 EOC Make-up Day
9/24/24 - Biology EOC
9/25/24 - Geometry EOC
9/26/24 - U.S. History EOC
9/27/24 - Biology, Geometry, and U.S. History EOC Make-up Day
Volunteer Programs Update
All volunteers will be required to complete a Level 2 background screening every 5 years. This background screening will review records in the state of Florida as well as the national FBI database. The cost for this screening is $41.25 and volunteers will be responsible for paying this cost. The District will pay the yearly monitoring fee for each volunteer. You can access the 2024-2025 Volunteer Programs Application on July 1st, 2024. This application will be posted on the Volunteer Programs page of our website at the following link: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/hreq/page/volunteer.
We encourage you to complete your volunteer application and background screening early as the average review time is 30 days. Questions regarding the volunteer application and background screening process can be directed to volunteers@pasco.k12.fl.us.
Attention Class of 2025!
You can start making their appointments for your senior portraits. You will need to have your senior portraits done by Gigante no later than November 1, 2024 in order to make it into the senior section of the yearbook. More information will be heading your way soon!
All sophomores will take the PSAT on October 29th at WCHS. Please see the letter below for details. No sign up is needed.
For students in 9th, 11th, and 12th grade who would like to take the PSAT, the cost is $15 and the payment button is on MyStudent/Rycor. Juniors can qualify for National Merit Scholarship program with this test.
Pasco County Schools will administer the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) to 10th grade students on October 29 at no cost to students. This test is used as a counseling and diagnostic tool, which can be used to foster student thought about advanced coursework and college/career planning. While this test is optional, there are many benefits for students, including:
• Grade 10 PSAT/NMSQT testing is an indicator of performance on the SAT college entrance exam. Students may choose to link their results on the PSAT/NMSQT to a Khan Academy account to receive a personalized plan for preparing for the SAT.
• The PSAT/NMSQT includes reading, math, and writing/language components that focus on the knowledge and skills that are most essential for college and career readiness and success; it is also used as a diagnostic tool to measure and follow student performance and pinpoint areas for development. • Results can help identify each student’s potential for academic success at the postsecondary level and lead to discussion about future educational plans.
• Test results will provide high school counselors with information to help identify students who may be ready to enroll and be successful in Advanced Placement and other college preparatory courses or identify students who may need additional instruction to do so.
• Every student who takes the PSAT/NMSQT is given access to multiple online resources that provide personalized SAT preparation, as well as college and career planning tools – all at no cost to the student.
• You may visit https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat-10 for more information, including practice tests and sample questions, as well as https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt-psat10/taking-the-tests/test-day-checklist/approved-calculators for more information on the calculator policy. If your child requires a testing accommodation, please complete the Consent Form for Accommodations Request that can be found at https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/pdf/ssd/ssd-consent-form-accommodations.pdf. It is also on the back of this letter for your convenience.
Please sign and return the consent form to Mrs. Faysash in Student Services as soon as possible but not later than August 30, 2024. The PSAT/NMSQT is a computer-based test and can only be administered on site. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Faysash at kfaysash@pasco.k12.fl.us or Mr. Walensky at mwalensk@pasco.k12.fl.us. If you would prefer your student NOT to participate in the PSAT/NMSQT, please email Mrs. Faysash at the email above
Consent for Accommodations Form
Please complete the form here, https://accommodations.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ssd-consent-form-accommodations.pdf
Wesley Chapel High School Clubs
Testing Central
Are you College and Career Ready? Check out Mrs. Faysash’s Smore for events, scholarships, and planning resources for all grade levels!
Free SAT prep available through Khan Academy
Stay in the know, never miss an activity
WCHS ABC Program
If your family needs supports or has any needs from the WCHS ABC program, please fill out the following form. If you would like more information about the ABC program, the flyer is attached and/or call the front office, 813-794-8702.
Click on the banner below to report suspicious activity.
Wesley Chapel High School
School Information
Mr. Matt McDermott
30651 Wells Road
Wesley Chapel, FL 33545
Phone: (813) 794-8700
(352) 794-8700
Fax: (813) 794-8791
Office Hours:
M-F 7:00AM – 3:30 PM
Website: https://wchs.pasco.k12.fl.us/
Location: 30651 Wells Road, Wesley Chapel, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-8700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wildcat.pride.63
Twitter: @WCHS_Wildcats