New to Interboro School District?
Eligibility regarding residency
Before beginning the registration process, please ensure you live within the Interboro School District boundary.
Our school district has a Kindergarten Academy and the Interboro High School for all students who reside in the boundaries of the Interboro School District.
Residents who live in Norwood and Prospect Park, attend the Norwood and Prospect Park Elementary Schools, in the town in which they reside. Residents in Tinicum, Essington and Lester, attend the Tinicum School.
Glenolden School does have boundaries as some parts of Glenolden are in the South East Delco School District. Again, please call 610-461-6700 ext. 1280 to ensure you are a district resident.
Grades 1-8 Capacity Information
Please be advised that at times, there is a capacity limit in grades and the school district may have to place your child in another building until a spot opens in your home school.
Our goal is always, to have all students attend their home school or the school that can best meet their educational needs..
2025-2026 Numbers
Based on our current numbers in all buildings, it has been determined that the following grade is full to capacity for the 2025-2026 school year:
Grade 1 is closed to new students in Glenolden School.
New students spots fill up fast so please register your students as soon as possible.
If you enroll your child and there is no room in the home school, your child will be provided with bus transportation to and from school from the home school building.
If you have more than one student, you will have the option of keeping them at the same building, if there is room.