Bear Cave
Week of 8/22/22
From the desk of Principal Lam
Our first few weeks together have been AMAZING. Our students have been so well-behaved and engaged in learning. I want to thank each of our families for all that you do to support our school. It is a privilege to work with such a supportive and kind school community. Please be sure to watch your emails and messages closely as we continue to update you on important events happening at school. We will be wrapping up iReady testing this week and beginning AMIRA testing with our K - 3 students. iReady (K - 5) and AMIRA (K - 3) are easy programs that you can engage your students in at home to help develop their reading and math skills. Each program will provide learning paths specific to things your child is working on.
We need your help during dismissal. Please be sure to follow the instructions below to move the line as quickly as possible for everyone :
- Please follow all directions of Bloomingdale Staff/Campus Police
- Be alert and attentive when in the car line.
- Please refrain from the use of your cellphone while in the carpool line
- Please do not exit your vehicle
- Have your car tag(s) clearly displayed on the right side of the dash
- Ensure that students can quickly enter your car from the right side passenger door(s).
- If you need to assist younger students with their seat belt, please pull forward so we can keep the line moving
- All cars must enter the carline from Pine St. from either E. Cregor St. E. Garvin St. Cars may not enter from Church St.
Parent Portal and Dojo:
All parents should have access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and Class Dojo with your child's teachers. This is an excellent way for teachers to communicate with parents quickly. Please contact your child's teacher for assistance with Class Dojo.PTA and Back to School Night:
We hope that you will join us for our Back to School Night at 5:30pm on Thursday August 25, 2022. The event will start with a PTA meeting at 5:15pm.
Spring Pictures:
Spring Pictures will be taken on Thursday September 1st. Students must be in school uniform that day.
E-Learning Half Day:
Friday September 2nd is an e-learning half day. Students will log on and engage in learning activities the first half of the day from home. More information and a schedule are forthcoming.
On and Ever Upward,
Benjamin Lam
Welcome our new Assistant Principal Ms. Catherine Argrow-Cummings
Please do hesitate to contact her to let her know how she can best support your child.
Phone: 912-395-3680
Reminder School Starts at 9:15am
Students may begin arriving at 8:45am
All students must be in class by 9:15am
Dismissal will begin at 4:00pm
2021-2022 Free/Reduced lunch status will end soon. Be sure you have completed your Lunch Form now to continue receiving Free/Reduced Lunch for 2022-2023
Breakfast: free for all students
Lunch: $3.00 paid/$0.40 reduced
Click here to learn more and apply for free/reduced lunch - all families should submit this form; even if you plan to bring home lunch or do not think you qualify! This is an important task that directly impacts federal funding for our school. We want 100% of our families to complete the free/reduced lunch.
Student lunch status from 2021-2022 is used for the first 30 days. After that, a new lunch form must be on file and qualify to continue receiving free/reduced lunch. Be sure your application is in TODAY.
Click here to learn how to add money to your child's lunch account
Uniform Reminder
Please remember that all students in Pre-K through 5th grade must be in their school uniform daily:
- Red or White collared shirt
- Black or khaki pants, shorts, or skirts
- Shirts must be tucked and a belt worn if the pants/shorts have belt loops
- Clear or mesh bookbags
- Jackets must be unzipped completely. Hoodies are not allowed on campus
- Shoes must be enclosed and fastened/tied properly. Crocs, flipflops, and slides are not allowed.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with the SCCPSS uniform policy.
Spirit Shirt Day with Uniform Bottoms
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2022, 09:00 AM
Bloomingdale Elementary School, East Main Street, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
PowerSchool Verification Forms PAST DUE
Each year, parents/guardians are asked to verify/update the address and contact information on file at the school. This is referred to as Online Student Verification. Failure to verify this information could result in not receiving important information from the school/district. It is important for schools to have the most recent information on file.
Please verify/update student information no later than August 12, 2022. Only one legal parent/guardian can complete the verification.
There are two ways data can be verified:
- Using the PowerSchool Parent Portal (Note: You cannot use the app, you must log into the Portal) If parents/guardians need a Parent Access account.
Please note if the address has changed, new proof of address must be uploaded in the verification.
If parent/guardian names have changed, it will require parent/guardian to contact the school and provide required documentation.
How do I get started using the PowerSchool Parent Portal?
- Log into Parent Access. (button below)
- Select the student you wish to register along the top.
- Select the Student Verification 22-23 Icon on the left side.
- Agree to the terms and conditions.
- Click Begin Forms.
- Repeat the process for all students.
I do not have a Parent Access account.
If parents/guardians need a Parent Access account, please use a button below to submit the request.
I forgot my login credentials for the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
If you already have an account and do not remember your username and password, please click the reset Username/Password on the Parent Access login screen here:
Do I have to answer all the questions?
Questions marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.
What if I make a mistake?
If you would like to make a change prior to submitting the form, navigate back to the page using the “< Prev” and “Next >” buttons or click on the underlined field on the Review page. If you have already submitted the form, you will need to contact your student’s school to make the changes.
I’ve completed the form, now what?
Once you have finished entering your information, click “Submit" to send the information to the school. If you cannot click on this button, you will need to make sure that you have answered all required questions.
What if I have more than one student in the district? Do I need to do this for each child?
Yes, you will need to provide information that is specific to each child. We recommend that you complete and submit one form and then start another. This will allow you to “snap” (or share) selected family information, which will save you time.
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Join PTA Today
You may join PTA by clicking here.
We will also have a booth at Open House. We will also be taking Spirit Shirt orders at Open House. Students will be allowed to wear Spirit Shirts with uniform bottoms on the first Friday of every month.
PTA Spirit Shirts
21st Century: Register Today!!!
Back to School Night & PTA Meeting
Thursday, Aug 25, 2022, 05:15 PM
Bloomingdale Elementary School, East Main Street, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
School Picture Day
- Red or White Collared shirt
- Black or Khaki pants, shorts, or skirts
Thursday, Sep 1, 2022, 09:15 AM
Bloomingdale Elementary School, East Main Street, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
Bloomingdale Elementary School
Location: 101 E Main St, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
Phone: 912-395-3680
Twitter: @Bdale_bears