Adult Services News
April 2019
Engaging Older Adults and Caregivers
Join the Adult Services Roundtable for our next meeting on May 9 from 9:30 - noon at the Lincoln Public Library.
According to the 2016 RI Healthy Aging Data Report, the population of RI residents over the age of 65 is expected to rise to over 264,000 by 2040 - a 75% increase from 2010. Libraries already serve as vital centers of support for older adults and their caregivers, and as RI's population continues to age, this will be more important than ever. This program will focus on library programs and services you are already providing for your aging populations and their caregivers, while also highlighting national and statewide resources, and potential community partners you may bring to this work. As part of this program, Tara Geraghty from Kindred Hospice will share about how libraries can work with her organization to educate the public on end-of-life decision making and Deborah Burton will present about her resource for seniors and caregivers,
RILA Conference Early Bird Registration Open!
Register to attend the RI Library Association Annual Conference on May 22 and 23 at Bryant University in Smithfield. Early bird rates end on May 10. Register for the conference, and learn more about the schedule and keynotes at the 2019 RILA Conference website.
Health Literacy Workshop Opportunity from NNLM
On Monday, April 22 from 10 AM - noon at the Cranston Public Library, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine is offering a hands-on class, covering the health information seeking behavior of consumers and the role of the librarian in the provision of health information for the public. Come learn about the evolution of consumer health, health literacy and the e-patient. Participants will be equipped with knowledge of top consumer health sites, e-patient resources and collection development core lists, and will discuss creative ideas for health information outreach. The class will wrap up with an opportunity to explore effective marketing approaches and develop an elevator speech.
Register to attend, or pass along the link to reference librarians you know who might be interested!
Adult Services LibGuide
If you have not had a chance yet, take a look at the OLIS Adult Services LibGuide. This guide will hold meeting notes, materials and resources from Adult Services Roundtable meetings, along with group contact info, and additional topics as identified.
Programs, Reading & Community Outreach
Media Literacy at Your Library Training
If you are headed to ALA Annual this year, consider signing up for Media Literacy at Your Library, a full-day, intensive training with Michael Spikes of the Center for News Literacy at Stony Brook University. This session is designed specifically for library staff who work with adult patrons, and will focus on media literacy curriculum, spotting fake news, and developing a media literacy program at your library using Human-Centered Design methods.
(Not going to ALA Annual this year? No worries - Michael Spikes will be one of the keynote speakers at this year's RILA annual conference as well! Plus, you can read the Media Literacy @ Your Library Learning and Prototyping Report, published December 2018 to learn more about this ALA initiative from libraries that have participated).
June is Pride Month!
RI LGBTQ+ Resources:
Gaygull RI (a comprehensive of RI LGBTQ+ organizations)
Options Magazine (RI's LGBTQ+ Community Magazine)
Sage Rhode Island (support for RI's aging LGBTQ+ community)
General Library Resources:
ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom: Challenge Support
Program Model: Pride @ the Library
Programming Librarian: Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
Over the Rainbow Books from ALA GLBT Roundtable
Upcoming Events and Conferences
- RILA 2019 Conference (Bryant University, May 22 -23)
- ALA Annual Conference (Washington DC, June 20 - 25)
- New England Library Leadership Symposium (N. Andover, MA, August 12 - 16 - apply by March 15)
- Association of Small and Rural Libraries Conference (Burlington, VT, September 5 - 7)
Online Learning Opportunities
- The Power of Small: How Rural Libraries Help Their Communities Thrive (Webjunction, April 18, 3:00 - 4:00 PM)
- Library Love for LibraryReads (Booklist, April 23, 2:00 - 3:00 PM)
- The Library as Social Connector: Forging Community Connections (WebJunction, April 25, 3:00 - 4:00 PM)
- Celebrate a Decade of Booklist's Mystery Month (Booklist, April 30, 2:00 - 3:00 PM)
- Libraries Connecting You to Coverage: Health Literacy (PLA, May 7, 2:00 - 3:00 PM)
- CELEBRATE. SERVE. COLLABORATE: Partnership as a strategy for immigrant engagement (Infopeople, May 7, 3:00 - 4:00 PM)
Theme Months/Weeks/Days
Upcoming OLIS CE & Events
Beyond an Apple a Day: Providing Consumer Health Information at Your Library
Catherine Martin from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine will lead this hands-on covering the health information seeking behavior of consumers and the role of the librarian in the provision of health information for the public. Come learn about the evolution of consumer health, health literacy and the e-patient. Participants will be equipped with knowledge of top consumer health sites, e-patient resources and collection development core lists. We will discuss creative ideas for health information outreach. The class will wrap up with an opportunity to explore effective marketing approaches and develop an elevator speech.
Monday, Apr 22, 2019, 10:00 AM
Cranston, RI, USA
Engaging Older Adults and their Caregivers Through Programs, Services and Partnerships
According to the 2016 RI Healthy Aging Data Report, the population of RI residents over the age of 65 is expected to rise to over 264,000 by 2040 - a 75% increase from 2010. Libraries already serve as vital centers of information, resources, and social opportunities & support for older adults and their caregivers, and as RI's population continues to age, these supports and programs will be more in demand than ever. This program will focus on library programs and services you are already providing for your aging populations and their caregivers, while also highlighting national and statewide resources, and potential community partners you may bring to this work. As part of this program, Tara Geraghty from Kindred Hospice will share about how libraries can work with her organization to educate the public on end-of-life decision making.
Please bring and be prepared to share any programs, partnerships, services or resources related to the topic that you have used/provided at your library.
Thursday, May 9, 2019, 09:30 AM
Lincoln Public Library, Old River Road, Lincoln, RI, USA
Adult Services Roundtable: Planning Meeting & Potluck
The Adult Services Roundtable (ASRT) relies on input from its members and other interested library staff to plan its future programs. Join fellow adult programming librarians to review and reflect on the previous year's activities, and help to plan the upcoming 2019/2020 continuing education discussion topics and program ideas. This meeting will be an informal gathering at which you will have the opportunity to network and chat with other adult services librarians, share some food and plan for another great year of programs!
Wednesday, Jun 19, 2019, 02:00 PM
Rogers Free Library, Hope Street, Bristol, RI, USA
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9316
Twitter: @olisri