Updates from EUSD
2022-2023 School Year
- Recognitions and Celebrations
- School Spotlight: Ocean Knoll Elementary School
- Film Guild Program and Awards Night
- EEF Choir and Band Program and End-of-Year Performances
- Boundary Update for Two New Housing Developments
- 2023-2024 School Year Calendar and Start Date
Dear EUSD Community,
It is hard to believe we are just a few short days away from summer! It has been an incredible year of rebuilding, reconnecting and moving forward. Together, we have accomplished so much. Here are a few examples I recently shared with our staff members.
Focused on high-quality instruction to support the learning for all students.
Provided greater opportunities for inclusion for our students!
Increased connections with students as evidenced by our student surveys and forums.
Implemented systematic and intentional safety training to keep our campuses safe.
Refined the development and implementation of our multi-tiered systems of support.
Learned skills and tools for considering an equity lens in all that we do!
Developed a greater, common practice of how to teach students to read districtwide.
Utilized resources and our voices to support the mental health needs of our students.
Expanded student participation in sustainability educational lessons, units and activities across our district.
Increased in person opportunities for our community through the LCAP event, site and district chats, PTA community events, concerts, performances, assemblies and school traditions.
Celebrated many award winning accomplishments with the CSBA Golden Gavel Award, Golden Bell Awards, California Distinguished School Awards, top honors in State Media Awards, Inclusive Practices Award, and student and employee recognitions.
Engaged our community and partners to co-create our Framework for the Future to dream and plan for what is possible for EUSD! Please find the latest draft here. This is the first step in a lengthy strategic plan process which will continue next year.
I truly hope your family has a wonderful summer filled with time together making memories that your children will have for a lifetime. We are busy planning an exciting start to the school year and we look forward to your return on Tuesday, August 15th.
Andrée Grey, Ed.D.
Recognitions and Celebrations
This week, we were delighted to celebrate our Retirees, Employees of the Year, Biliteracy Award Recipients, and our PTA Presidents! Each of these groups has consistently supported and remained dedicated to our students, staff, and families this year and over many years. We are proud to celebrate and honor them as a part of our wonderful community!
School Spotlight: Ocean Knoll Elementary School
Each month, a school is spotlighted at our EUSD Board Meeting. Principal Claudia Bugarin alongside several students and teachers will present an update from Ocean Knoll Elementary School. They will present 6th Grade Exhibition projects. As part of the International Baccalaureate program at Ocean Knoll, 6th graders participated in research and action projects as an end of the year culminating activity. The inquiry cycle projects encompass subjects spanning a wide range of student interests and they are presented to various audiences to demonstrate their knowledge and impact change.
Film Guild Program and Awards Night
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR NOMINEES AT THE EUSD FILM GUILD AWARDS Friday, May 19th. During this magical evening, students walked the red carpet, were interviewed by a special guest, and enjoyed films, laughter and special awards during the evening. We are so very proud of all their hard work and dedication to making their stories and learning come to life through the use of film!! CONGRATULATIONS also to the schools, mentors, families, and students!
EUSD Film Guild students took many of the top honors at the California Media Awards including the Grand Recognition Award which was presented by the State Superintendent, Tony Thurmond. Film Guild students with the following films were awarded:
Elementary Academic Fiction winner - Dog + Cat (Park Dale Lane)
Elementary Aesthetic Fiction winner – The Lost Stray (El Camino Creek)
Elementary Aesthetic Non-Fiction winner – Metamorphosis (El Camino Creek)
Middle School Fictional Humor – Planets Got Talent (La Costa Heights)
The Environmental Stewardship Award – Our Carbon Footprint (Ocean Knoll)
The Best Use of AI and Special Effects went to The Guinea Report (El Camino Creek)
Best Use of Music (created on Garage Band) – Lunar New Year Today (Olivenhain Pioneer)
The Environmental Stewardship Award - Save Our Seals in Southern California (Olivenhain Pioneer)
EEF Choir and Band Program and End-of-Year Performances
Many thanks to EEF for a highly successful Choir and Band program this year.
Please click below to watch a video overview of the programs.
Boundary Update for Two New Housing Developments
We wanted to make you aware of a boundary adjustment proposal that would shift two new housing developments from Capri Elementary to El Camino Creek and Mission Estancia. Davis Demographics is a demographer the district contracts with on an annual basis to study enrollment, growth and trends to help us adequately plan for students and facilities.
To address shifts in enrollment and new housing developments, it is recommended that EUSD make these two new housing developments “Option Areas” for El Camino Creek and Mission Estancia. This means families moving into the new developments at Fox Point Farms or Quail Gardens would attend El Camino Creek or Mission Estancia. Families would be asked to share a preference between the two schools. Given the total projection of students from these new developments is 228, we know that either site could accommodate all students but the preference is to have students attending both to support the need to address the current declines at these two schools.
We shared this information in two meetings held with Davis Demographics. The presentation is available at this link as well.
2023-2024 School Year Calendar and Start Date
We are already looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year! The first day of school is Tuesday, August 15. The 2023-2024 Calendar is available on the EUSD homepage, or directly at this link.
EUSD is Hiring
To view open positions in EUSD, please visit EdJoin.org!
Encinitas Union School District
Website: www.eusd.net
Facebook: facebook.com/encinitas-union-school-district
Twitter: @eusdtweets