WOTC 4-H September 2024
Monthly Newsletter

Pick up your checks and projects, please!
The new 4-H year starts on October 1, 2024!
The new 4-H year brings about a lot of transition including re-enrollment, renewing and approving volunteers, and chartering for clubs!
1. WOTC 4-H members should RE-ENROLL for the new year via 4-H Online starting on September 15! Use this tip sheet for helpful assistance!
2a. If you are a SCREENED VOLUNTEER, our NW Regional Support Staff, Joan (JoAnne) Berg, will notify you in September if you need to RENEW or if your three-year enrollment is still CURRENT. If you need to renew your volunteer status, starting on September 15, use this renewal guide for helpful assistance!
2b. If you are NOT a SCREENED VOLUNTEER but would like to BECOME ONE, please review "How to become a 4-H volunteer" and reach out to Jessica and Rachel with any questions or assistance you may require!
3. Attend your club's September and October 4-H meetings to assist your adult and youth leaders in updating the club's CHARTERS and Constitution & Bylaws!
New Club Leader Webinar
Anyone providing leadership and support to 4-H members' experience will benefit from this training!
Join the New Club Leaders webinar to learn more about the role of a 4-H Club Leaders and be equipped with resources and techniques to develop your 4-H club. This 75 minute online training is open to MN 4-H volunteers, potential volunteers, and youth leaders. Dates offered:
- Thursday, September 19 at 7:00PM
- Thursday, November 14 at 6:30PM
Topics Include:
- Roles of volunteers and staff
- Essential elements of 4-H clubs
- Building a club support team
- Tools and resources to get you started!
Register by completing the online form!
Annual Volunteer Training:
Amplifying Youth Voice
Attend this in-person event on Monday, October 28 @ 6:30PM!
This fall, annual volunteer training focuses on making space for youth voices in all 4-H programs so youth can learn, grow, and flourish. Participants will reflect on their personal beliefs about youth voice, behaviors in how we show up in youth-adult partnerships, and learn about the essential ingredients in strengthening youth voice and youth adult partnerships in our 4-H program!
This will be an opportunity to expand off of our "Right Path" meeting this past March!
Current and prospective Minnesota 4-H volunteers and youth leaders, ideally a team from each club/committee/program, are encouraged to attend this 90-minutes (at a maximum) session!
We can't wait to see you at this event! Please RSVP below!
Annual Volunteer Training: Amplifying Youth Voice
Monday, Oct 28, 2024, 06:30 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
State Fair Results
Please click on the buttons below to view Livestock Results, General Project Results, and an Exhibitor/Project Photo Album from the 2024 State Fair!
🍀 Our 4-H'ers were PHENOMENAL at these showcases! 🍀
General Livestock Judging Team
Poultry Herdsmanship Award
Dairy Speaking up for Agriculture
State Shooting Sports & Wildlife Invitational
State Shoot is hosted in Alexandria, MN from Friday, September 6 - Sunday, September 8.
Congratulations to our 18 participants who will be representing WOTC 4-H!
- Cameron B. - Archery & Trap
- Elizabeth K. - Archery
- Jonathan K. - Archery
- Ashtynn K. - Archery
- Elijah K. - Archery & Trap
- Obadiah K. - Archery, BB Gun, & Standard Air
- Walter N. - Archery & BB Gun
- Nicole N. - Archery, Standard Air, Silhouette-Rifle, Skillathon, & Trap
- Hayden R. - Archery & Cast Iron Cooking
- Joshua R. - Archery
- Bristol S. - BB Gun & Skillathon
- Elise S. - BB Gun
- Emma S. - Trap
- LillyBell S. - Archery
- Marissa T. - Archery & Skillathon
- Adysson T. - Archery
- Lilly T. - Archery
- Carmen Z. - Archery, BB Gun, Wildlife Calling, Skillathon & Cast Iron Cooking
State Horse Show
The State Horse show is hosted at the MN State Fairgrounds from Friday, September 13 - Monday, September 16.
Congratulations to our five exhibitors and six horses who will be representing WOTC 4-H!
- Natalie B. with Whoopity
- Madison P. with Cherry
- Taylor P. with Josie and Cookie
- Atleigh S. with Annie
- Jaylyn W. with Sweetheart
State Horse Show Webinar
On Monday, September 9 from 7:00 - 8:30PM, please attend a participant's webinar!
The first part of this webinar will be for all participants attending the State Horse Show while the second part will be for new families or families with questions.
State Horse Show Code of Conduct Agreement
Please check your email from Jessica that was sent out on Wednesday, September 4! There is a Code of Conduct Agreement that we need a guardian and participating 4-H member to sign and return via attachment in email or directly into the office by Wednesday, September 11. Thank you in advance!
State Horse Show Interviews
4-H State Horse Show exhibitors are strongly encouraged to participate in the horse interview process. Initial online interviews must be completed by 12:00PM on Friday, September 13, 2024.
Horse interviews include an educational podcast followed by an online test. Choose your interview based on your grade completed this past school year.
⭐ CLICK HERE to complete your 2024 Horse Interview! ⭐
State Dog Show
The State Dog Show is hosted at the MN State Fairgrounds from Saturday, September 21 - Sunday, September 22.
Congratulations to our 13 exhibitors and 15 dogs who will be representing WOTC 4-H!
- Alison H. with Piper & Maddie
- Elliot H. with Smudge
- Hudson H. with Mabel
- Haylen L. with Sweetness
- Violet M. with Buzz
- Alice M. with Oakley
- Ava M. with Belle
- Madison M. with Akira
- Maybelle N. with Zane
- Walter N. with Crosby
- Ava P. with Lyla
- Eliana S. with Minnie
- Kendall S. with Rocky & August
Livestock PDC
Mark your calendars! Attend the last meeting of the 2024 4-H year on Monday, September 23!
You can preview the agenda HERE!
- Yearly Recap & Celebration
- Membership & Attendance Reflection
- 2024 WOTC Fair Reflection
- State Fair Bonus Trip Applications + Other 2025 Goals
You can view past minutes and agendas by clicking on the "Livestock PDC Public Folder" below.
Livestock PDC 2024 Reflection Meeting
Monday, Sep 23, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Horse PDC
Mark your calendars! Attend the annual meeting on Monday, October 14!
An agenda will be attached in the October Newsletter.
You can view past minutes and agendas by clicking on the "Horse PDC Public Folder" below.
Horse PDC Annual Meeting
Monday, Oct 14, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Junior Leadership Workshop (JLW)
JLW is Thursday, October 17 - Friday, October 18 hosted at Faith Haven Camp in Battle Lake, MN!
JLW is a great opportunity for youth in grades 6th - 9th to jumpstart their leadership pathway in 4-H!
Over MEA Break, attend workshop to build skills such as team building, program planning, and project-based knowledge by working in small committees with other campers, learn from your peers like State Ambassadors and past camp attendees, and attend leadership sessions hosted by local and regional Educators!
Click HERE for more information!
The cost for the workshop is $125.
Apply in 4-H Online by October 1, 2024!
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Sarah Downhour at sarahu@umn.edu, or Jessica Mohagen and Rachel Wahlstrom, if you have further questions.
4-H Outdoor Wilderness Leadership & Service (OWLS) Program
Although this is not a regional event, this unique one-year adventure-based opportunity is VERY neat!
OWLS is a one-year leadership program is designed to provide youth in grades 6th+ with intensive hands-on exploration in an area of interest with the outdoors which includes water quality and waterfowl, art in nature, and wildlife habitat management and upland game birds. The program includes multiple webinars, two retreats, and a Boundary Waters Canoe Trip - PLUS the opportunity to support to lead a conservation project!
The cohort follows the 4-H program year from October 2024 - September 2025.
Click HERE for more information!
The cost for the program is $400.
Apply in 4-H Online by October 4, 2024.
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Nicole Pokorney at pokorney@umn.edu if you have further questions.
Science Sprouts: Exploring Plants, Water & Color
Engage in hands-on plant science experiments from the comfort of your own home!
Youth in grades 3rd - 5th will discover how water and color impact plant growth using an at-home kit and three 30 minutes virtual sessions starting at 5:30PM on the 3rd Monday of October, November, and December!
- October 21 - Acid Rain
- November 18 - Colorful Lettuce
- December 16 - Water Filtration
Click HERE for more information!
There is no cost! (optional material costs)
Register in 4-H Online by October 9 to receive a supply kit in the mail!
Refer to the event registration guide if you need assistance; contact Anja Johnson at akoester@umn.edu if you have further questions.
Contact Jessica or Rachel at 218-998-8760!
Jessica Mohagen:
- mohag150@umn.edu
- 218-731-8837
Rachel Wahlstrom:
- joh12246@umn.edu
- 218-770-9648
View past newsletters HERE!
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