Principal's Page
Blackbird and Shay Elementary
Festival of The Book Week
Shay - Shay Shelfie’s - Bring your completed Selfie (sent home in Friday folders) in Monday and get to wear a hat in school
Blackbird - Guest Readers
Shay - Wear Silly Socks and Read Funny Books
Blackbird - Silly Socks - Guest Reader
Shay -
2nd Grade - Beach Reading (Bring a beach towel and a book)
3rd Grade - Caught Reading Photo Booth
4th Grade - Poetry Slam
Blackbird - Bookmark Making
2nd Grade - Pop into a great book - popcorn snack during reading
3rd Grade - Pop into a great book - popcorn snack during reading
4th Grade - Escape Room - The Lost Mummy
Blackbird - Bookworms - gummy worm snack during reading
Author Visits
Shay Shelfie
Speaking of the buddy bench...
Our amazing school and community collected enough caps to get 3 benches for our schools and give the gift of a bench to Wolverine Schools!
We still need to fundraise for some of the cost of the bench. If you are interested in donating, money can be dropped off to the Shay office (Attention to Buddy Bench).
Please see flyer for our first Parent Night Out Fundraiser on October 11th.
Policy Updates - Volunteering for Field Trips
The below policy can also be found in our elementary student handbook
Parent Responsibilities
Parent Chaperones
The homeroom teacher or designee will notify parents if volunteers are needed for the trip. Parents may not attend the field trip unless they have been requested by the teacher and have submitted the necessary districts volunteer clearance forms. Harbor Springs School District reserves the right to deny any parent permission to drive for and / or attend any trip, at any time, for any reason.
Parent Chaperone Guidelines
Each chaperone is responsible for abiding by the following guidelines:
Siblings may not attend any field trip
Cell phone conversations must be limited
Know where the students assigned to your group are at all times
Monitor you groups behavior
Enforce the written or spoken instructions of the teacher or administrator in charge
Student Expectations
Behavior that violates Harbor Springs Elementary standards or jeopardizes the safety of others will be reported to the appropriate administrator and consequences will be determined using the Student Discipline Policy. In extreme cases, parents will be contacted and arrangements will be made for the child to be picked up immediately.
Student Attendance
Field trips are an enhanced learning opportunity through experiences that are not available in the classroom. Students not attending the field trips should attend school and will be given class work assigned by their homeroom teacher. Should a student not attend school that day, the Attendance Policy will apply.
Overnight Field Trips
An overnight field trip is a privilege. Safety of all students on the trip is the priority of the staff at all times. Students that become ineligible at any time before the trip and during the payment period may be eligible for a refund, subject to administrative discretion. Eligibility is determined at the sole discretion of the Harbor Springs Elementary administration.
Counselor Corner
Does your family need help with....
Our local Manna program provides snacks for kids that can be sent home weekly in their backpacks. This program is open to anyone who needs it! Look for information in Friday folders.
Please let me know if you would like your student to eat breakfast at school in the morning so we can make that happen!
Please contact me or the front offices for an application for free or reduced lunch.
2. Clothing
We have 2 programs to provide clothing for families in need:
Christ Child Society sponsors the Shower of Love program for Back to School Clothing and the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 281 provides winter clothing
3. School Supplies/Backpacks
We received many generous donations of school supplies and backpacks from Holy Childhood Church and The Family Dollar store in Harbor Springs. If your student still needs anything, we have it!
or any other resource? Please do not hesitate to contact me and I will work to connect you with what you need. or 526-4528.
PBIS-The Energy Bus and 3 R's!
PBIS will kicked off at Blackbird on Monday 9/16 with their first assembly to learn about our 3 R's-Being Responsible, Respectful and Ready to Learn. (Ask your Blackbird students if they can show you the hand signals for these words) In addition, we will introduce our new Dean of Students, Mrs. Sue Lechowicz (Mrs. L). We are so happy she is here!!
Small counseling groups available
1. Family change group-to support those students who have experienced changes in their families through divorce, loss or move.
2. New Student Friday noon group (September and October)-this has already started with any students who are new to Shay!
3. Worry Warriors-to support those students who have increased worry or anxiety
Please contact me at if you would like more information for your child to participate and/or have a suggestion of a type of group you would like to see offered.
Important Dates!
Cub Scout Information
REC Soccer Registration/Information (K-2 grades)
The fall season will be Tue and Thur, Sept 24-Oct 17
Info and registration is online at