Virtual Academy: Grades K-12
December 2024
Happy holidays from the Virtual Academy team!
Homecoming Week January 13-16
Virtual Academy is having its first ever homecoming! We have a variety of events scheduled for students in grades 8-12. If you haven’t already, you should be receiving more information in the mail. Below is a snapshot of the week’s activities.
Schedule of Events for Homecoming Week January 13-16
Monday, January 13 - Pajama Day and Staff/Student Competition
Tuesday, January 14 – Dress like a Celebrity Day/Volunteer Event
Wednesday, January 15 – Inside Out/Crayola Color Day/Interviews
Thursday, January 16 – Time Machine Day/Talent Show/Coronation
Friday, January 17 – NO SCHOOL
Homecoming T-shirts
We also have homecoming t-shirts for sale for $10. Orders can be made through School Pay and orders need to be in before December 20. (https://www.schoolpay.com/link/HomecomingTshirts)
A shout out to sophomore Mya Houston for designing our shirts!
ASVAB Testing - December 18
As part of ND Choice Ready and a potential ND Scholarship qualifier, all juniors and any senior that has not yet taken the ASVAB must do so. This test is being conducted on December 18, starting at 8:30 in the morning. This is a computerized test so please bring your school computer and plan to be at the District Office, 700 S 7th Street, Room 87. The test should take approximately 2 ½ hours. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Mrs. Boehm at boehmv@fargo.k12.nd.us.
CPR Certification - December 18
Virtual Academy students have the opportunity to receive FREE training and become CPR certified. All students will receive both adult and infant/child certification. This certification will meet a ND Choice Ready component and also can be a great skill to list on your resume or job application. Training will be held at the District Office (700 S 7th Street, Room 87) on December 18, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. To sign up, please email Mrs. Boehm at boehmv@fargo.k12.nd.us by December 16 to assure that we have enough materials for training. This training is open to all VA students in grades 9-12.
High School Registration for 8th grade students
Although first semester has not yet ended, all schools are already preparing for the 2025-26 school year. Our traditional high schools have planned events for January to allow time for 8th graders to come into the school buildings to learn about elective opportunities and activities. Please see below for course elective nights being held at North, South, and Davies High Schools.
North: January 6 (by invite only; Group 1: 5:30-7PM, Group 2: 6:55-8:25PM)
South: January 6, 4-7PM
Davies: January 13, 4-7PM
- Course Fair Session 1: 4-5PM
- Presentation in Theatre: 5-5:45PM
- Course Fair Session 2 and Activities Expo: 5:45-7PM
A reminder that senior pictures are due by January 31. Please email your senior picture to Mrs. Boehm at boehmv@fargo.k12.nd.us to ensure that you are in the yearbook. Also, cap and gown orders are due. Please visit https://view.vidreach.io/q/AHWofTnx to order the cap & gown package for the school where you plan to walk. Class rings, school clothing and other Virtual Academy items can be ordered at this site as well.
Semester 1 Graduation
Another first is our upcoming Virtual Academy graduation ceremony. Virtual Academy will be recognizing our graduating seniors this school year on Friday evening, January 24 at Trollwood.
Connection Day
Our second connection day was held Friday, November 22. We had guests from the ND Gateway to Science Center come in where we had fun with science through activities such as flying paper helicopters, building moon stations, making water dance, and learning how to do stitches! Thanks to the National Guard and our parents who helped volunteer and chaperone this fun day. Our next Connection Day is scheduled for February 7th.
On Tuesday, December 3rd, our VA sophomores attended the Health, Technical, and Trades Expo at the Fargo Dome. Students attended a session to learn about jobs in programming, engineering, and robotics presented by Marvin Windows and then visited with many colleges and employers to explore various career pathways.
Fill the Dome
Our student leadership group helped with Fill the Dome on November 26. Our students packed boxes of donations which go to Great Plains Food Bank to help families in need in our community.
iTimes - Are you attending?
Part of the Virtual Academy expectations this year is that students in grades 6-9 participate in weekly iTimes! These weekly connections are a time to meet with teachers and with one another through a variety of online activities. Go to Canvas to find the link!
- Grades 6-8: Tuesdays at 11:30AM
- Grade 9: Wednesdays at 11:30AM
Important dates
- December 18 : ASVAB Testing
- December 18: CPR Certification
- December 20: Early Out (teachers unavailable after 12PM)
- December 23 - January 1: No School Winter Break
- January 2: Classes Resume
- January 13-16: Homecoming Week
- January 16: End of Semester
- January 16: Proficiency Day for Quarter 2
- January 17: No School
- January 20: No School
- January 23: Back to School Night at the District Office
December Mental Health
This is a powerful resource designed to support family mental health and well-being. Click here to view the Mental Health Series calendar for December.
Teacher Support
Our students have been busy in their classes; keep up the great work! Also, remember that we have teachers to help support you in grades 6-12. (Elementary students can contact their NDCDE teacher directly for support.)
- Matthew Dahmen (Science) dahmenm@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-8606
- Madelyn Moore (Math) moorem@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-8607
- Laura Qualey (English) qualeyl@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-8609
- Rachel Schroeder (Social Studies) schroer1@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-8632
Get Stuff Done/What I Need
Don't forget about GSD/WIN days for our students. This year our counselor and teachers will be spending time onsite at Trollwood Performing Arts in Moorhead for students to receive in-person assistance in their courses.
Staff will be available at Trollwood on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:30 to 3:30 this year. Trollwood is located at 801 50th Ave S in Moorhead, MN. This service is open to any student in Edgenuity courses in grades 6-12. Students who fall behind pace in their courses will be required to attend at least one day each week. Families will be responsible for transporting students to and from Trollwood.
The December and January schedule is listed below.
Sign up to follow Fargo Virtual Academy on Facebook to assure that you don’t miss out on events that are coming up as well as see what our students and staff have been up to!
Additional Support
Vanessa Boehm - boehmv@fargo.k12.nd.us
Student Wellness and Family Facilitator:
Katie King - kingk@fargo.k12.nd.us
Need help?
Email: fiechth@fargo.k12.nd.us
Website: https://www.fargo.k12.nd.us/virtualacademy