Pioneer Press
September 20th, 2024
Principal's Message
Greetings Pioneer Families,
I want to make you aware that Digital Citizenship Week is coming up the week of October 21-25.
During September and October, students in Advisory class are discussing important topics related to technology, such as social media, screen time, artificial intelligence, and misinformation. These discussions are especially relevant as we continue to face challenges related to technology use during school and school events.
Over time, more students have engaged in technology-related behaviors that negatively affect our school’s culture, climate, and learning environment. This is the primary reason we created the “Off and Away All Day” policy for cell phones at Pioneer last year. The new school board policy on electronic devices has sparked ongoing conversations about how students interact with technology.
In response, our Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) team has chosen the Common Sense Media curriculum to guide these discussions. The goals of these lessons are to:
Provide structure before function: Ensure students understand responsible technology use.
Reduce disengagement: Decrease the number of students who disconnect from learning due to online harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB).
Support staff: Enhance staff capacity to have meaningful conversations with students about navigating digital environments.
Improve school culture: Positively impact the school culture, so that students feel a stronger sense of belonging.
I want to share a few resources from Common Sense Media with you that you may find helpful in navigating hot button these topics with your child. Check out these links:
Explaining the News to Our Kids
Parents’ Ultimate Guide to Tik Tok
Parents’ Ultimate Guide to Fortnite
Thank you for all you do for your kids!
Principal Fernandes
Superintendent Weight's September Community Message
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Program:
The District began offering Transitional Kindergarten (TK) at Anderson Island Elementary School this year. Based on enrollment capacity, we have decided to offer TK at Cherrydale Primary School and Chloe Clark Elementary School, beginning in November.
Transitional Kindergarten is an early learning program for children who do not have access to high-quality early learning experiences prior to kindergarten. A screening process is used to determine whether a child qualifies for the program. We have waitlists for both Cherrydale Primary and Chloe Clark Elementary, with strong interest at both schools. Students qualify through an application and screening process. This free program is available for children who will turn 4 years old by August 31, 2024, and are not currently enrolled in an early learning program and demonstrate financial, academic, and/or social-emotional needs.
Transitional Kindergarten will focus on essential academics, social-emotional skills, and learning habits to empower children as they launch into their academic journey. Please visit our TK informational page, which includes an interest form to complete for families who are district residents and considering TK.
Fall Conferences
Conferences are October 22, 23 and 24, 2024
The parent-teacher conferences on October 22 and 23 will be scheduled as individual meetings. If you would like to have a private discussion with a teacher, this is an excellent opportunity. Teachers may also contact you to arrange meetings during these days.
On October 24, we will hold arena-style conferences. All teachers will be available in the gym on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that these meetings are brief and not fully private. If you prefer a more private conversation, you are encouraged to contact your student's teacher directly to schedule an individual conference. Hours will be 12:45 pm - 3:00 pm with a 1-hr break for teachers, and 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
Community Events
The 49th Annual APPLE SQUEEZE
Sunday, October 6th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Lafayette Street in historic Steilacoom
*Make cider with hand operated presses!*
- Food
- Hand crafts
- Music
Touch A Truck
Saturday, Sept. 28th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Port of Tacoma, Administration Building
1 Sitcum Way, Tacoma
Learn more at https://www.portoftacoma.com/touchatruck or call 253-888-4765
Tutoring - Math Nation
Students can log into Math Nation through their school's credentials.
Unlimited Support & Homework Help!
See flyer below for more information
English/Language Arts Updates
6th- Sixth grade ELA students are exploring heroes in ancient Greek mythology. They're learning what it takes to be a hero and to identify the themes found in the myths we read and discuss in class. Students have also been comparing classic heroes found in Greek myths with modern-day heroes. Students are being introduced to the Depth and Complexity concepts of details, patterns, big ideas, and rules found within literature. These concepts will help students analyze what's happening in the stories they read.
Many students are also learning how to write with fountain pens as they practice writing in their cursive writing packets. The goal in practicing cursive writing is to help students slow down and be more mindful when they write, to encourage students to be patient with themselves, and to build resiliency in students so they don't give up so easily.
In addition, they have been exploring what poetry can do, with nonconventional topics like McDonald’s and Spider-Man.
7th- Seventh grade ELA has started the year with a bit of a review of the basics. Students have organized composition books and planners, and even learned a little about how their brains work best. Foundational grammar has begun in brief entry tasks and through our electronic reading app Lexia. In the next week we will go over the components of paragraph writing and effective strategies for researching and citing evidence. Please check out our Google Classroom pages for more information.
8th- Students in Mrs. Marrero's 8th grade language arts class practiced using the R.A.F.T. writing strategy paying attention to the Role, Audience, Format, and Topic when writing. Students were given 3 choices: an informational brochure, journal entries, or an advertisement that went with the short story, "The Story of Keesh." The Story is about a young tribal member who lived at the edge of the polar sea and exercised "headcraft" instead of "witchcraft" to hunt and supply food to all members of his village.
Mr. Milton's 8th English class just wrapped up the Welcome Back and Poetry units, and we're about to start reading The Boys in the Boat.
School Pictures are ready!
Your student's pictures are available for viewing. Please follow the instructions Class Act Portraits has provided for you.
Use the link below:
You can find your student's ID# in Skyward in Family Access under student information. If you have any questions or have issues with Skyward call us at 253-583-7200.
Pioneer Sports Schedule
Cross Country:
9/20 Jamboree - Sellars Park in Dupont
Boys start time - 3:30 pm
Girls start time- 4 pm
9/26 Meet - Sellars Park in Dupont
Boys start time - 3:30 pm
Girls start time - 4 pm
Boys' Soccer:
9/24 Away - Hudtloff MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
9/25 Away - Yelm MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
9/24 Home - Hudtloff MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
9/25 Home - Yelm MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
Girls' Fastpitch:
9/24 Home - Ridgeline MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
9/26 Away - Yelm mS
Start time - 3:30 pm
9/24 Away - Ridgeline MS
Start time - 3:30 pm
Counseling Office News
We are implementing a new process for students who need/want to see a counselor.
**The new system will be in place beginning Monday, Sept. 23rd.**
Students who want/need to see their counselor will do the following:
-Check-in using the designated laptop located in the Main Office using their student ID.
-Enter the appropriate code/reason for the visit.
- Wait to be called down.
-Shouldn't ask teachers/office staff when they will be permitted to go to the counseling office; they don't know or have access to the counselor's schedule.
-They can email their counselor directly to ask for a timeline for when they will be seen.
-No longer stop by the counselor's office for an impromptu visit/appointment.
*Counselors will use this tool to call students based on the reason and urgency of the student's issue.
We appreciate your support during this transition!
If you have any questions about the new process, feel free to call us at 253-583-7200.
Main Offce Reminders!
Information you can find in Skyward Family Access:
Bus Route
Lunch account number
Lunch account balance
Locker combination
Other Student ID# (need this to check out books, tardy check-in, request appt. with a counselor, etc.)
Transportation Changes:
Please call the office by 2:00 p.m. (M, T, Thurs, Fri) and 1:00 p.m. on ACE days (Wed) to request transportation changes for your student(s) to ensure that we can get them the information before the end of the school day.
Late to School:
Students start class at 8:10 a.m
If your student(s) arrive at 8:10 a.m. or later, please have them stop at our Attendance Kiosk for a pass to class.
All students must know their student ID# or have their student ID with them to check in.
School Clubs
All students participating in clubs are required to pay an ASB fee of $15.00
You can purchase your student's ASB through Mrs. Ruby
ASB fees collected go to funding clubs and sports activities at Pioneer MS.
JS2S (Junior Student 2 Student)
Room A115 with Ms. Taylor
GSA Room
B105 with Mrs. Iglesias
Art Club - starts Oct. 8th
Homework Help Club
Library with Mrs. Hilton
Math Club - starts Sept. 24th
Builder's Club (community service based)
Cafeteria/A115 with Mrs. Holyfield
Pokemon Go! (permission slip required) - starts Oct. 3rd
Game Club
Room C202 with Ms. Nixon
Homework Help Club
Library with Mrs. Hilton
Math Club- starts Sept. 24th
For more information on the clubs we offer, use the link below:
Transportation is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays for students attending school clubs.
Use the link below for route information: