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Tomahawk Talk
Week of September 9, 2024
4th Grade Wing Construction Update
Upcoming Dates
Monday, September 9th:
- i-Ready Assessments Continue
Tuesday, September 10th:
- iReady Assessments Continue
- Great Western Reserve Fundraiser Kicks-off!
Wednesday, September 11th:
- iReady Assessments Continue
- LSIC Meeting @ 3:45 PM (TIS Library)
Thursday, September 12th:
- iReady Assessments Continue
- 📸 Fall Picture Day! 🍂
Friday, September 13th:
- iReady Assessments End
Students will take individual pictures on Sept. 12th. Information regarding purchasing packages will be sent home with proofs at a later date.
Great Western Reserve Fundraiser: 9/10-9/25
Fundraising packets will be sent home this week! Checks should be made payable to: Tomahawk Intermediate School. All proceeds will benefit instructional initiatives at TIS.
i-Ready Assessments
Dear Families:
Berkeley County Schools will be using i-Ready again this year to assess student performance levels and to provide individualized instruction. The diagnostic assessment will be administered via iPad three times per year (fall, winter & spring) and the lessons will be used throughout the year to determine progress.
What is i-Ready?
i-Ready is an online program that will help us determine your child’s strengths and areas for growth, personalize their learning, and monitor their progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows us to meet your child where they are and provides us with data to inform instruction.
The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions based on student responses. Each item a student receives is based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier ones. The purpose of this is not to give your child a score or grade but to determine how to best support their learning.
i-Ready Instruction provides students with lessons based on their individual strengths and areas for growth. These lessons are interactive and provide strategic supports to keep your child engaged as they learn.
Thank you for your continued support and for being a partner in your child’s learning! We look forward to sharing i-Ready information with you throughout the year. You can also learn more about i-Ready by visiting i-ReadyCentral.com/FamilyCenter.
Bus Transportation
As a reminder, transportation updates are posted to the BCS Transportation Dashboard: https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/o/bcs/page/transportation-dashboard
In the event that a bus is canceled, we encourage parents/caregivers to transport student(s) to and from school. If you are unable to transport your student to school, please contact our main office at (304) 754-3171. Absences will be marked excused if due to a cancelled bus route.
BCS Absence Note Form
Please complete this form https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/page/absencenote if your child is absent from school. This form is for all parent notes, and also for medical appointments. Please upload the doctor's note for all medical appointments during school hours, or when a child is out of sick due to illness.
Volunteers and Chaperones
Berkeley County Schools uses SecureVolunteer to process background checks for volunteers. SecureVolunteer is a completely web-based/paperless system. You will receive e-mails from client services email when you submit your information to SecureVolunteer and when your background check is complete. Thank you for volunteering for Berkeley County Schools.
The background processing fee for the Secure Volunteer Background check is $22.45.
Procedures for Volunteers & Chaperones
School district procedure requires that individuals serving as chaperones for all overnight field trips and some daytime activities must have Level 1 approval, which requires a criminal background screening. To apply for Level 1 approval, volunteers must first apply online via Berkeley County Schools’ volunteer registration system (Secure Volunteer).
Registrations are processed in 3-5 days, sometimes longer at the beginning of the school year and then must be submitted to the Berkeley County Board of Education for approval. Once approved, the volunteer’s name will appear on the Level 1 Approved Volunteer list at the school(s) for which they registered.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Students are not permitted to use cell phones during the school day. **Cell phones should be powered off or silent and in the student’s backpack at all times.* We also do not allow students to use smartwatches for communication purposes during the school day. Students who violate these expectations will receive consequences based on the BCS discipline matrix and parents/guardians will be asked to pick-up the device.
Our main office will contact parents/guardians if there is an emergency or for any other necessary reason. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Annual Emergency Information Update
We still have numerous families who have not completed the required 24-25 Annual Emergency Information Update. If your child does not have a form on file, they will not be permitted to participate in field trips, have access to a school iPad, or have update emergency contacts in our system. We are asking anyone who has not yet filled out the form to complete it ASAP, but no later than September 10th. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
Menus are subject to change due to food availability.
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Meal Benefits Application
Your family may qualify for free or reduced meal benefits, but you won't know unless you apply. This application must be completed each year, even if you have received benefits in the past.
We encourage ALL families to apply for meal benefits, even if you think you won't be eligible!
2024-2025 School Year Snapshot
PTO at Tomahawk
We have had a few parents reach out to inquire about a PTO at Tomahawk. We are in the process of setting up an organizational meeting for September. We will post information once the date is finalized. We are excited to welcome our new families to TIS!
Student Expectations
*Classroom-managed behaviors. Teachers will provide verbal warnings, redirect students, remind them of expectations, re-teach behaviors, and inform parents of minor incidents. Consequences may include: loss of recess time, lunch detention, loss of privileges, referral to school counselor, etc. Repeated violations of minor behaviors will become major offenses (habitual violation of school rules).
Examples of minor behaviors:
• yelling out
• out of seat
• inattentive behavior
• interrupting instruction
• minor disrespect
• talking during instruction
• minor peer to peer conflict
• name calling (non-Title IX)
• inappropriate language
• invading personal space
• touching another student WITHOUT intent to harm
• rough play
• refusing to open a book, complete an assignment, work with another student, work in a group, take a test, or do any other class – or school-related activity not listed herein.
*Administrator-managed behaviors. Possible consequences include: in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, lunch detention, loss of privileges, referral to school counselor, etc.
Examples of major behaviors:
• Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation: A student will not bully/intimidate/harass another student. According to W. Va. Code §18-2C-2, “harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional gesture, or any intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act, communication, transmission or threat that:
• A reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of harming a student, damaging a student’s property, placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person, and/or placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to his or her property;
• Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or emotionally abusive educational environment for a student; or
• Disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school.
• Disrespectful Conduct Toward Peers or Staff: done with intent to harm and/or repetitive. Note: repetitive behavior may be defined as bullying. Major disrespect includes: screaming, throwing items (chair, desk, sharp object, etc. with intent to hit peer or staff), or profane language indecent act/gesture.
•False Fire Alarm: setting-off the fire alarm knowingly and willingly without cause.
• Habitual Violation of School Rules: evidence of previous interventions; minimum of 2 prior parent conferences (phone or in-person). Student’s behavior is consistently impeding on the learning of others.
• Physical Fight with Intent: Engaging in a physical altercation using blows with intent to harm or overpower another person or persons.
• Possession/Use of Weapon: As defined in WV Code §61-7-2, a “dangerous weapon” means any device intended to cause injury or bodily harm, any device used in a threatening manner that could cause injury or bodily harm, or any device that is primarily used for self-protection. Dangerous weapons include, but are not limited to, blackjack, gravity knife, knife, knifelike implement, switchblade knife, nunchaku, metallic or false knuckles, pistol, or revolver. A dangerous weapon may also include the use of a legitimate tool, instrument, or equipment as a weapon including, but not limited to, pens, pencils, compasses, or combs, with the intent to harm another.
• Sexual Misconduct: Exposing oneself publicly and indecently, displaying or transmitting any drawing or photograph of a sexual nature, or committing an indecent act of a sexual nature on school property, or on a school bus, or at a school sponsored event.
• Technology Misuse: Violating WV Code 126CSR41, WVDE Policy 2460, Educational Purpose and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Technologies and the Internet.
• Threat to a Student or Staff Member: Severely disruptive, imminently dangerous, illegal, and/or aggressive behaviors are willfully committed and are known to be illegal and/or harmful to people and/or property. The inappropriate behaviors include, but are not limited to: verbal, written, electronic and/or illustrative communications intended to offend and/or humiliate.
• Use/Possession of Tobacco Product: usage or possession of tobacco products on school property (cigarettes, vapes, jewels, chewing tobacco, etc.).
• Vandalism: • done with intent and/or cannot be easily cleaned or repaired.
Staff Contact Information
If you need to contact us, please call the office at 304. 754.3171 or email the following personnel:
- Dr. Ematrudo, Principal: kematrudo@k12.wv.us
- Mr. Robison, Assistant Principal: matthew.robison@k12.wv.us
- Mrs. Kline, Registrar: ekline@k12.wv.us
- Mrs. Barnett, Attendance Secretary: sarah.barnett@k12.wv.us
- Mrs. Kercheval, Secretary: kimberly.kercheval@k12.wv.us
- Mrs. Boyd, School Counselor: megan.boyd@k12.wv.us
- Ms. Thomas, School Counselor: katlyn.thomas@k12.wv.us