....smore of what we did this week
We met Happy H this week. We brainstormed and listed over 30 H vocabulary words. We practiced handwriting on our own, in our phonics books, with worksheets, and in our letter buddy journals. We hung up some new bulletin boards in the classroom for you to check out. We learned about bees, honey and hives in science. We had a honey taste test, painted our own hive and learned all about bee's. In math, we have been practicing number recognition, number writing, patterns, and measurement. We dressed down and wore yellow to celebrate character counts trait, RESPECT. We watched a few videos and listed how to be respectful. If your child portrays any respectful trait at home or in the community, please email or make your own paw print so we can share. We share at PRIDE time every Wednesday. THANKS for attending your child's conference!!!! I greatly appreciate your time, conversation and input. Please WELCOME our newest student, EVAN, to #teamPREK. Great job to our Hungry, Happy & Helpful students and parents!!!!!
Prek reading night will be held this Thursday the 13th @5:30....please join us for pancakes, friendship and a story.....please r.s.v.p. to me so we can cook enough pancakes
Cherry Crest Farms Field trip is Wednesday the 12th....dress down and wear sneakers, your spirit shirt, and bring a peanut free lunch. We will leave @8:45 and return around 2
The Book Fair will be open in our school all week if you want to purchase books
.....smore about what we will do next week
School will be closed Monday the 10th. Please make arrangements. We will meet a new letter buddy on Tuesday. Please watch our video with your child. We will go on our first field trip Wednesday. We will learn about fire safety and get a visit from our local fire company on Thursday. We will have our first prek reading night on Thursday too. We will continue to work on number recognition, number writing, measuring, graphing, and patterns. Please keep me posted for questions and or concerns. Thanks for ALL you do. #weloveschool ....Mr. Alaxson & Ms. Ali