Weekly Eagle News
Spring 2025, 1st edition, 01/13/2025 - 01/17/2025
~Welcome Back Eagles, Spring Semester Reminders~
All students can access their schedule via Homelink by logging into Clever using your LMUSD login.
Please go to Classes to see your schedule for tomorrow January 13th.
Most schedules have remained unchanged. Any changed schedules were due to balancing of class sizes and closed courses.
Permanent Schedules were sent via ParentSquare to parents on Friday, January 10th.
If you have a zero period class, please report to your scheduled room at 7:25am Tuesday morning as Monday is asynchronous.
~New Announcements~
Cake Walk this Friday
Leadership will be hosting a Cake Walk LTA on Friday in the quad.
Poetry Out Loud Competition
If you said yes to any of the questions in the flyer or have any questions please come to room 307 on Thursday, 1/16 during lunch for more information about the Poetry Out Loud Competition.
2024-2025 Yearbook
Get your yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year while you can. Less than 360 remain, so order early.
Speech and Debate News
The Arroyo Grande Speech and Debate team competed in the Tri-County Forensics League Open Speech tournament on December 14th at Granada Hills Charter School. Eleven students competed in five different categories.Receiving recognition were the following students:
- Lyla Fairweather and Charlene Cobbs, Duo Interp: 7th place
- Lyla Fairweather and Charlene Cobbs, Duo Improv: 3rd place
- Zivah Hartman and Brynn Termeer, Duo Improv: 4th place
~Student Spotlight~
~AGHS Film and Video Production is Proud to Present "The Nest" Podcast~
~Speaking Contests~
Optimist Club Speaking Contest
Topic for this year: “How Optimism Has Guided Me Through Trying Times.” The time allowed will be not under 4 minutes or over 5 minutes.
See Coach Chris Ryan in Room 401 after school on Monday or Wednesday or email him (chris.ryan@lmusd.org) for more details.
Lions Club Speaking Contest
Lions Club - with the topic: “Artificial Intelligence; friend or foe?”
Students entering the contest shall prepare a talk to be as close as possible to, but not over, ten minutes, nor less than five minutes delivery time. Lions Club AG (Feb 5) and Pismo Beach (Feb 12). Interest deadline January 17th because there are 8 speaking slots and we'll have a run-off if we have more than 8 potential speakers. See Coach Chris Ryan in Room 401 after school on Monday or Wednesday or email him (chris.ryan@lmusd.org) for more details.
~AGHS Club Announcements~
Welcome Eagle Families,
Students can purchase an ASB discount card for free entry to all non CIF playoff events online at the AGHS Webstore or at the student business office on campus.
Purchase your digital ticket here: GoFan
How to Purchase Ticket Help Video: click here
Make Sure to Clear your Absences
Clear Absences by 4pm Tuesday, 01/14/25. Please make sure that the Attendance Office is informed of the reason for any still unverified absences for 12/02/24 - 12/20/24. After that date, we will not be able to make any changes.
College & Military Visits
Seniors and Juniors planning a college/military visit should stop by the Attendance Office to pick up an Excused Absence Request form ahead of their visit. If approved, up to two days may be excused. Visits that will last longer than two days would require a Short Term Independent Study Contract to excuse the absence.
Attendance FAQs
For any other questions about attendance:
Please contact the Attendance Oce:
Last names A-L: contact Mrs. Lewis 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2244
Last names M-Z: contact Mrs. Black 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2243
Spanish: contact Mrs. Robles 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2199
Fax: (805) 474-4222
~Counselor's Corner~
Welcome Back! We hope you had a great break! Here’s to a new semester and the opportunity to be amazing. Remember that grades start fresh and keeping those grades up means doing as well as you can do right away. Don’t wait and don’t start missing assignments! Make sure to see your counselor if you need help getting started strong!
10th Grade Parents and Students: We will begin scheduling talks with sophomores the week of January 20th. This is an exciting scheduling time because 11th grade is the start of having more room in schedules to take electives, CTE pathway courses, AP classes, etc. We look forward to meeting with all of our 10th graders!
Seniors: Reminder that you need to complete 20 hours of community service in order to graduate! Don’t let the year get away from you and then panic at the end. Please see your counselor if you need help with community service and also check out our website for more information about where and how to complete community service. Please also remember that this newsletter has community service opportunities EVERY WEEK!
Work Permits
Attention all students that plan on working this year. Please submit a completed work permit request form to Mr. Coville ASAP, or email him at trevor.coville@lmusd.org. Anybody that needs their current permit extended can stop by Room 510, or email Mr. Coville as well.
AGHS Tutoring Labs
Need help with your classes, check out the tutoring labs on campus. Need a private tutor, see the counseling office for a paid tutor list.
~Public Service Announcements~
Connect with us!
Email: AGHS@lmusd.org
Website: https://www.aghseagles.org/
Location: 495 Valley Road, Arroyo Grande, CA, USA
Phone: 805-474-3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AGEagles
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aghseagles
Twitter: @twitter_AGHSEagles