Texas MEP Quarterly
MEP Staff Edition: June-August 2022
The June-August issue of the Texas MEP Quarterly Family Edition is now available.
If you missed the March-May Texas MEP Quarterly MEP Staff Edition, you may access it here.
Don't forget to join the TMEP Listserv to continue receiving this newsletter each quarter and important updates about the Migrant Education Program.
Education Resources Portal Update!
The Education Resources portal has a new look! The home and dashboard pages have been redesigned to attract and engage migratory parents and families. Also, to eliminate any unnecessary barriers preventing parents from accessing the resources, the new login process no longer requires an access code or an email address. The process for creating an account is short, simple, and allows immediate access. Users who are already registered should still be able to log in with their current username and password.
Please continue to encourage your migratory parents to visit this Education Resources for Parents of K-12 Migratory Children portal at txmigrantk12.net. This portal contains mini-lessons, tip sheets, short videos, downloadable apps, and interactive course modules that support students in grades K - 12. All resources on this portal are available free of charge and can be downloaded, printed, or viewed right at home.
Year-end withdrawals from TX-NGS
MEP Activities Checklist
Project SMART Summer Enrollments
Migrant Education Program (MEP) staff in each school district
identify and recruit migratory children, grades K-8;
determine whether a Project SMART program may be offered in their region.
Vaccination Requirements for School Children
Children attending Texas schools and/or child-care facilities must adhere to state immunization requirements? These requirements are determined by our Texas state legislature, the Texas Department of State Health Services, in conjunction with the Texas Education Agency. Getting the proper immunizations helps reduce the spread of disease outbreaks and also better ensures the health of your child.
Make sure your child is up to date with their vaccines and that you keep the records in a safe place because they will be required for school. Texas has minimum requirements for students in grades K-12. Your child’s doctor or health clinic should be able to tell you what vaccinations are required and when they should be administered.
Here is a link to the 2022-2023 Texas state vaccination requirements for all grade-level students. The information is available in English and Spanish (scroll down on the webpage for the Spanish version).
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
When the school year ends, some families need additional access to healthy meals and snacks for their children that schools provide during the academic year. The U.S.Department of Agriculture provides a Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) that serves children and teens in lower income areas. To find a program site in your community, visit the Summer Meals Site Finder and enter your location to find programs in your area. Check the website often as new program operators may be added during the summer.
Be sure to check with your child’s school to see if they are operating one of the SFSP’s at a school in your community.