Jan 13-18, 2025 Marysville Jr/Sr High School #dogproud364
Principal's Note
Greetings Marysville Family,
It's was so good to be back last week. It is hard to believe that there are some of our schools to the south who have yet to be back in school yet. Thank you to our maintenance crew for getting the snow moved and keeping our hallways clear of the salt and puddles that always happen when snow is everywhere. It adds a lot of extra work but they have gotten the job done. Now, students, it is time for you to put in the extra work. Let's start off the semester off right by being in school, working ahead, and doing the little things to be successful. You got this!
Tim Woodcock, Principal
Week At A Glance
Monday, January 13
4:00 PM JH Girls Wrestling @ Rossville
4:30 PM JH Boys Basketball Home v Chapman
6:00 PM BOE Meeting @ Bulldog Room
6:00 PM Play Auditions - MJSHS Auditorium
Tuesday, January 14
4:30 PM HS Basketball Home v Abilene
Wednesday, January 15
8:00 AM Biology Club Trip to Cadever Lab @ KU Med
2:47 PM AEP Meeting FFA @ Bulldog Room
2:47 PM AEP Meeting KAY @ Mr. Cook's Room
3:30 PM Play Auditions - MJSHS Auditorium
Thursday, January 16
4:15 PM Scholars Bowl @ Wamego
4:30 PM JH Boys Basketball Home v Abilene
- 8th Grade games @ Junior High Gym
- 7th Grade games @ MES Gym
6:00 PM Varsity Wrestling Home v Chapman
Friday, January 17
4:30 PM HS Basketball @ Wamego
Saturday, January 18
KMEA State Auditions @ Salina
9:00 AM JH Boys A Team Tournament @ Nemaha Central
9:30 AM JayHusker Wrestling Tournament @ Marysville
Mrs. Sandmann Talks Workplace Experience at Banquet
The spotlight was on WorkPlace Experience students, Noah Halbert, Paxton Voet, Jordan Miller, and Jett Keller at the Marysville Chamber & Main Street Annual Banquet and Awards ceremony Saturday night. Mrs. Sandmann (above) spoke about the students and their experiences in the program and the importance of businesses working with students to hopefully keep their talents here in Marysville.