September 25, 2024
News For You!
A Note From the Principal
We would like to cordially invite you to attend our Open House/Title 1 Information Night on Tuesday, October 1st from 5:30 - 6:30. This is a great opportunity for parents to get information about their student’s daily routines and learning opportunities. Please note: This is a DATE CHANGE from our original Open House schedule.
Read below for important information about Erin’s Law. Keeping our students safe is our top priority and the important tools that this program provides helps us to do that.
Read on for more information, and as always, Go Eagles!
Sheila Minney
Principal, Willagillespie Elementary
Eugene School District 4j
- September 26th - Site Council 3:15 PM
- October 1st - Open House 5:30-6:30 PM
- October 10th - Fun Run!
- October 11th - NO SCHOOL
- October 16th - PTO Meeting 6:30 PM
- October 25th - School Pictures :)
- October 29th - Spooktacular
Site Council
We are hosting our first Site Council meeting of the year on Thursday, September 26th at 3:15. This meeting is open to all interested parents and Site Council Meeting Minutes will be available on our website.
Fun Run!
Picture Day Is On The Way!
Erin's Law Information
Erin’s Law and Child Abuse Prevention
Information for Parents
What is Erin’s Law?
Erin Merryn is a woman who was abused as a child. She has advocated and helped create legislation to ensure that all students be educated about child abuse and what to do if it is happening to them or someone they know. For more information about Erin’s Law you can watch her video or read the law here.
The purpose of Erin’s Law related lessons are to provide students, in a nurturing and caring environment, the tools needed for personal safety. Please know that in accordance with OAR 581-022-1910, parents (and students 18 and older) can elect to “opt-out” of these specific learning activities. If you have questions about these materials, please contact your school's office. If you are looking for community resources regarding this topic, please see below.
How does 4J teach Erin’s Law?
All students participate in 4-6 developmentally appropriate lessons each year regarding personal safety. This includes lessons in general safety and specific information about recognizing, responding to, and reporting child sexual abuse. The lessons are spread out across the year to ensure students consistently receive messaging about keeping themselves safe.
Elementary schools use Second Step’s Child Protection Unit. Secondary students engage in lessons curated by our school counseling team.
Who should report child abuse or suspected child abuse?
Anyone can report child abuse or suspected child abuse. You need to report when: you have a reason to suspect, you have observed the abuse, and you know or have a reasonable cause to believe. You don’t have to prove it to make the call. Make the report right away. Agencies are available 24/7.
To Whom do I report abuse?
You can report it to local law enforcement, Department of Human Services - Child Protective Services, a teacher, or your school’s building administrator. Ideally, the person that suspects or has firsthand knowledge should make the call directly to Child Protective Services. Here are our local phone numbers:
Agency Phone Numbers
Oregon Department of Human Services – Child Protective Services
Eugene Police Department
Springfield Police Department
When immediate threat presents - CALL 911
News From Our District
Title News
Title I General Testing Announcement
The Eugene 4j School District administers both reading and math assessments to each of our students three times a year, fall, winter, and spring. Students scoring below the 20th percentile may be recommended, by the building-level team, to receive instructional interventions in reading and/or math. Students receiving interventions will have their progress monitored during regular intervals. At our school, all students receive 90 minutes of reading instruction and 70 minutes of instruction in the area of mathematics, each day.Parents/guardians will be notified if their child is recommended to receive additional reading or math instruction.
El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J administra evaluaciones de lectura y matematicas para cada uno de nuestros estudiantes tres veces al aiio ~ otofio, invierno y primavera. Estudiantes que califican por debajo del percentil 20 se pueden recomendar, por el equipo de nivel de la construcci6n, para recibir intervenciones de instrucci6n en lectura y / o matematicas. Los estudiantes que reciben intervenciones tendran su progreso monitoreado durante intervalos regulares. En nuestra escuela, todos los estudiantes reciben 90 minutes de enseiianza de la lectura y 70 minutes de instrucci6n en el area de matematicas, todos los dfas. Los padres/ tutores seran notificados si se recomienda que su nino reciba la lectura adicional o instrucci6n de matematicas.
September 2024
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Our school receives federal funds for Title I programs that are part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Throughout the school year, we will continue to provide you with important information about this law and your child's education.
We are very proud of our teachers and feel they are ready for the coming year and we are prepared to give your child a high-quality education. As a Title I school, we must meet federal regulations related to teacher qualifications as defined in ESEA/ESSA. Under these regulations, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child's classroom teacher(s) or paraprofessional(s). If you request this information, the district or school will provide you with the following as soon as possible.
• Whether the teacher meets state qualifications and licensing requirements for the grade level and subject he/she is teaching,
• Whether the teacher received an emergency or conditional certificate through which state qualifications were waived, and
• What undergraduate or graduate degrees the teacher holds, including major(s) or area(s) of concentration and the area of endorsement.
We are happy to provide you with the above-mentioned information in a timely manner, upon your request. We look forward to theyear ahead and welcome your partnership in the important job of educating the children of our community. Continuous communication between home and school is key to the success of our educational program. As parents/guardians, you areencouraged to be actively involved in your child's education by talking to your child about school, volunteering whenever possible, and participating in school/district activities!
If you have specific questions about this notification, please contact your school's principal. If you have any additional questionsabout ESSA and its impact on schools, please contact Nadira Rizkallah, Federal Instruction Program Administrator, Eugene School District 4j at 541-790-7550, or visit www.ed.gov/nclb.
Septiembre 2024
Estimado padre o guardian:
Nuestra escuela recibe fondos federates para programas de Titulo I que forman parte de la Ley de Educaci6n Primaria y Secundaria de 1965 (ESEA), enmendada por la Ley Cada Estudiante Triunfa del 2015 (ESSA). A lo largo del afio escolar, continuaremos brindando informaci6n importante sabre esta ley y la educaci6n de su hijo.
Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros maestros y sentimos que estan listos para el pr6ximo afio y estamos preparados para darlea su hijo una educaci6n de alta calidad. Como escuela de Titulo I, debemos cumplir con las regulaciones federates relacionadas con las calificaciones de los maestros segun se definen en ESEA I ESSA Baja estas regulaciones, usted tiene derecho a solicitar informaci6n sabre las calificaciones profesionales de los maestros o paraprofesionales de su hijo. Si solicita esta informaci6n, el distrito o la escuela le proporcionaran lo siguiente lo antes posible.
• Si el maestro cumple con las calificaciones estatales y los requisitos de licencia para el nivel de grado y la materia que esta ensefiando,
• Si el maestro recibi6 un certificado de emergencia o condicional a traves de! cual se renunciaron a las calificaciones estatales, y
• Que titulos de pregrado o posgrado posee el maestro, incluyendo sus especialidadeso areas de concentraci6n y el area de respaldo.
Nos complace proporcionarle la informaci6n mencionada anteriormente de manera oportuna, si lo solicita. Esperamos con ansias el pr6ximo afio y damos la bienvenida a su asociaci6n en el importante trabajo de educar a los nifios de nuestra comunidad. La comunicaci6n continua entre el hogar y la escuela es clave para el exito de nuestro programa educativo. Como padres / tutores, se les anima a participar activamente en la educaci6n de su hijo hablando con su hijo sabre la escuela, ofreciendose coma voluntarios siempre que sea posible y participando en actividades escolares / del distrito.
Si tiene preguntas especificas sabre esta notificaci6n, comuniquese con el director de su escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta adicional sabre ESSA y su impacto en las escuelas, comuniquese con Nadira Rizkallah, administrador de! programa federal, Eugene 4J llamando al 541-790-7550, o visite el sitio www.ed.gov/nclb.
YMCA Afterschool Program
Girl Scouts!
Join us for a little friendly competition and see what Girl Scout spirit is all about! No skill or experience needed to participate. Girl Scouts will provide the cupcakes, supplies and fun prompts to help you craft a masterpiece of creativity! Cupcake Wars will allow you and your child to meet friends, ask questions, and join a troop all in this fun filled 1.5 hour event. Contact us at Questions & Answers if you'd like to connect. Click the link below to register for this cost free experience.
¡Únase a nosotros para una pequeña competencia amistosa y vea de qué se trata el espíritu de las Girl Scouts! No se necesita habilidad ni experiencia para participar. ¡Las Girl Scouts proporcionarán los cupcakes, los suministros y las indicaciones divertidas para ayudarte a crear una obra maestra de creatividad! Cupcake Wars te permitirá a ti y a tu hijo conocer amigos, hacer preguntas y unirse a una tropa, todo en este divertido evento de 1.5 horas. Póngase en contacto con nosotros en Preguntas y respuestas si desea conectarse. Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para registrarse en esta experiencia gratuita. Questions & Answers
Register Here:
About Us
Email: serra_d@4j.lane.edu
Website: www.willagillespie.4j.lane.edu
Location: 1125 Willagillespie Road
Phone: 541-790-7100
Facebook: https://facebook.com/willagpto