WI Arts & Creativity Newsletter
Vol I, Issue 1 - December 2022
Starting With "Why"
In March of 2014, author Simon Sinek presented a powerful TEDx Talk called "How Great Leaders Inspire Action". In the talk, he reveals the "golden circle" that examines purpose and relevance by starting with "why".
I thought it would be fitting to begin this new Arts and Creativity Newsletter the same way. "Why another newsletter?" some might ask. Admittedly, folks in education are continuously bombarded with information. Finding time to eat is hard enough, let alone reading another newsletter.
Yet, while fully acknowledging the tremendous workload that exists in education, I feel a sense of urgency and responsibility to communicate important information and new ideas while connecting us together.
This monthly Arts & Creativity Newsletter will feature a few sections:
Updates & Announcements - news, policy, and important updates from DPI.
In The News & From The Field - shout outs, arts & creativity in the news, and photos.
Grant Opportunities - need funding for a project or idea?
Teacher Toolbox - strategies, tech tips, and more
Research & Advocacy - research, articles, and resources validating your work.
Professional Development - opportunities to grow and learn
Points 2 Ponder - great quotes, books, or philosophical thoughts and ideas.
Like all things, this may change over time, but it is a starting point. Please feel free to share photos, stories, and ideas with me by emailing christopher.gleason@wi.dpi.gov
Past and Future Classroom Visits
Federal Arts Funding Survey - Deadline Dec. 9
Tell A Friend!
TO SUBSCRIBE simply send an email with no message to subscribe-wiartsed@lists.dpi.wi.gov
Slinger Singer Thrives On Track, In The Arts
Jackson Elementary students make ornaments for White House Christmas tree
A boon for tunes: MMSD invests COVID relief funds in new instruments
Wisconsin Humanities Grant Opportunity - Dec 15, Feb 1
Humanities programs should be reflective experiences that engage the public. Programs can take many forms including exhibitions, performances, community discussions, guest speakers, workshops, oral history projects, panels, town halls, films, and more.
Deadline: December 15 | Major Grant applications
Deadline: February 1 | Mini Grant applications
VSA Playwright Discovery Program - Jan 4
DEADLINE: The application deadline is Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.
WEDC Fab Lab Grant Program - Jan 15
WEDC will provide grants of up to $25,000 to public school districts, or up to $50,000 to consortiums of two or more districts, for the creation and/or expansion of fab labs.
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Big Read Grants - Jan 18
National Education Association Foundation (NEAF) Envision Equity Grants - Feb 1
Envision Equity Grants support project-based learning and help educators to advance students’ cultural understanding and appreciation, anti-racism commitments, and understanding of civic engagement and democracy. Envision Equity grants will fund projects between $1,500 and $5,000. Grants fund activities for 12 months from the date of the award.
National Education Association Foundation (NEAF) Learning & Leadership Grants - Feb 1
Learning and Leadership grants are intended to provide resources for educators hoping to engage in professional learning that can be implemented in their classrooms. Learning & Leadership grants will fund projects between $1,500 and $5,000. Grants fund activities for 12 months from the date of the award.
National Education Association Foundation (NEAF) Student Success Grants - Feb 1
The NEA Foundation wants to support educators engaging students in project-based and deeper learning to support the development of skills and dispositions contributing to success and fulfillment in a changing world.
Grants between $1,500 and $5,000 are available. Grants fund activities for 12 months from the date of the award. https://www.neafoundation.org/educator-grants-and-fellowships/student-success-grants/
Google Tools To Check Out!
- Chrome Music Lab - https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Experiments
- Groove Pizza- https://apps.musedlab.org/groovepizza
- AI Duet -https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ai/ai-duet/view/
- Seeing Music - https://creatability.withgoogle.com/seeing-music/
- Semi-Conductor - https://semiconductor.withgoogle.com/
Google Arts & Culture
- Performing Arts Website - https://artsandculture.google.com/project/performing-arts
- Music, Makers & Machines - https://artsandculture.google.com/project/music-makers-and-machines
- Curator Table - https://artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/curatortable/
- Art Palette - https://artsexperiments.withgoogle.com/artpalette/
- Art Coloring Book - Link
- Geo Artwork - Link
- AutoDraw - https://www.autodraw.com/
Visual Art Leads to Greater Critical Thinking
10 Reasons to Support the Arts in 2022
National Education Association Foundation (NEAF) Global Learning Fellowship
Through the NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellowship, public school educators develop the knowledge and skills to integrate global competency into their daily classroom instruction, advocate for global competency in their schools and districts, and help students to thrive in our increasingly interconnected world. Fellows transform their classrooms to give students a global perspective.
Over the course of a year, NEA Foundation Global Learning Fellows immerse themselves in online coursework, webinars, reading and reflection as well as in a two-day professional workshop and an international field study. The field study brings the cohort together to investigate the historical and cultural context of the country they visit and learn about its education system through meetings with policymakers, business and nonprofit leaders as well as visits to schools to meet teachers, students and administrators. The NEA Foundation partners with EF Educational Tours, a global leader in international education, to design transformative field study experiences for the Fellows. The field study country for the 2023 cohort is South Africa.
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Chris Gleason
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Email: christopher.gleason@dpi.wi.gov
Website: https://dpi.wi.gov/fine-arts
Location: 125 South Webster Street, Madison, WI, USA
Phone: 608-264-9554