Schuylerville Public Library News
October 2024
ASPL's Turning a Page Capital Campaign
As many of you may have already learned, the library is looking to expand our physical space to better serve our community. Financial and community support is needed in order to make our dream of a better-sized facility a reality.
There will be a public vote in May 2025 for the community to decide if they are ready for the Library to move forward with this expansion. Additionally, the Advocates for the Schuylerville Public Library will be fundraising for the project with a financial goal of $200,000.
With 56 years since our last capital campaign and major expansion, we understand how significant this change is. When it was completed in 1968, our current building was built to serve just over 1,400 residents. After transitioning from a Village Library to a School District Library in 2013, we now provide service to just over 10,000 residents. Our goal has been and continues to be to serve our community to the best of our ability, and our greatest limitation to that at present is our physical space.
If you would like to learn more about this campaign, donate (buy a brick), and/or share your time or talent, please visit https://schuylervillelibrary.sals.edu/index.php/turning-a-page-capital-campaign/ to learn more.
Programs Coming this October:
The Inflation Reduction Act and Medicare: What You Need to Know!
On Friday October 4th at 2:30pm, join Sandra Kahlon, Occupational Therapist and Medicare Educator/Agent as she presents on what the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) is and the major impact it will have on Medicare Part D plans and Medicare Advantage Plans alike. Arm yourself with information that will help you make informed decisions for 2025!
Baby Steps: a New Program for Babies!
Miss Brandi is excited to announce a new program catering specifically to babies ages 0-18 months and their families. "Baby Steps" is a program that supports early development through meaningful play. Activities will focus on several skills including: motor skills, language, fingerplay, and sensory. Examples of specific activities can be found on the event page.
Baby Steps will meet on Mondays from 10:30am to 11:15am. This is a drop-in event, registration is NOT required.
Reading & Writing Poems to Cultivate Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
Reading and writing poetry, especially poems that center on nature, daily life, and being present, can help us to cultivate mindfulness and find peace and calm in our busy world.
On Saturday October 26th from 10:30am-12:30pm, join Katie Veltum who will share some of her favorite poems from authors like Mary Oliver, James Crews, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, and Naomi Shihab Nye. We will discuss how these poems make us feel, do some short meditations to ground and center us and spend time writing our own poetry.
Please bring something to write on or type on.
Cat Adoption and Supply Drive
Come meet adoptable cats and kittens from the nonprofit rescues: Salem's Community Cats and Witches Kittens from 12 to 2pm on Saturday October 19th at the Library.
Please note that the library closes promptly at 2PM, so please be sure to stop in early enough to get an adequate visit with our fluffy friends!
We will also be collecting wet and dry cat and kitten food, and litter from October 14th-October 19th to be sent along with the rescues.
Dungeons and Dragons Test Play
Are you or your child interested in learning more about Dungeons and Dragons, the iconic table top role playing game, but are not sure about committing to a long campaign? Fear not, we have the program for you!
Join GM (game master) Beth for a singular, two-hour session to learn about DnD and have an opportunity to play! If you don't like it, that's fine! If you do, you will have a chance to sign up for the Library's season-long campaigns run by either GM Beth or GM Holly.
By pre-registering for this event, you will guarantee a spot to play in our one-shot DnD game on the 14th. Folks are also welcome to drop in day of and watch the one-shot session. Registration open to adventurers ages 8-18.
1:1 College and Career Help
Are you interested in going to college or going back to school? Perhaps looking for a new job or feeling unsettled in your current career? On the second Tuesday of every month between 5:30-7:30,
allow our library staff to help you in a one-on-one, half-hour appointment.
Support we can provide: help editing/updating resumes, assistance using college application and job websites, clarifications when filling out applications, taking career assessments.
Registration is required. Use one of our computers or bring your own device.
Learn to Knit
Intended for ages 8 and up, registration is required for this 6-month course. Class will take place on the first Tuesdays of each month at 6:30pm beginning on September 3rd.
Free set of straight needles and practice yarn are provided by the library for your first session. Want to take a sneak peak at the techniques used? Check out the videos listed on the event page. Over the course of the class, we will learn how to cast on, knit, purl, cast off, and cable. Occasionally you will need to purchase supplies, which can be easily found at local stores or online.
Learn to Sew by Hand
Intended for ages 8 and up, registration is required for this 6-month course. Class will take place on the third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30pm beginning on September 17th.
Free supplies are provided by the library for your first session. Want to take a sneak peak at the techniques used? Check out the videos listed on the event page. Over the course of the class, we will learn the running stitch, the whip stitch, the back stitch, and the blanket stitch. Occasionally you will need to purchase supplies, which can easily be found at local stores or online.
Movie Night Roundup
We have several movie nights coming up this month. If you are interested in attending either of the sponsored movie nights, please don't forget to register using the links provided below.
Family Movie Night - October 4th - Inside Out 2 (2024) - begins at 6pm
ASPL Sponsored Movie Night - October 11th - Practical Magic (1998) - begins at 5:30pm
Old Saratoga Seniors Sponsored Movie Night - October 25th - August Rush (2007) - begins at 5:30pm
The Book Club Roundup
Book Club will be meeting on October 23rd at 7pm in the Reading Room. Our book this month is Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman.
If you would like to participate, come by the library and pick up a copy of the book, we have them on hold about a month before the meeting. Registration is not required. We hope to see you there!
Cookbook Club will be meeting on October 16th at 6:30pm. Our theme for September is Harvest Favorites. This is our last meeting of the year so if you've been wanting to try out this culinary fellowship, now's the time!
If you are not currently a part of cookbook club, but are interested in being on our mailing list, please fill out this form. You can also feel free to make a dish and come by!
Shorts and Stouts, our partnership book club with Bound by Fate Brewing will be meeting on October 17th at 5pm. Our story for October is "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe, which can be found here. Come join us for lively conversation, excellent beer, and delicious Laotian food at the Bound by Fate taproom!
Staff Picks
Question of the Month!
It's a new month, with a new opportunity to learn a little bit about our staff. Each month we ask the SPL staff a question. This month it is: "What's your favorite Halloween candy?" Don't be surprised if you find us lacking in these candies when you stop by the library during trick-or-treating this year!
Caitlin: "Snickers"
Julie: "Reese's pumpkins taste like falling in love."
Holly: "It's not exactly candy, but every year I eagerly await the reappearance of Count Chocula in the grocery store during Halloween time! It's my all-time favorite sugar filled cereal!"
Emilly: "I have to go with the Reese's pumpkins as well"
Jessica: "Candy Corn"
Beth: "The Reese's pumpkins or the little pumpkins that come in the candy corn mix."
Brandi: "I too am a Reese's fan. The holiday ones are the best. Pumpkins, Easter Eggs, Christmas Trees....Yummy"
Mary Lou: "If there is candy corn in a dish I cannot resist."
Digital Resources
Library Hours
Monday - Friday 10am-8pm
Saturday 10am-2pm
Contact Us
Email: svl-director@sals.edu
Website: https://schuylervillelibrary.sals.edu/
Location: 52 Ferry Street, Schuylerville, NY, USA
Phone: 518-695-6641
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SchuylervillePublicLibrary/
Twitter: @SVL_Library