Gladiator Gazette
Manor New Technology Middle School - January 12, 2025
Gladiator’s Insight- Principal
Gladiator's Insight from the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we wrap up the first week of the second semester, students have quickly settled back into their routines and revisited classroom expectations. Looking ahead, please note the following important events for the next two weeks:
Upcoming Events
- Virtual Grade Level Assembly- (1/13)
- Picture Retakes: Scheduled for Thursday (1/16).
- GT Nomination Window- Parents can nominate their student (1/8- 1/22) (flyer below)
- Advisory Class Change- (1/21)
- Honors Awards Ceremony (3rd 6-Weeks)
- 6th- (1/22), 7th (1/23), 8th (1/24)
- Saturday School: Reserved for students requiring attendance recovery and/or behavior interventions (1/25)
Attendance Reminders
- Students arriving to class more than 15 minutes late will be marked absent. With classes lasting only 50 minutes, every instructional minute is crucial.
- Please encourage your student to arrive on time to maximize their learning opportunities.
- Ensure any doctor’s or parent notes are submitted promptly to update attendance records accurately.
i-Ready Assessments
- Math Assessments: Begin this week to measure students’ progress thus far.
- Reading Assessments: Scheduled for the week of January 21st.
- Encourage your student to put forth their best effort, as these assessments provide valuable insights into their performance and guide us in tailoring instruction to meet their needs.
Accessing Academic Progress
- Stay informed about your student’s progress by accessing Echo. If you need assistance setting up an Echo Observer account, please use the link provided. Additional resources are available via the included link.
Streamlined Communication via Talking Points
- We are continuing to use Talking Points for efficient communication. Families who have not yet accessed the platform will receive individual notifications.
- If you experience any issues, refer to the flyer below or contact our office at 512-278-4300 for support.
Reminders & Updates
- REPOSTED: Picture Retake Day – On January 16th, students will be able to retake their picture or take a picture if they missed their first opportunity. These pictures will go into the yearbook.
- REPOSTED: Volunteers Needed – St. Gregorios Orthodox Church needs volunteers and invites families to participate and support our Manor community. Information and signup is listed below.
- REPOSTED: Drop-Off/Pick-Up Times – For safety, students should not arrive before 7:30 AM or remain on campus after 4:30 PM unless supervised.
- REPOSTED: Parents & Volunteers Needed – Join the PTSA or Watch D.O.G.S. Visit [www.JoinPTA.org](http://www.joinpta.org) and search for our group under Manor ISD. Membership dues are $8.50 per person, plus a small online processing fee.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in making our school a wonderful place for our students to learn and grow. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.
Your Principal,
Mrs. Jones
🔊 Standard Response Protocol (SRP) 🔒
📝 GT Nomination 📃
📌 MHS Parent Night 🔖
💙 Family Volunteer Opportunity 💙
St. Gregorios Orthodox Church, Manor is partnering with Feed My Starving children to host a food packing event at their church in Manor. Their goal is to pack 100,000 meals, which will feed 250 kids one meal a day for a whole year. St. Gregorios Church has been part of the Manor community for over 25 years. They have consistently helped with our Annual School Resource Fair and Holiday events and we would love to support them at this high impact community volunteer event.
Link to register as a volunteer for this event: Choose from 1 of 4 sessions (Fri 5-7pm, Sat: 9-11, 12-2, 3-5pm)
St. Gregorios Orthodox Church
14619 Boid D Arc Lane, Manor, Texas 78653
Kurian Panicker: 651-353-1159; kurianpanicker@gmail.com
🐶 Watch D.O.G.S. 🐕
📋 After School Tutoring 📓
African American Youth Harvest Foundation weekly meeting!
Student Leadership meeting!
Our teachers were ready for campus professional learning!
8th Grade Boys Athletics Parent Meeting
Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025, 06:00 PM
Manor New Tech Middle School, Joyce Turner Drive, Manor, TX, USA
Boys Basketball vs Del Valle (away)
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025, 05:15 PM
Del Valle Middle School, Ross Road, Del Valle, TX, USA
Girls Basketball vs Del Valle (home)
A Team- 6:15
B Team - 5:15
Thursday, Jan 16, 2025, 05:15 PM
Manor New Tech Middle School, Joyce Turner Drive, Manor, TX, USA
MLK Jr. Day- Staff & Student Holiday
Monday, Jan 20, 2025, 08:00 AM
Manor New Tech Middle School, Joyce Turner Drive, Manor, TX, USA
MISD & MNTMS Information
All About MNTMS
Email: leticia.jones@manorisd.net
Website: https://www.manorisd.net/domain/1724
Location: 12116 Joyce Turner Dr, Manor, TX, USA
Phone: 512-278-4300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newtechmiddle
The New Tech Model
New Tech schools use project-based learning and cutting-edge technology throughout the campus to engage students on a new level. New Tech Network Schools consistently outperform national comparison groups on measures of higher-order thinking skills, high school graduation rates, and college enrollment rates. At New Tech Network schools, students are solvers and creators. They learn to communicate and collaborate. Through challenging, authentic projects, they learn to adapt and engage in the world around them.