Hungate Echo
Autumn Term, Week 2
A word from Mr Broom
Our second week of the year has been a hugely successful one. Learning Journey launches, exciting lessons and forest schools have been just some of our highlights.
Next week, I'm really looking forward to welcoming our Year 6 parents into school for the first series of family consultations. We do this early with year six so that we set off on the right track to a successful year. I'll be accompanying Miss Anderson and Miss Weston to all meetings.
It's also the Year 1 information evening on Thursday. Mr Wilson and Miss Soper will be talking about the changes from Early Years and how best to accelerate progress in Year 1.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
This Week in School
Skeleton Making
Harvest Festival Practice
Emergency Services Visit
Attendance - Please click on the attachment to read
Uniform Ordering from September 2024
Our system for ordering our logoed uniform is either through ourselves (ParentPay) or APC in Tadcaster. For PE t-shirts, PE bags, white shorts, book bags and caps please order through parent pay as we will always stock these in school. For fleeces, sweatshirts, cardigans, PE Hoodies, navy shorts/joggers please visit the APC website on the button below.
You will now be able to purchase most items of uniform at cost price through APC. To make it easier, you can have it delivered to your home at a cost of £7.50 but free for orders over £50. You can also collect direct from them at Unit 6a Guardian Park, Station Road Industrial Estate, Tadcaster, LS24 9SG.
There is also an option to deliver to school for free. This means you can order in July (for example) to be delivered to school by the training day in September and then you can collect it from the office. Orders made in the rest of the school year may take longer as APC will wait until they have a certain number of orders before they will deliver to us for free. This could be at least 3 to 4 weeks, sometimes longer if they need to order items in.
To order individual items through school, please use ParentPay and allow at least 24 hours for it to be sent home with your child.
We are also trialing a new supplier ARC Ltd, who are based at Sherburn Industrial Estate, please see their website on the button below for more details.
SHP House Relaunch
We are very excited to announce our 2024-2025 House Relaunch is happening on Monday 16th September.
Every child at school will take part in activities based around their sustainability element. The EYFS & KS1 activity will be in the morning and the KS2 activity will be in the afternoon.
We ask for everyone to come to school dressed in their house PE top along with the rest of their appropriate PE uniform.
Please could we ask you to bring in any used kitchen and toilet rolls to school from home. These will form part of an activity for one house.
Miss Wilson, Miss Weston, Miss Burns and I are very excited about passing on the batons to some brand new House Captains who are looking forward to meeting you all!
Thank you for everything and good luck with those house competitions SHP!
Your House Captains signing off,
Mr Wilson, Miss Burns, Miss Weston and Miss Wilson
KS2 Snacks
As you are aware EYFS & KS1 receive free fruit from the government at breaktime, but not KS2. We purchase fruit for them to have at breaktime, however to keep providing this healthy snack we do need some donations from parents. If your child has fruit, please consider paying a contribution on the KS2 snacks service on ParentPay. Just a few pounds each term would be gratefully received. A big thank you to those that have already contributed.
Staff Shoutouts
Staff shoutouts are back for 24-25 and there's no better way of helping to keep our staff morale high than letting them know how you think.
Happy Staff + Happy Children = Happy Family.
If you can spare a minute or two to let someone know how great they are, it would be much appreciated, especially at this challenging time for us all. Thank you.
Sherburn Hungate Community Information
Regular Items - Now Echo Regulars
Following feedback from our parent governors, we've updated the way that the weekly Hungate Echo works so that it is sharper with information you need. A new newsletter, known as the Echo Regulars will contain all the most important regular information that our families may need. It has a permanent home on our website at the link below. Here you will find community events, regular reminders and key information. When I update it, I'll put a short line at the bottom of the Hungate Echo to let you know.