November 10, 2023
Níłch'its'ósí means "Slender Winds"

Volume 4, Issue 6
November is filled with beautiful fall colors as the leaves change colors. Passing the Rio Grande River is amazing this time of the year and if you plan to walk the along the river, you will see the different birds in the sky and trees. In November, we have Veteran's Day, Autism Awareness month, Native American Heritage month, and Thanksgiving. Our school will have To'Hajiilee Week on November 15th to the 21st. The theme is "Holding Responsibilities with Compassion and Respect." “Ta’níhíí’ ajooba dóó nihiłda’ílí bee dáahiiniita.” Vendors are invited to sale, a time to shop for the holiday season. A flyer is attached below. TCS will host their annual Turkey-in-the-hole on November 21st. Students and their sponsors will cook their own turkeys in the ground, a tradition the school has put in place for many years. Everyone looks forward to To'Hajiilee Week and if your available, come join us as we celebrate Native American Heritage month.
Due to school cancelation for students on Oct. 10th and Oct. 11th because of the water repair, we will make up instructional time on Wednesday, November 15th and Wednesday, November 29th. Dismissal time for all students will be 3:00 p.m.
TCS had a site visit on November 8th, by participants attending the La Cosecha Conference in Albuquerque, NM. Eight attendees came and spent the day learning about the Dual Language program and our guests had the opportunity to observe the classrooms. The Kindergarten Dual Language Class (Mrs. Platero/Mrs. George), 2nd/3rd Grade Dual Language (Mrs. Yazzie/Ms. Charlie), Middle School Dine Class (Ms. Lucero), High School Dine Class (Mrs. Secatero), and Culinary Arts (Mr. Johnson) classes were all observed. Three students, Seniors and Student Council members, Khaila Platero, Makayla Yazzie, and Cassidy Watch escorted our guests to the different classes and also shared their insight of the school. A PowerPoint presentation was provided by Elayne Costello, Mikki Carroll, and Katrina Nez. Topics include an overview of the school's governing board, types of assessments provided for our Dual Language students, Lesson Plan samples, class activities/assignments, and other information about the Dual Language program. Our guests were from different areas of the world, New Zealand, Georgia, Mexico, and so forth. Feedback and numerous questions were provided from the group. Overall this was a great experience for our school and guests. It was a day of learning about the Dine language and culture; and showcasing what our school has done since 2017 when this program was implemented.
Literacy Fair Contest Winners
Congrats to our Literacy Fair contest winners and everyone that took part in the literacy fair. We appreciated your participation and a great job for the literacy display board participates.
Pre-K/FACE to Kindergarten:
- 1st Place: Ms. Francisco and Ms. Begay's Class, Preschool
- 2nd Place: Ms. Cizek's Class, FACE Program
- 3rd Place: Ms. Benjamin's Class, Kindergarten
2nd to 5th Grade:
2nd place: Ariana Largo
3rd place: Frances Smith, Corbin Begay, and Kaelum Watuema
Middle School:
- 1st place: Jamie Valencia, 8th grade
- 2nd place: Madison Becenti, 7th grade
- 3rd place: Socorra Tenorio, 7th grade
Red Ribbon Week Bulletin Board Winners
Students that won the Red Ribbon Bulletin Board contest celebrated with pizza and soda. Thank you to Canoncito Band of Navajos for sponsoring the event and purchasing pizza for the students.
Mr. Juanton's Class placed first in the Red Ribbon Bulletin Board Contest.
Mrs. Yazzie and Ms. Charlie's class placed 2nd and the students were happy with their pizza party!
Early Childhood Community Trick or Treat
The Early Childhood programs went trick or treating around the community on Tuesday, October 31st. Students had their trick or treat bags filled with treats. Thanks to all the community programs and classes that gave candy to the students.
Ms. Keene's 2nd graders on Halloween
Ms. Keene's class celebrated with healthy treats and a movie on Halloween day.
TCS honored our heroes in the community by hosting a Veteran's Ceremony on November 9th. The Cibola High School JROTCS provided an armed and unarmed performance led by the singing of the National Athem, Alyia Platero, and the Pledge of Allegiance by the 2nd/3rd Grade Dual Language class. Performance by the Performing Arts Students; and Colin and Keaton Johnson sang a Veteran song with their uncle Marty Monte.
Cibola MCJROTC attended the elementary classrooms and answered many questions the students had about their performance. What it takes to be part of the JROTC to having interests in the replica rifles. Elementary students asked if the students ever get hurt from tossing the rifles, etc. A great day of learning about the ROTC. Thank you Cibola High School MCJROTC for a great event...many students were of interest and enjoyed the performance. TCS will be cheering for you in February 2024 if you get selected to compete in Florida. Regardless, we will cheer for our local CHS MCJROTC for representing our state of New Mexico and you compete in other events.
After the ceremony, Veterans were invited to eat at Route 66 Casino as part of our thank you ceremony to end the day. We salute our brave Veterans and give gratifications to our Veterans for serving our country so we can enjoy life's blessings. What a great celebration for our Veterans.
Join us for To'Hajiilee Week! Vendors are welcome...see flyer regarding vendor fees and contact Arlissa Francisco for any questions.
TCS School Board had provided a donuts and coffee for the staff and teachers for proving a great Fall Festival. A great way to show kindness. Thank you School Board!
Weekly, you will see our Navajo Word of the Day. Practice saying the word, spelling the word, and use it in a sentence.
Congrats to our Cross Country, they placed 5th during the District Meet on Saturday, November 4th. The Warrior's Cross Country team worked hard all season and practiced after school by running the sandy hills near the school with Coach Kim Platero. What a great way to end the season. And congrats to Khyran Guerro, he placed 8th overall during the District Meet. We are proud of our runners, way to hustle!
Our Middle School Lady Warriors won the Championship during the Magdalena Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, November 4th. What a great victory for these young athletes!
The Seniors who played fall sports were recognized on Tuesday, November 7th during the volley game. We appreciate their dedication and hard work playing sports this fall. We will continue to recognize their achievements as they paved the way for their Senior Year.
- BREAKFAST: Cereal Honey Nut Cheerios, Lemon Crisp Bite, Fresh Grapes, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Nachos with Beef, Beans, Fresh Grapes, and Choice of Milk
November 14th
- BREAKFAST: Biscuit and Sausage Gravy, Watermelon Chunks, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Spaghetti with Meat, Garlic Toast, Salad, Fresh Strawberries, and Choice of Milk
November 15th
- BREAKFAST: French Toast Sticks, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Hamburger, French Fries, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
November 16th
- BREAKFAST: Cinnamon Roll, Kiwi Fruit, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Grill Cheese Sandwich, Tomato Soup, Celery Sticks, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
November 17th
- BREAKFAST: Blueberry Bagel, Cream Cheese, Orange Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Pork Chops with Brown Rick, Broccoli Florets, Cantaloupe Pieces, and Choice of Milk
November 20th
- BREAKFAST: Cereal Frosted Flakes, English Muffin, Apple Wedges, and Choice of Milk
- LUNCH: Spaghetti with Meat, Bread Stick, Salad, Tropical Fruit Salad, and Choice of Milk
November 21st
- Turkey-in-the-Hole
November 22nd-24th
- 9th: Veteran's Assembly
- 10th: HOLIDAY: VETERANS DAY (No School)
- 11th: Cross Country State Meet
- 15th-21st: To'Hajiilee Week
- 16th-18th: Volleyball State Championship Games
- 21st: Turkey-in-the-Hole
- 22nd-24th: THANKSGIVING BREAK (No School)
Parents and Guardians, as we are back in school and no longer in remote learning, TCS will be phasing out next school year 2024-2025 and no longer assist with paying for your home/internet services with Sacred Wind. The Affordable Connectivity Program is great for you to apply and they can help pay for your internet service. Two easy steps to apply: 1. Go to ACPBenefit.org to apply. 2.Then select your preferred participating internet provider to have the discount applied to your bill. Families who have WIC, SNAP or Medicaid can qualify. Families of students who receive free breakfast or lunch, including through the community eligibility provision, qualify.
For general information about YHYI and NPP, see www.fcc.gov/acp-pilots. For more information on the pilot program outreach grants, see www.fcc.gov/acp-grants. For questions about the grant opportunities, contact ACPGrants@fcc.gov. For assistance using www.grants.gov, please contact the Help Desk at (800) 518-4726 or email support@grants.gov.
Previous Parent Newsletter
Volume 4, Issue 1: https://www.smore.com/fsz5r
Volume 4, Issue 2: https://www.smore.com/x5b0z-september-15-2023
Volume 4, Issue 3: https://www.smore.com/7yjt8v
Volume 4, Issue 4: https://www.smore.com/7qdrg
Volume 4, Issue 5: https://www.smore.com/a2rw3