November 2021
Red Bank Elementary School
Important Dates for November
1 - Parent Advisory Council @ Central Services
5 - Fall Picture Make-Up Day, "Wild About RBE Theme Friday"----wear animal print!
7 - Daylight Saving Time ends
8-12 - National School Psychology Week
10 - CPD Dismissal at 11:20 AM
11 - Veterans Day, Family Math Game Night (K5-1st grades)
12 - RFL Hat Day $1
15-19 American Education Week
16 - Title 1/SIC 5:30 PM, School Board Meeting 7:00 PM
18 - National Parent Involvement Day, Family Math Games Night (2nd-5th), Substitute Educators Day
19 - "Wacky Tacky Theme Friday"---dress wacky and tacky!
21-27 National Family Week
22 Math-A-Thon Pledge
23 - RLF CFA Biscuits, Math-A-Thon
24-26 Thanksgiving Break
A Note from Mrs. Ricard!
We are very excited to know we have successfully completed the first quarter of our 2021-22 school year. We are hopeful that you were all able to see your student’s report card from the first nine weeks. These were sent home this past Friday. If you have missed it, please check your child’s binder. We hope you all had a great Halloween and that everyone stayed safe! We want to say thank you to our wonderful PTO for purchasing popcorn from Cromer’s so that our students could have a nice fall treat on Friday! As a reminder, Daylight Savings Time does not end until November 7!
Thank you to all who supported our Bedford Falls Book Fair and all grandparents who joined us for the Grandfamilies' Books and Donuts event this past week. What a great turnout! We thank Mrs. Lind for working with Mr. Blackwell to make this event happen! The students and their grandparents seemed to really enjoy it!
The month of November will likely fly by quickly as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday! Only three full weeks of school to go! We have a great deal going on before the break. On Friday, November 5, we will have a “Friday Theme Day.” You are encouraged to have your student participate in “Wild About RBE” day. Wear animal print to show that we are “wild” about our school! You might even want to wear multiple animal prints! IF your child missed fall pictures and will need to have a make-up picture taken, these will be taken on Friday, November 5 as well. We will have an additional “Friday Theme Day” on November 19. This will be “Wacky Tacky Day.” Your child is encouraged to dress “Wacky and Tacky!”
We will not have a Marco’s Pizza Night this month. They have had a change in staffing. We hope to resume our regular Pizza Night in December on the first Tuesday of the month. Please stay tuned! Family Math Nights will be held this month. These will be held via Zoom. On Thursday, November 11, 5K will meet from 6:30 until 6:55 p.m. with 1st grade to follow at 6:55 until 7:30 p.m. On Thursday, November 12, 2nd and 3rd grades will meet from 6:30 until 7 p.m. with 4th and 5th grades to follow at 7 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there! We will have a Relay for Life Hat Day on Friday, November 12 where your child may wear a hat for a $1 donation. We also have a Title 1/School Improvement Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 16 at 5:30 p.m. followed by a meeting of our PTO. A zoom link will be shared closer to that date.
Our district will be offering flu shot clinics for our students. We do not have complete information at this time, but our date for student flu shots will be Tuesday, November 16. These will be administered by DHEC. We will keep informed as we get more information for those of you who are interested in having your child receive a flu vaccine at school.
We have begun a Relay for Life event called the “Math-A-Thon.” Students can work for up to 30 minutes on either November 22 or 23 in their classroom. Students are asked to secure pledges of $1 per minute for up to 30 minutes ($30) to work in DreamBox or iReady Math. If your child participates, he or she will receive a sticker to say that they did so. If he/she collects the $30 total pledge for Relay for Life, they will have a popsicle party. The form for the event came home in your child’s binder this week and is due by November 22. As always, we appreciate your donations to Relay for Life. Thanks for your support!
Our Chick-Fil-A biscuit sale for Relay for Life was a huge success this past week! We sold all 250 biscuits! We will have another biscuit sale on Tuesday, November 23 beginning at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 23 will be our last day of school prior to the Thanksgiving Break on November 24-26. We will return on Monday, November 29.
Thank you for all you do to support RBE. We appreciate all of you! Happy November!
Make-Up Picture Day
This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.
Collaborative Planning Day is Wednesday, November 10th
Math Game Nights Coming Up!
Thursday, 11/11: Kindergarten 6:30-7:00 & 1st Grade 7:00-7:30 Thursday, 11/18: 2nd & 3rd 6:30-7:00 and 4th & 5th 7:00-7:30
Spirit Item!
At the end of last school year, RBE had a T-shirt Design Contest. We had so many creative designs submitted, but in the end, Savannah McCaskill was our grand winner! Part of Savannah's prizes was a free t-shirt that she designed.
T-shirts are $15 and all proceeds go to support RBE!
Also, we have Gift sets to include an RBES t-shirt, stadium cup and car decal for $20.
Please come by the office and purchase yours!
Friday, November 12th
Tuesday, November 23rd
School Improvement Council meets next on November 16 at 5:30 PM with our Title I Team
RBE Title I Planning Team
RBE's next Title I Meeting is Tuesday, November 16th at 5:30 PM and our SIC Council Meeting will follow after. This will be held via Zoom. Look for the invite in Principal Ricard's email. If you can attend this meeting, please contact Mrs. Lind at elind@lexington1.net.
Red Bank Elementary School is a Title I school, which means we receive funding to help meet the needs of our students. Every family and guardian are invited to serve on the Title l Planning Team. The team meets at least three times a year to plan and review the Title l program at RBE. If you are interested, contact Mrs. Lind.
For more information please contact Mrs. Lind at (803) 821-4609,
RBES Family Engagement Documents
- 2020-2021 RBES Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Final.pdf
- SP 2020-2021 DO Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Final (2).pdf (Spanish)
- 2020-2021 Parent and Family Engagement Policy Highlights (1).pdf
- 2020-2021 SPANISH_Parent and Family Engagement Policy Highlights.pdf
- 20-21 RBES Family-School Compact (1).pdf
- 20-21 SPANISH_RBES Family-School Compact.pdf
- 20-21 Parents Right to Know Brochure (Elementary) (1).pdf
- 20-21 SPANISH_Parents Right to Know Brochure (Elementary).pdf
- RBES Title One Parent Survey
- RBES Title One Parent Survey (Spanish)
Family Resource Center
Click here for the Brochure
Checkout Times:
Tuesday: By Appointment 1st Quarter
Wednesday: 11:00-12:00
Thursday: 2:00-3:00
For more information contact Mrs. Lind, Title l Family Liaison at
803.821.4609, elind@lexington1.net or
Check out RBE’s Website and click Family Engagement
LEAD-LEARN-LOVE. . . Pass It On!
Scan the QR Code below to watch the video hear
Mrs. Lind share about the Family Resource Center.
Grandfamily Coffee & Talk
Grandfamily Coffee & Talk
Grandfamilies will meet one Thursday morning of each quarter from 8-9 in the Family Resource Room (106) for coffee, donuts & talk. The group provides support & services to grandparents/guardians with issues and challenges that may arise while raising your grandchildren/students. Mark your calendar for upcoming meetings!
Thursday,January 27, 2021
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Sign up today and I will share all the upcoming events with you!
For more information contact Mrs. Lind, Title l Family Liaison at
803.821.4609, elind@lexington1.net or
Check out RBE’s Website and click Family Engagement
LEAD-LEARN-LOVE. . . Pass It On!
Please remember the tardy bell rings at 7:40 a..m. when instruction will begin. Our day will end at 2:20 p.m. when we will begin dismissal.
Thank you for your patience as we strive to keep our students safe!
2021-2022 Car Tags
COVID-19 Positive test results or Close Contact
Beginning September 10, 2021: If your student receives a positive test result for COVID-19 infection or is identified as a close or household contact of someone who tests positive for COVID-19, complete this Google form to notify your school.
Lexington One Food Service and Nutrition
Free breakfast and lunch continues for ALL Lexington County School District One students!
Be sure to visit the Lex One Food Service and Nutrition website. There is plenty of information including menus, meal prices, the LOOLA order form, Meal Benefit Application and more!
Friendly Reminders...
Outside Food: In order to keep our staff and students safe, we are not allowing parents/guardians to deliver lunch or other items during the day. If a student forgets his/her lunch, the parent may drop a lunch box off at the front office and we will deliver it. We CANNOT accept outside food. This includes cupcakes and other items for birthdays. Please call the school and talk to our Cafeteria Manager, Alyse McClarrie, if you would like to purchase school snacks for birthdays. You can also access the order form on our Facebook Page here.
Email: rbes@lexington1.net
Website: www.rbes.lexington.net
Location: 246 Community Drive, Lexington, SC, USA
Phone: 803-821-4600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedBankElementarySchool/
Twitter: @RBESRoadrunners