ASFL Elementary Principal Notes
May 15, 2024
Returning Student Registration
All returning students must be registered for the 2024 - 2025 School Year.
Proof of Residence must be provided each year. You may bring proof of residence to school or upload through PowerSchool Registration. Parents/Guardians are requested to provide a current utility, cable or land line phone bill or other offical current document.
If you have not completed the registration for 24 - 25 , you will recieve a document with information on how to complete registration and your child's snapcode today.
The first homeroom class to have 100% of students registered for the 24-25 school year will recieve a pizza party.
Please call Ms. Irvin if you need assistance - 256-428-7000.
Upcoming Dates
May 17, 2024 - Field Day
Monday, May 20, 2024 - Awards Day for PreK, K, 1, and 2
- PreK- 9:00 a.m.
K- 11:15
- 1st - 12:15
- 2nd - 1:15
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - Awards Day for 3, 4, 5, and Resource Classe
- 5th - 9:00 a.m.
- 3rd - 10:30
- Resource Classes - 11:45
- 4th - 1:15
Thursday, May 23, 2024 - Last day of School - Noon Dismissal - Report Cards go home
Volunteers Need for End of the Year Activities
Dates we need Volunteers! Please email our parent coordinator if you are available to volunteer on any of these days.
Friday, May 10th -Duty-Free Lunch-Help with students in the lunchroom
Time: 10:20 am-12:30 pm
Thursday, May 16th -PBIS, Time: 8:30 am-1:30pm-Help with students during PBIS party.
Friday, May 17th- Field Day-We will need lots of help on this day with relay stations and concessions. The link to sign up is below!
5th Grade Exhibition Group Projects
HCS Galaxy Awards Night
Alabama STATE Report Card
M in STEM - Math resources for Families to check out of our Library.
We wanted all of our families to know about our new M in STEM program. It was created to expand our students' knowledge, enjoyment, and understanding of mathematics. Last year the PTA through the work of Latoya Adams was fortunate to obtain a grant to establish this program. Students, parents, and teachers are able to check out math manipulative tools from the school library. We hope this will encourage fun memories, collaboration with families and a zest for learning.
Parent Volunteers Wanted
We are so excited for the new school year here at ASFL Elementary, and we are hoping you are too!
We are looking for parent volunteers to help with our teachers and we would love to have you!
Interested in Volunteering? Sign up using this link or emailing our parent coordinator at
See you soon!
This form is for parents and guardians to sign up to volunteer at ASFL Elementary. Once you sign up our Parent Coordinator will be in touch. Thank you!
PTA Membership Information
PTA Membership -
Fluency Folders for Reading and Math
Our goal is for our students to have extra practice on basic skills so that they will be able to meet grade level goals in reading and math. We thank you for assisting us with this important task!
Fluency Folder Contents:
- Fluency Folder log for Math (all students) and Reading (some students)
- Parent Passage for reading (same as student passage but has the number of words beside each line of text)
- Student Passage for reading
Fluency Folder Instructions for Reading Passages:
- Please have your child read the passage each night and record the number of words he or she reads correctly on the Fluency Folder log.
- Students may read the passage multiple times and you can record the reading with the highest number of words read correctly.
- Turn the folder back in on Friday morning, so that the passages can be changed for the next week.
Please have students practice the fact families on the math sheets:
- 1st and 2nd grades - addition
- 3rd grade - addition and subtraction
- 4th and 5th grades - multiplication
Please follow the traffic pattern for Morning Drop off and Afternoon Pickup - see below.
Morning Carline
Please practice with your child so that they can exit your car independently.
- Parents should remain in their vehicle and students should exit on the passenger side.
- Students should have belongings (backpack, lunchbox, etc.) ready to exit the car.
- Please pull forward as far as possible.
- Do not allow students to exit if you are not in the carline lane.
If your child needs extensive assistance to exit your car, please park in the parking lot, help them exit, and walk them to the front awning.
Students should not be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. There is no supervision for your child before 7:30 a.m.
These procedures need to be followed so that carline is safe for all students and adults.
Afternoon Carline
Parents should not exit cars to walk up and pick up children in the carline area. Please remain in carline so that we can keep the line moving as quickly as possible.
Introducing April Hodges, Title I Parent Coordinator
School Attendance
Please make sure that your child is at school before 8:00 a.m. and that they are picked up on time after school or after tutoring. Our school dismisses at 3:00 p.m and tutoring dismisses at 4:30.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) must provide a written explanation of the reason(s) for each absence within two school days after each absence (or consecutive absences). If the written explanation is not provided within the two-day period, the absences will be unexcused. A student must be in attendance one-half day to be counted present.
• A student may have a total of 7 excused absences for illness without a doctor’s statement. After an accumulation of 7 excused absences for illness without a doctor’s statement, the student will receive unexcused absences for illness unless absences are documented with a doctor’s statement.
• If a student arrives to school after the start of the school day, the student is considered tardy. After 10 unexcused tardies, parents will be invited to the disctrict Early Warning Meeting.
For more information, please refer to the HCS Student-Parent Information Guide.
Please send in absence excuses as soon as possible.
HCS Cell Phone / Personal Electronic Device Policy
For the purposes of this policy, PED means a privately-owned device that is used for audio, video, or text communication or any other type of computer-like instrument. PEDs may include but are not limited to:
• Existing and emerging mobile communication systems and smart technologies (cellular phones, iPhones, Smartphones, internet-enabled phones, smartwatches, etc.)
• Personal Digital Assistants (“PDA”) (Palm organizers, pocket PCs, etc.)
• Handheld entertainment systems (video games, CD players, compact DVD players, MP3 players, iPods, etc.) • PED accessories (earphones, earbuds, etc.)
• Portable internet devices (mobile messengers, iPads, etc.)
• Current or emerging wireless handheld technologies or portable information technology systems that can be used for word processing, wireless internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording, and information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc.
A. PEDs may not be used by students for any disruptive purpose including telephone calls, text messaging, taking photographs and videos, or any other functions during the regular school day.
Students may possess PEDs, but they must be powered off and out of sight in backpacks, purses, or lockers. It is not permissible for PEDS to be on “silent” or “vibrate” during this time.
Students are permitted to possess and use PEDs only as follows: 1.) Before and after the regular school day 2.) As directed by a teacher or administrator
B. PEDs shall not be used in any way that threatens, humiliates, harasses, or intimidates students, school personnel, or visitors, or otherwise violates District policies and regulations or local, state, or federal laws. Students are prohibited from sending, sharing, viewing, or possessing pictures, text messages, emails, or other material of a sexually explicit nature on their PEDs while on school premises, at school-sponsored activities, or on school transportation. Further, students are prohibited from using the camera, video, or recording functions of their PEDs on school premises or at school-sponsored activities where another student or individual has an expectation of privacy, including, but not limited to, locker rooms, counseling sessions, restrooms, dressing areas, etc.
C. Students are responsible for the security of the PEDs brought to school. The District is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or unauthorized use of PEDs. Further, the District is not liable to any student or his or her parent/guardian for any claims, losses, damages, suits, expenses, or costs of any kind arising out of or related to the use or possession of a student’s PED.
D. Temporary confiscation of a student’s PED is appropriate for violations of this policy. Any building staff person who confiscates a PED will hand it to the building administrator immediately. The building administrator will hold the PED until such time as the student’s parent or guardian makes an appointment to pick up the item.
AlphaBest Afterschool Care
Please see the attachment below for more information about AlaphaBest and to register for afterschool care or use the following link: Alphabest.
HCS Bus Routes
Please check the bus route information starting on July 20, 2022 if your child will ride the bus.
Lunch Menus
Please note that the lunch menu is subject to change if the items on the menu are unavailable.
ASFL is an International Baccalaureate World School
Our teachers will embed these into their IB Unit lessons and students will be recognized for demonstrating these traits.
Each grade level teaches specific interdisciplinary units each year.
PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
- Respect yourself and others,
- Own your Actions,
- Come Prepared,
- Keep making good choices.
ASFL Elementary
Google Voice: (256) 469-8037
Phone: (256) 428-7000
Twitter: @asflmagnet