The Rockwood Reader
May 2024 | Issue 40
Congratulations to our Rosemary Zander Award Winner - Auden Sellmeyer!
Since 1988, students have been recognized for this award due to their accomplishments in academics, arts, athletics, communications, vocational training, employment, independent living skills, community service, and extracurricular activities. Our recipients are chosen by a panel of SSD judges who carefully review and score the many nominations submitted each year, pouring over the heartfelt and thoughtful words of SSD staff who clearly think the world of their students. While it makes the selection challenging, it is also a true testament to the special work of SSD.
A senior at Rockwood Summit High School and South Tech, Auden has demonstrated exceptional resilience and determination in overcoming learning challenges. Despite initial struggles, she discovered effective strategies and support through tutoring and various therapies. Her dedication to her education and passion for animals propelled her to excel in South Tech’s Veterinary Assistant Program while also maintaining a busy schedule of lacrosse, A+ tutoring, and work at a veterinary hospital. Her ability to overcome obstacles and succeed reflects her outstanding character and determination. - Erica Zengerling, Veterinary Assistant Instructor, South Tech
Congratulations to our Scholarship Recipients!
Bonhomme Lions Club Scholarship Winners
For many years, the Bonhomme Lions Club have donated funds for scholarships to SSD students. The organization selects students who have demonstrated strong character, high academic achievement, and participation in community service.
Scholarship applications will be reviewed and recipients determined by the Bonhomme Lions Scholarship Committee. The scholarship recipients each typically receive $1,000 to be used toward education expenses at the recipient's chosen college, university, or post-secondary program. The scholarship amounts will depend on funds available.
Glayden Douglas
With a perfect 4.0 GPA, memberships in the A+ Program and National Honor Society, and recognition such as the Renaissance Gold Standard Award, Glayden’s commitment to excellence is easy to see. His active participation in extracurriculars like SkillsUSA, Boy Scouts (he is an Eagle Scout candidate and troop guide), and competitive shooting (he was chosen for both the Missouri All-State Team and the SSSF All-Scholastic Team), his diverse skills and strong sense of community service have been evident. Glayden’s passion for hands-on work led him to South Tech’s Welding Program, where he impressively serves as a student ambassador and participates in partnership programs with both Ameren and Boeing. Jeff Chandler, South Tech counselor, feels that “with his intelligence, work ethic, and leadership, I have no doubt that Glayden will be outstanding in any path he chooses to pursue.” Glayden plans to attend Ranken Technical College and continue exploring his passion for metalworking and automotive technologies.
Auden Sellmeyer
Auden is a determined and compassionate student who has acquired both technical expertise and emotional resilience crucial for her future aspiration of becoming a veterinarian. She has a 3.978 GPA and has completed accelerated and AP coursework at Rockwood Summit while pursuing her passion in South Tech’s Veterinary Program. Despite the challenges of managing multiple school responsibilities, including lacrosse, National Honor Society, and A+ tutoring, Auden also works at a veterinary hospital and is on track to earn her Veterinary Assistant Certification at graduation. Erica Zengerling, Auden's veterinary program teacher, praises her determination, stating, "Auden took control of her education and equipped herself with the tools needed for success, which is clearly working for her." Despite facing challenges associated with dyslexia, Auden's perseverance and proactive approach to her education have led to remarkable achievements. She exemplifies exceptional dedication and resilience and is poised to excel in her future endeavors in veterinary medicine at Kansas State University.
James E. Westbury Memorial Board of Education Scholarship
The SSD Board of Education and other donors provide funds for scholarships each year to SSD students who plan to attend a college, university, or post-secondary program. These scholarships are named in memory of James E. Westbury, who served on the SSD Board for many years and dedicated his life to the education of students throughout the St. Louis region.
Scholarships are awarded to the students who best demonstrate the ability to define a goal and are preparing to achieve that goal.
Recipients of this scholarship will be selected by members of the SSD Board. In most years, two students are selected for scholarships in the amount of $2,000.
Timothy Smith
Tim's long list of achievements reflects his resilience, dedication, and a passion for both music and academics. Overcoming challenges associated with a learning disability, he has excelled academically with a remarkable 3.98 GPA, perfect attendance for 12 years, membership in the National Honor Society, and being chosen to serve on the Principal's Advisory Council.
Tim's love for music is evident through his involvement as a percussionist in both the band and orchestra, where he serves as a section leader and has earned multiple gold and silver ratings in district and state competitions. Additionally, his commitment to community service is demonstrated through his volunteer work at church, as a scorekeeper for sports games through the community education department, and participation in the A+ and Renaissance programs.
His passion for music and math has led him to pursue a unique career path, majoring in accounting and minoring in music performance at Southeast Missouri State University, with aspirations to become an accountant while performing with a symphony orchestra. With a track record of setting and achieving goals, Tim is poised for success in both his academic and musical endeavors.
Current Events
Friends of Fenton & Game of Champions
Many of our students from Ellisville, Green Pines, Pond and Ridge Meadows Elementary had the opportunity to participate in the Game of Champions Field Day Event. Students from Kellison, Uthoff Valley, and Stanton Elementary schools also participated in our Friends of Fenton Field Day Event. Students came together to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendships with their families, other Special Olympic athletes, and the surrounding community.
Marquette and Lafayette Track and Field
Marquette and Lafayette High Schools recently hosted our Special Olympics Track and Field events. Athletes from schools across the county participated in a variety of events. A special thank you to our Marquette and Lafayette partners and congratulations to all of our athletes!
Information and Resources
St. Louis County Library
Did you know that the St. Louis County Library offers more than just books? They offer a whole host of events at each of their locations throughout the County. Visit their events webpage today and discover what interests you!
Explore St. Louis
St. Louis offers many opportunities for families to get out and about together. Explore St. Louis has a robust directory of local museums and galleries. Get out and see what St. Louis has to offer.
St. Louis County Parks and Recreation
Did you know that St. Louis County Parks and Recreation offers over 400 programs and events each year? From hiking and biking trails to ice rinks, pools and camps, they have something for
Follow SSD on Instagram!
SSD launched a new Instagram account in October and would love for you to follow. The District will be sharing photos and updates from all across the District, including our students and staff in partner districts. Follow us to stay connected and see what we are up to: www.instagram.com/ssdstlco/
Family and Community Engagement
Exciting news! The FACE second-semester calendar of events is now available. Packed with enriching activities, it aims to strengthen family/school partnerships. You can access the calendar here. Mark your calendars and join us—your participation is key to fostering a positive and engaging school community.
Family Resource Hub
Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis
Discover the what, why and how behind the incredible work we get to do every day for individuals with disabilities. Download our latest newsletters and area guides to learn more about the Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis and ways you can get involved with programs or events.
IT’S ARRIVED. 2024 Summer Guide can now be viewed and printed. Plus, check out these resources:
Miriam Summer Camp Taking Registrations
Learn More about SEF's Kid-to-Camp Program
Looking for camp resources this summer? The Special Education Foundation's Kid-to-Camp program supports children served by SSD to attend camp during school breaks. Camp experiences extend beyond the classroom, fostering social growth, friendship, and independence. Applications for financial assistance are accepted year-round, offering invaluable opportunities for students. Visit https://sef-stl.org/what-we-do/kid-to-camp.html for more details or assistance with the application process.
22nd Annual Dan McLaughlin Charity Golf Tournament and Auction
Join SEF for Golf and Giving this October! The 22nd Annual Dan McLaughlin Charity Golf Tournament and Auction is back and better than ever! Set to return at the prestigious Norwood Hills Country Club on October 14th, 2024, this event promises a day filled with excitement, camaraderie, and the joy of giving back—all in support of the Special Education Foundation's mission to support students with disabilities in St. Louis County. Sponsorship and golf registration are now open as well as opportunities to volunteer. Come be a part of this great cause!
Starfish Awards
Join the Special Education Foundation's first annual Starfish Awards as we recognize those who have made a significant impact in the lives of students and families supported by the Special School District. Celebrate an evening of excitement at CITYPARK Stadium, home of the St. Louis CITY SC. Together we'll honor special individuals who have made a significant impact through their seemingly small, yet profoundly meaningful actions. Visit www.starfishawards.org to register and see the award recipients.
Special School District Parent Advisory Council
Greetings, PAC Families, Summer is around the corner!
· Visit the St. Louis Recreation Council website and check out spring break and summer activities.
· Now is the time to sign up for summer camps. Check out our SSD PAC YouTube channel and watch the January meeting recording that was all about camps and funding.
· While you’re there, check out our recent Valentine’s Day meeting on Alternatives to Guardianship.
There will be no March SSD PAC meeting. Please join us for our April 10 Zoom meeting, and mark your calendars for May 8 - our end of year party at SSD Central Office!
Rebecca Flieg
President, SSD Parents Advisory CouncilImportant Dates
Last Day for Seniors
Friday, May 10
Early Dismissal/Grade Recording Day
Friday, May 24
No School - Memorial Day Holiday
Monday, May 27
Records Day (Teachers on Duty)
Tuesday, May 28
Upcoming Board of Education Meetings
Special School District of St. Louis County
Mandy Lloyd, Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.ssdmo.org
Location: 12110 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314.989.8100
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SSDStLCo
Twitter: @ssdstlco
Rockwood School District
Website: https://www.rsdmo.org
Location: 111 East North Street, Eureka, MO, USA
Phone: 636-733-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rockwood.School.District
Twitter: @rockwoodschools