Welcome Back Cardinals!
Grand Valley Middle School 2024 - 2025!
Dear Grand Valley Middle School Families,
As your new principal, I am so excited to get things rolling, meet everyone and learn with you. It is going to be a great year and we have some amazing teachers coming on board to ensure your middle school experience is awesome!
Have a great year!
Ms. Davis
Attendance Matters and We Need you at School!
Did you know...? Why Daily Attendance Matters:
Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
Who to contact if your child doesn't want to come to school: Ms. Stark @ 970-285-5705
New Student Registration
New Students to the District Only: Register at the District Office Tuesday-Friday (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
Parents and guardians only need to register their child if they are new to the district.
The district office is located at 460 Stone Quarry Road Parachute, CO 81635
Bell Schedule
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When is the 1st day of School?
A: Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Q: What are school start and end times
A: The first bell rings at 8:05, students should be in class by 8:10 for announcements, and the the tardy bell rings at 8:15. The release bell rings at 4:05.
Q: Where can I get my schedule?
A: Student schedules will be available on August 6th at our back to school events.
Q: Can my child ride a bus to school.
A: Yes! Please contact our director of transportation, Steve Gardner, for any questions or for more information at (970) 285-5700 ext 5130. Transportation forms and services will be present at the Back to School events on August 6th
Q: What kind of technology will my child have access to?
A: All students at GVMS will be issued a G16 Chromebook. They will be able to take the Chromebooks home when needed. We highly encourage you to purchase Chromebook insurance to protect you in case of accidental damage. Technology insurance forms will be sent home with students on the 1st week of school.
Q: What about cell phones?
A: Cell phones are not permitted during the school day. Students will need to put them in their lockers, turned off from 8:10-4:05. Please call the office if you need to contact your child.
Q: What about food?
A: All students will be offered free breakfast and lunch. If a student chooses to bring lunch from home, that is fine. No outside food should be sent to a student via Door Dash, Grub Hub, or a parent dropping off restaurant food. If your child forgets their lunch, they can eat a free school lunch.
Important Events
Back to School Events
All Students are invited for a short introduction to new staff and a chance to check on paperwork and meet your teachers!
Tuesday, Aug 6, 2024, 06:00 PM
Grand Valley Middle School, Sipprelle Drive, Battlement Mesa, CO, USA
Picture Day!
Picture Day will be September 6th. Watch for more information! Shortly after the pictures, all students will get I.D. cards.
Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents will drop their student/s off at the bus loop entrance. They will turn into the bus loop and pull forward past the orange cones and/or buses. We will have staff guiding you. Students will also be dropped off by busses at the entrance or top of the bus loop. At this point, the lower parking lot will not be available to students before or after school. You will be directed to the bus loop area. Students will walk to the hall of their first period.
District News and Important Forms
Student Insurance Form