Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminar

Seminar Description
The State Support Team Region 1 is excited to bring Marguerethe Jaede, PhD back to our region for a four-day Adaptive Schools Foundations Seminar series. The training not only explores what makes teams effective, but how to develop skills as facilitators and informed group members in informal and formal settings, and in small and large groups. It takes participants beyond the idea of professional learning communities to actual implementation of effective collaborative groups.
In this four-day seminar participants will develop:
An increased capacity to initiate, develop and sustain high functioning groups
New lenses for diagnosing the stages and phases of group development
An expanded repertoire of practical facilitation tools
Understandings of when and how to engage groups in dialogue and discussion, the limitations, forms and values of each
Skills to move groups beyond consensus to common focus
Ways to value and use dissension, argument and conflict
Strategies for keeping group members on track, on topic, energized and resourceful
Audience - Teams of district & building leaders/administrators, general and special education teachers
Time - 8:30 - 3:30
Location - BGSU at Levis Commons | 1655 N. Wilkinson Way | Perrysburg, OH
Contact Hours - 24 total for all four days in the series or 1 graduate credit hour through Ashland University (pending).
Each participant will receive a free copy of the Adaptive Schools Foundation Seminar Learning Guide.
If you have any questions on the content of this series, contact Nick Jacobs. Registration questions can be sent to Jill Barnhisel.
- "This was my second time with this workshop. It allowed me to reflect on what strategies, norms and standards I currently use and focus my attention on new ideas. I hope I am given the opportunity to attend next year as well."
- "The strategies in this training were incredibly useful in supporting and moving OIP forward. We need to bring our teacher based teams (TBT's) and building leadership teams (BLT's) in the future so everyone can be on the same page."
- "I will use the 7 Norms to help with Cognitive conflict in meetings and in my classroom."
- "This has been the best PD series that I have ever attended. It was engaging and educational."
Lynn McKahan, Director
This document/product/software was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, (Award #H027A160111, CFDA 84.027A, awarded to the Ohio Department of Education). The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, and no official endorsement by the Department should be inferred.