This Week at Windsor...
October 15th, 2021
As you know, this week we changed our lunch hour schedule to three twenty-minute lunches in order to continue to keep students safe and in school and it went amazing! Windsor students did a wonderful job making this change and are of course enjoying the extra recess time!
Today you should have received a separate email from me outlining the details for Halloween, please be sure to read through that information thoroughly as there is a link to a permission form that needs to be completed for each child in your family. Please complete the permission form by October 25th.
As the weather gets cooler, more parents choose to drive their children to and from school. It is imperative that you follow the procedures for our Windsor Drive drop and go. Please share this information with the person that drives your child to school.
Arrival- please pull all of the way up to the car in front of you, this may mean you pass the door that your child enters school. We have staff outside monitoring our students and will ensure that your child makes it into the building.
Dismissal- There is NO parking on Windsor Drive. Please do NOT get out of your car, you will need to move your car up in the line as the line moves. If you feel you need to get out of your car to wait for your child, please park on a side street and walk up to Windsor Drive. We will have the Arlington Heights Police Department spot-checking our dismissal on Windsor Drive, please do not exit your car.
Parent-Teacher Conferences:
Parent-teacher conferences are on October 21st and 22nd. Sign-ups were emailed home on the 6th. If you have not signed up for a conference, please do, the links will close on the 18th at noon.
Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, October 21st- Parent-teacher conferences-- 8:15-7:45
- Friday, October 22nd- Parent-teacher conferences-- 8:15-11:45
- Friday, October 29th- Halloween Parade and Parties - Please see Halloween Info email for details. *Please note, lunch on Halloween will be a cold option only. There will be no hot lunch options.
Have a wonderful wildcat weekend!
Mrs. Anastacio and Mrs. Soprano
You can also find information on the Frequently Asked Question Document:
The district has also provided a very helpful Q&A surrounding Covid:
Halloween Information (this was also sent out as a separate email)
Important PTA Information...
Current and Upcoming Events
Conference dinners: The Hospitality committee will be providing dinner for teachers during conferences next week. If you would like to contribute to the dinner and help stock the teacher’s lounge, please click here to sign up:
Chess Club: Chess Club has had an incredible turnout. However, PTA needs volunteers to continue to offer this wonderful program to our students. Please click here to sign up for a volunteer time slot.
Cultural Arts Chair Needed: The Cultural Arts Committee Chair will work with the Principal, LMC Director and PTA President to organize a virtual author visit in the springtime. If you or anyone you know is interested in this role, please contact Carolyn Warnement at
Spirit Wear: There are a few more spirit wear orders that need to be picked up. If you ordered spirit wear, but have not picked it up, you will find your order in the vestibule outside of the office. Please come pick up your orders by Wednesday, October 20.
Get Burbed Challenge
Notes from the front office...
If your child will be tardy please leave a message on the Absence Hotline and indicate if they will need lunch.
If your child needs to leave school early please let the classroom teacher and the office know ahead of time when possible. This will assure your child is ready to leave when needed and will let your child know if dismissal plans have changed.
Nurses Notes:
Hello Parents!
--Please pack a change of clothes and extra masks in your child’s backpack--accidents happen!
--If your child shows symptoms of COVID: fever (100.4 or higher), headache, shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, fatigue, muscle or body aches-- keep your all of your children home until the child with symptoms gets COVID tested and results are back.
--If your child is a CLOSE CONTACT of anyone with COVID, they must stay home and quarantine (with a person who is diagnosed with COVID for more than 15 min, in the classroom setting within 3 feet with mask or within 6 ft without a mask, outside of the classroom setting its within 6 feet masked or not). If that child develops symptoms while in quarantine, they must get tested with a PCR test.
Please contact me: or Kimmy Nylec regarding any COVID questions or if your child has symptoms.
Refer to: Covid information
Testing sites: Free of Charge:
● IDPH - Arlington Racetrack
○ Appointment Required (open M/W/F/Sat only, 8am - 4pm)
○ 309-308-4100
● IDPH - Harper College - U of I Shield Saliva Test
○ 1200 W. Algonquin Rd, Palatine
○ lobby of the performing arts center
○ Mondays 12-4 pm, Wed. 12-4,Thursdays 9:00-11:00am
○ need to fast for 1 hour prior to test and the person will be notified of test results in 24 hours
○ NO Appointment Required, Walk-in
● Walgreens-Antigen, PCR
○ 1000 E. Northwest Hwy, AH
○ 3 E Golf Rd., AH
○ 1711 W Campbell St., AH
○ Appointment Required
Any questions about your child and Shield should be directed to Stacey Mallek:
Have a great weekend and stay healthy!
Windsor School Nurse
Stella Station
Science Buddies is one of my favorite educational websites on the Internet. They do a great job at finding cool activities for students that help them better understand science and the world around them. They have just updated their annual Halloween Ideas for Spooky Science Fun. A quick survey will pop up when you first arrive on the site, but it's just to help them better know who is using their website. I hope you are able to enjoy one or more of these experiences with your child before Halloween arrives! Have a great weekend! ~Mrs. Stella
Lunch Information
Please note that students who choose to pack a meal from home are invited to take a bag with milk that will also contain a fruit, vegetable, and grain at no charge. If your child has food allergies or food intolerances, please work with them to identify what they can consume from this bag, should they decide to pick it up.
All of these bagged items will be wrapped. If a student chooses not to consume all items, those may be placed on a table in the eating area so as to not be wasted.
As a reminder, lunch is free this school year for all District 25 students.
Thank you,
District 25 Food Services
Dryden Place Gardens
American Heart Association
October-World Mental Health Month
Mealtime doesn't have to be draining. When families dine together, both the kids and the adults are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables. Family meals can also help defuse conflicts with kids, ease their stress and depression, improve their grades and boost parents' mental well-being, too. Click here to learn how mealtime can benefit both your mental and physical health.
Windsor Elementary School
Location: 1315 East Miner Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847-398-4297
Twitter: @WindsorWildcats