FCPS Board Meeting Summary
September 9, 2024
About the Meeting
Adoption of the Agenda
James Monroe High School Latin Club Overnight Field Trip.
The appointment of an Acting Clerk.
Character Education Spotlight
James Monroe High School Student Ambassadors
The following students were recognized as James Monroe High School Ambassadors for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
John Boateng
Lorena Raymondo
Sheeza Shakeel
Sara Furmuli
Christian Zammas
Harmony Jones
Ryan Wolfenburger
Parker Bethem
Jaida Asante
Alia Durrani
Kantida Tantayanurak
Meklit Tesfay
Nicole Lopez
Ryleigh Lucier
Norma Salinas
Jack Quinton
Luke Rossi
Gabrielle Wright
John Brough
Sophia Coulon
Ashley Saavedra
Laila Taylor
Residential Governors School Participation
Katelyn Emily Brown was recognized for her participation in the Regional Governors School Program.
Hearing of Citizens
Marguerite B. Young Award Recipients
Employee Incentive Awards
The following employees were recognized as Employee Incentive Award recipients for the 2023 - 2024 school year.
IT Professionals
A video was shown recognizing and thanking the IT professionals in the division.
New Administrative Employee
Angela Wilson was recognized for her work as the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Board Clerk. Mrs. Wilson is retiring from FCPS.
Hearing of Citizens
Hearing of Citizens
Damien Whitley addressed the School Board. He shared concerns he had with James Monroe High School.
Consent Agenda
The following items were approved under the Consent Agenda:
Minutes of the regular August 5, 2024 School Board Meeting
The minutes may be found at the following link: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/frcps/Board.nsf/Public
The date and location of the October School Board meeting was changed to October 7, 2024 at James Monroe High School.
Action Items
Personnel Items
Recommended personnel items - https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/frcps/Board.nsf/files/D8YH8N473EA5/$file/Personnel%20Packet%20090924%20-Minutes.pdf
James Monroe High School Performing Arts and Choral Department Field Trip Requests
School Choir Trip Request -https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/frcps/Board.nsf/files/D8RHNK4951DA/$file/December%202025%20Disney%20Trip%20Request%20-%20JM%20Choral%20Department%20School%20Board.pdf
Performing Arts Trip Request - https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/frcps/Board.nsf/files/D8RHNK4951DA/$file/December%202025%20Disney%20Trip%20Request%20-%20JM%20Choral%20Department%20School%20Board.pdf
VSBA Media Honor Roll
Joey LoMonaco -
Jamar Billingsley - https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/frcps/Board.nsf/files/D8UHHH489303/$file/2024%20Media%20Honor%20Roll%20-%20J.%20Billingsley.pdf
Affirm 2024 - 2025 Agreed Upon School Board Annual Goals
James Monroe Latin Club Overnight Field Trip
An overnight field trip for the JMHS Latin Club was approved.
Appointment of an Acting Clerk
The School Board voted to approve Angela Roenke as the Acting Clerk effective October 1, 2024.
Informational Items
Revisions to Regulation-JGD-JGE-R - Student Suspension/Expulsion
Monthly Financial & Budget Report
A zoning update for the new elementary school was provided.
Proposed Policy Revisions
Safety Update
Dr. Eberhardt provided a safety update. He shared the measures that FCPS had been taking to keep students and staff safe.
Facilities Update
Solar Power:
FCPS has met with vendors to explore bringing solar power to Lafayette Elementary School, Walker Grant Middle School, and the Walker Grant Center. The new middle school is also considered a possible site.
Vendors have requested utility billing and design information from the division to devise solar power proposals. FCPS has continued to investigate and solicit information to help determine which solar options would best meet the needs of FCPS.
The next step in the solar power process is to establish a Procurement Committee, which would be comprised of two School Board members, as well as administrators, teachers, and students. The Procurement Committee’s tentative schedule would include an introductory meeting in late September or early October and ultimately an invitation to each vendor to be interviewed and make a presentation to the Committee in late October or early November.
New Middle School:
Due to the Labor Day Holiday, the progress meeting scheduled for August 30th was not held. FCPS received excellent news that the long-delayed switchgear, which is needed to provide electricity to the school, arrived on site and is ready for installation by Dominion Energy. Overall, the project is currently ahead of schedule and continues to be under budget. The next progress meeting is Friday September 13th.
Middle to Elementary School Conversion:
The Middle to Elementary School Conversion Planning Committee met on August 23rd to discuss plans for Phase II of the project, which will be undertaken during the summer of 2025. The architect will have plans and specs ready for review by Halloween.
New casework and cubbies were installed Saturday August 17th. Cold base was installed on the cubbies during the student holiday August 30th. FCPS received confirmation that the high cabinets on casters will be installed Saturday September 14th. Once they are installed and cold base is installed on the casework, Phase I of the project should be completed.
Mr. Upper publicly thank the school’s administration, staff, and custodians for their patience in this process.
Learning Lane Closure:
Information was shared in Dr. Eberhardt’s report.
Bus Canopy Damage at Hugh Mercer Elementary:
The structural engineer/architect hired to provide guidance on the repair of the bus canopy struck by a delivery vehicle has completed specifications and drawings. These will be utilized to procure a contractor to perform the necessary repairs, whose costs should be covered as part of an insurance claim.
1935 Building:
A grant preapplication for the VA 250 Preservation Fund has been submitted. This is a state grant that supports improvements at significant historic sites related to the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. If awarded, the grant would provide funds for both conservation and restoration of the 1935 building, which was a gun manufacturing plant during the American Revolution.
Old Business
The Chair reminded everyone that the VSBA Legislative Advocacy Conference would be held at the Chesterfield Career & Technical Center on September 19, 2024. He shared that Dr. Catlett and Ms. Boyd were registered to attend.
New Business
Good of the Order
The Chair shared that the volleyball game against Essex County had been postponed due to an accident involving one of the Essex players. He asked for a moment of silence for that family.
He shared that he was looking forward to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony scheduled for mural at James Monroe High School.
Next Meeting Date(s)
School Board meetings are held at the Walker-Grant Center (unless otherwise noted):
View Meetings
Fredericksburg City School Board
Jarvis Bailey, Chair, Member At Large
Jennifer Boyd, Ward 3
Malvina Rollins Kay, Ward 4
Molly McFadden, Member At Large
Kathleen Pomeroy, Ward 2
Matt Rowe, Vice Chair, Member At Large
Fredericksburg City School Board Contact
Email: awilson@cityschools.com
Website: www.cityschools.com
Location: 210 Ferdinand Street, Fredericksburg, VA, USA
Phone: 540 372 1130