Natick Redhawks
Your Weekly Update from Natick High School

From the Principal's Desk
Hello Natick High School!
Happy Summer!
Thank you for the opportunity to be your principal this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the Natick community. Each day I have been impressed with the dedication, spirit and intellect of the staff. As I walked through classrooms, it was great to witness those "a-ha" moments, as students connected to new ideas. I have also loved experiencing the creativity and drive of our students. It has been beautiful to watch them find community with one another and to share that experience with them. I have also enjoyed getting to know you--the caregivers who entrust us with your adolescents each day. Thank you for your continued partnership! As we look towards summer, we always try to find some way to keep students intellectually engaged.
Below, you will see that we are trying something new this year for our summer reading and enrichment program. We have seen that, in past years, many students are engaged in all kinds of learning over the summer, some in books, some not. There are so many ways to learn in our world! We hope students read over the summer. We want them to read over the summer, but not the book we pick; rather, we hope that they will read because it is relaxing and pleasurable.
Besides reading for pleasure, we also want them to engage with something related to their coursework here. So, to that end, we are asking each student to pick one learning experience from the grade-level lists linked below, and to complete it this summer. Some of the options are, in fact, books to read. Some are museum trips, podcasts, movies, etc. Whatever your student chooses, we encourage you to talk with them about their choice and to encourage them to reflect on what they have learned from the experience.
We hope you have a great summer and look forward to seeing you in the fall!
All My Best,
Josepha Blocker
Principal, Natick High School
NHS Office Hours During the Summer
The Front Office at NHS is open during the summer. If your student needs a work permit, or finds books, elevator passes or any other item that should be returned to the school please bring them in. The summer hours are:
- Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Friday: 7:00 am - 11:30 am
The office will however be closed on the following dates to observe the holiday:
- Wednesday, June 19th
- Thursday, July 4th
- Friday, July 5th
Summer Reading/Enrichment and Summer Assignments
At Natick High School, ALL students are required to complete the Summer Reading and Enrichment Assignment.
Some students, who take advanced coursework, may also have required or optional assignments associated with specific courses. Please read below and discuss the following with your NHS student.
Schoolwide Summer Reading and Enrichment
Instead of our traditional summer reading program, wherein everyone reads the same book or set of books, we are broadening our options for summer learning to include reading along with other cultural or academically enriching experiences. Specific grade-level courses have coordinated a list of options related to upcoming course content. The texts and activities listed will enable students to build background knowledge through experiential learning while developing an authentic relationship with the upcoming curriculum. When students return from summer break, they will be expected to show their learning from whichever option they have chosen.
The summer enrichment options and the courses are as follows:
- Associated Department: Social Studies
- Course: Global Awareness
- Associated Department: Science
- Course: Chemistry
- Associated Department: English
- Course: American Literature
- Associated Department: Guidance
- Topic: College and Career Readiness
Please read through the options with your Natick High student. There are options that will suit a variety of learners. For the texts included in the list, the Morse Library has the texts and lists them on their website. All students are expected to complete one of the options listed prior to their return to school.
Course-Specific Summer Assignments
There are certain advanced courses that require students to get a jump start on content, or to review prior knowledge during the summer. For these select courses, the assignments listed are crucial for setting students up for success next year. These courses are listed below, and the summer assignments can be found here.
Courses with REQUIRED Summer Assignments
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Art and Design
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (Please note that this is NOT the same course as AP Government and Politics.)
- AP Economics
- AP Environmental Science
- AP French
- AP Human Geography
- AP Language
- AP Literature
- AP Modern World History
AP Psychology
AP Spanish and Culture
AP US Government and Politics (Please note this is not the same course as AP Comparative Government and Politics.)
- AP US History
Honors English - GRADES 9, 10, 11 and 12
Courses with OPTIONAL Summer Assignments
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry
- AP Physics
NHS Fall Athletics - Registration is Open Until 8/6
Fall athletics registration is open.
Registration closes and payment is due August 6th by 12 pm.
A late charge of $25 will be added after 12 pm on August 6th, 2024.
Sports offered for the fall season are:
- Football
- Cheerleading
- Boys & Girls Cross Country
- Field Hockey,
- Golf
- Boys & Girls Soccer
- Girls Swimming
- Girls Volleyball
- Unified Basketball (Has a separate registration, with additional information below)*
Football Start Date - August 16th
Unified Basketball Start date - September 9th
All Other Fall Sports Start Date - August 19th
Required Coursework and Physicals for Student Athletes
All student athletes are required to take these two courses:
We have updated the courses to make them more time efficient and effective. By state mandate, these courses have to be done each academic year. Courses completed after May 2024 will be valid for the 2024-2025 school year. All of the courses are embedded in the registration to make them easier to find. Students will need to upload their certificates of completion.
Students' physicals must be within the last 13 months, and their required courses must be completed and uploaded to be approved to start the season.
Important Links
General Registration Link:
Unified Basketball Registration Link:
The required Concussion course: https://nfhslearn.com/courses/concussion-for-students
The required ArxEd Student Athlete course: https://studentathlete.arxed.com/enroll/2631694?price_id=3447778
Nurse's Corner
Happy Summer from the NHS Nurses!
Below is some important housekeeping information for the '24-'25 School Year.
Incoming 11th Grade
If you have not already done so, please submit a copy of a recent physical to highschoolnurses@natickps.org
If Your Child Requires Medication During the School Year
We will be sending out a link in August for Sign-Up Genius. Those dates will be August 20th, August 27th-30th. Please bring the medication along with the required completed forms to your appointment.
- Prescriber Medication Order Form (may use provider’s own form as well)
- Parent/Guardian Medication Consent Form
- Life-Threatening Allergy Health Care Plan
Enjoy and stay safe!
Student Parking Passes for 2024-2025
Juniors and seniors may park in designated areas with a parking pass.
Communications regarding when and how to obtain parking passes for the upcoming school year will be sent out by August 2nd. Keep an eye open for this important information!
This Week's Guidance Update
Each week our Guidance Department updates their page with important grade-specific information, including:
- Information for all grades on College and Career Readiness
- Information on specifics for post-secondary planning and other school details.
Natick Summer Programs Are Back! Register Now.
Students will enjoy week-long courses for enrichment, exploration, and fun–right here in Natick! The Summer Enrichment and Summer Scholars programs will allow your children to explore their interests and help prevent summer slide. Pre-approved students are welcomed into the Extended School Year (ESY) program and the High School Credit Recovery Program. Our Strength and Conditioning Program provides dynamic exercises and drills from some of the best coaches in the area.
Registration through Active.com is open now. Our popular Summer Enrichment program courses include Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Pondology, Chemistry, Sports, and much more. Students from rising Kindergarteners up through rising 8th graders are grouped by grade level.
NEW THIS YEAR: All participants in Summer Enrichment and Summer Scholars will receive a complete schedule of classes (subject to availability) running from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. every day. Join us this summer! Access our dedicated website for more information.
Looking for financial assistance this summer? Please complete this form prior to registering to get the process started: 2024 Summer Programs Assistance. Thank you!
Help for Teens Who Want to Quit Vaping
We have a number of resources at the high school for students who are struggling with early vape use, including the iDecide program and a partnership with the Natick Service Council. If you or your NHS student would like to know more about these resources, please contact your students' guidance counselor, dean or vice-principal. Those who are trying to stop using on their own may also find that practicing the 6 D's can help.
- Text VapeFreeMass to 88709 to use a free, confidential texting program called This is Quitting.
- Call or text Start My Quit to 855-891-9989 to access trained coaches at My Life, My Quit (www.mylifemyquit.com) who can help.
- Visit teen.smokefree.gov
Thank you to our PTSO for their ongoing support to our students and faculty. Our PTSO is looking for more volunteers to assist them with their work for the school year. You can learn more about the NHS PTSO, and how to get involved by visiting their website. Thank you in advance for your help!
You can subscribe to their monthly newsletter at the top of their webpage.
Reminder for Parents Who Want to Volunteer--CORI Checks
Reminder If you want to volunteer in schools, you must have a CORI check conducted and you must go into the building with identification (driver's license or passport) to do this. Click here for description of what a CORI check is and does. Without a CORI check, you cannot volunteer in the school. Here is the form to fill out for a CORI.
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