The Bulldog Banter
19th edition of the 24/25 school year
Meadowbrook School Contact Information
8:35AM - 3:30PM
Meadowbrook Phone Numbers
Main Line........920-662-5000
Fax Number....920-662-5050
Meadowbrook School hours are 8:35-3:30 pm. Doors will open at 8:25 am so children have time to put their coats, backpacks, or other things away and are ready for 8:35 am.
Kindergarteners and First graders will enter/exit using Door 2
Second - Fourth graders will enter/exit using Door 8
Walkers will be dismissed using Door 8
Upcoming Events
2/4 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to Neville Museum
2/6 - iPad Collection
2/18 - Buzz Social Fundraiser
2/25 & 2/27 - Conferences and Book Fair
3/18 - Spring Concert (Kindergarten & 1st Grade)
A Note From the PTO
Thank you to everyone who supported our PTO Spirit Nights! A special shout-out to Jersey Mike's for their incredible generosity, with a 50% give-back, we raised over $1,000 for our school!! Your participation makes a huge impact, and we’re grateful for your continued support.
Leaders of the Pack
Trenton S. - Trenton is continuously being proactive. He takes responsibility for his actions and changes his actions when he needs to. He focuses on his circle of control and influence. Recently Trenton was faced with a challenge, realized the problem and took action and changed for the better. Trenton is now showing great leadership skills and helping others in the classroom. Keep up the great work. -Mrs. Jeanquart
Otis W. - Otis Begins with the End in Mind by setting a goal and making sure he meets it! For example, Otis set a goal that he wanted our classroom to be more tidy. So in order to make this happen he encourages others to clean up messes, he offers help to anyone who might need a hand picking up, and he has made it part of his dismissal crew duties. Otis is such a great leader and I can’t wait to see what else he accomplishes this year! -Mrs. Laha
Lenyn S. - Lenyn gets along with everyone. She is very kind hearted and kind to others. She tries her best and inspires others. She is a very hard worker. She laughs a lot and has a sense of humor. Lenyn is a very conscientious student. We are very lucky to have her in our class. - Mrs. Schneeberger
Raigan J. - Raigan does a great job working with all of her classmates. She goes out of her way to help others. Today during work time I heard her saying to a friend “You can do it, I believe in you. You encouraged me earlier so now I am encouraging you.” Raigan also displays many of the Graduate Profile characteristics and is a positive leader in our class. -Ms. Malcore
Korbyn B. - Each and every day Korbyn shows up ready to learn. He pushes himself to learn a lot and work as hard as he can. He is able to add more to his writing and explain and help others with math. In addition, he always notices others that may be hurt or need help in all areas. He is very caring for his classmates and always wants the class to do their best all day long. Thank you for being a great leader Korbyn! ~Mrs. Kuffel
Noah L. - Noah continues to exhibit leadership qualities in every area of our day. He includes others at recess, he collaborates well with others in class, he is responsible in the hallway and always follows directions the first time he is asked to do something. Noah has such a kind heart. He is always encouraging others to do their best and he is very empathetic to how others are feeling. I am proud of Noah’s growth this year and I am lucky to have him in my class! Mrs. Davidson
Cooper G. - Cooper exemplifies the qualities of a proactive student. He is always a leader within our classroom. Cooper is always one of the first students to follow the directions and he always gives his all on his work. Cooper also always treats others with respect and kindness. Way to be a leader at Meadowbrook Cooper! - Mrs. Apps
Clare F. - Clare always demonstrates leadership qualities. She is always willing to help in the classroom whether it is helping another student with their math or helping the teacher to keep the classroom organized. She always shows compassion and kindness to others. She is a role model in our classroom! Keep up the great work Clare! -Mrs. Apps
Hallory L. - Hallory is a great example of the Habit Think-WinWin! Hallory is thoughtful, kind, and always sees the goodness in others. If a classmate is struggling she is the first to offer help. You can see that Hallory enjoys being there for others. I’m so glad Hallory is in my classroom-she’s someone we can all look up to! Mrs. .Bauknecht
Giving Tree Update
Coming up on April 10, The Giving Tree’s 17th Annual Taste of the Villages and Auction is made possible by the generous donations from our kind and caring community friends like you. Gift certificates, gift cards to restaurants, businesses and events and silent auction items are needed and greatly appreciated. The Taste of the Villages and Auction is the primary fundraiser for The Giving Tree providing school supplies, monthly grocery basics, holiday assistance, field trips, band/orchestra/music expenses and personal care items just to name a few.
If you would like to contribute to the success of this event by making a donation, contact The Giving Tree auction team by phone or email to schedule drop off or pick up for gift baskets, raffle donations and gift cards. Leave a message for pickup or drop: 920-593-3484 or email: givingtree@hssdschools.org
Recess Weather Reminder
Brr, it's cold outside!
The cold & snowy weather is here! Please make sure you are sending appropriate outerwear each day so students stay warm and healthy! Students should be bringing snow pants, boots, a hat, mittens and a warm coat to school each day when the weather is between 0-39 degrees, even if there is not snow on the ground. If your child does not have snow pants and boots and there is snow on the ground, they will have to stay on the blacktop. Students go outside for recess two times a day as long as the weather is above 0 degrees.
Thank you for helping make sure your child has what they need for recess!
Grad Profile Update
Thank you to parents who have already completed the Returning Student Registration process via Power School. We still have many students who this process needs to be completed for by their parents/guardians.
Parents and guardians of "Returning Students" to HSSD must complete this process for each student EVERY year. This includes kindergarten students that were previously in 4K through HSSD.
Review and update student information
>Log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal at http://hssdschools.powerschool.com/public/
>Due to security updates from PowerSchool, you may be prompted to update/change your portal password. (*Note: passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters.)
>After you are logged into your account, you will notice your child’s name at the top of the page. Scroll down and select the “Returning Student Registration” icon on the left side of the screen. Review carefully and make changes to your child’s demographics and forms. You must click submit to finish Step 1.
To complete for additional children, go back to the parent portal and select the next child in the upper left and repeat STEP 1.
>Lamers will be contacted with address and phone number changes. If an address change, Lamers will contact the parent/guardian with updated bus information.
Please call the school office if you have any questions. (Note: This process is only for students who attended HSSD last year. Not for students new to HSSD this year.)
Volunteer Opportunities & Field Trip Chaperones
The school year is ending, but now is a great time to become an approved volunteer for next year! Come into fall approved and ready for field trips and other volunteer opportunities!
- Anyone interested in volunteering must go through the approval process that includes a background check.
- More detailed information will be shared by your student's classroom teacher regarding the details of the field trips but we encourage you to begin this process now.
- If you think you may already be approved but are unsure, please contact Tricia Gower at: tricgowe@hssdschools.org to look up your information.
- This process only needs to be completed once by an individual while your child(ren) are in the district.
- Apply Early! This process can take up to a month to complete while we wait for the results of the background check from our 3rd party vendor.
- Below is PDF with instructions with screenshots of each step of the application process.
The link below is where you'll find the information on how to set up your HSSD volunteer profile and begin this process. https://www.hssdschools.org/community/vip
1. Once you follow the link, scroll down to where it says "Get Involved" under the Volunteer Login section. Click on that and more instructions will appear.
2. Click on "Create a volunteer profile". Once you do so, another window should open up to a new website.
3. Once there, you will see "Keyword" with a search box next to it. In that search box, type the word "Howard" and hit enter. Scroll down and you will see the names of all of the schools in the district.
4. Click on Meadowbrook Elementary School and you will be brought to the Meadowbrook Elementary Volunteer Page.
5. On the right hand side of the screen there is a "Fill in an application" button, click that.
6. On the next screen, begin entering your information under "I am new to MyImpactpage.com and follow the steps to complete the application. Shortly after you complete your application, you will receive an email from Kim Decur (HSSD Volunteer Coordinator) that includes the necessary information to begin the background check process. If you do not see that email within 24 hours, check your SPAM folder as it may have ended up there. If you still do not see the email, send a message to Kim (kimbdecu@hssdschools.org) and she will look into that for you.
HSSD School Board
Click here to view the Board of Education's web page. This is a great place to find general information on the school board, meeting minutes and posted communications!
If you have specific questions, or are in need of assistance, contact the Meadowbrook Elementary Board of Education Representative, Allen McGuire.
PTO Information
Community Events
The Green Bay Area Youth Hockey Association is holding a Try Hockey for Free Event on Sunday, February 2nd! This event is for boys and girls of all skill levels-no experience needed! Please register here.
Hilly Haven Indoor Golf Opportunities
Hilly Haven has some fun opportunities for Juniors starting with Cosmic Golf on Friday’s from 6-9pm and Junior Golf Academy during the week: Tuesday-Beginners, Wednesday-Intermediate and Thursday-Advanced from 4-4:45pm.
Friday Night's at the Y
Y Nights are for students in 4th-6th grade and run on Fridays during the school year. It is a great opportunity for kids to hang out with their peers and try something new. Each week there are new activities and games for the kids to play. This opportunity is free for Y members and only $7 for the general public. Learn more.
Attending a high school athletic event? Read on!
As the sports season begins, a few reminders regarding attending high school game are below.
Carry-ins are not allowed.
In the Student Section this includes food, drinks, noise makers, silly-string, baby powder, signs, backpacks, purses, etc.
Security cameras will continue to be used at the stadium to enhance spectator safety.
Students engaged in unsafe behavior, like pushing other students or throwing objects, will be asked to leave the game.
Unsafe behavior may result in students not attending future football games.
Athletics events are school-sponsored events, therefore appropriate dress is expected.
During home football games all other athletics facilities and fields are closed.
Ticket and Pass Costs:
Student and family athletics passes and tickets are available online at GoFan. This pass is good for all home regular season athletic events excluding Invites.
Cost for passes:
High school student passes = $30 + Processing Fee
Family passes = $65 + Processing Fee
Includes 2 adults and children 8th grade and under in the same household.
One single adult pass = $40 + Processing Fee
Cost for individual tickets:
Adults = $5
Students K-12 = $3