October Newsletter

What a great first month of school!
Dates to Remember
Monday, October 7
PTO Meeting -- 6:00 p.m. in the Hillside Library
Thursday, October 10th
Monday, October 14th
REMOTE LEARNING DAY — Teachers will provide asynchronous work for students equal to a half day of instruction. Student work may be completed on the Remote Learning Day or anytime over the long weekend and submitted at the start of school on Tuesday, October 10th. Students will not attend Zoom sessions and all students will be marked present, unless reported as absent by their parent or guardian.
Thursday October 31st
Character Strong
Responsibility is taking action and responsibility for our actions. We hope this month inspires discussions with your family about ways to show responsibility at home and school. For additional information regarding Character Strong, please visit the District's Character Strong Site.
Spirit Days
West Shore Unity Day
October 16th Wear Orange to show that we are united against bullyingRed Ribbon Week
October 21st Rally in Red (Wear Red)
October 22nd Living Drug Free is No Sweat (Wear Sweatshirts and sweatpants)
October 23rd Crazy to Do Drugs (Wear Crazy/Wacky/Mismatched Clothes)
October 24th Plaid is Rad, Drugs are Bad (Wear Plaid, or stripes if you don't have plaid)
October 25th We Have Bright Futures (Wear Neon or bright colors)
Spirit Wear
Hillside Hedgehog Spirit Wear
If you are interested in purchasing any Spirit Wear, the store is active now. Proceeds benefit the PTO. Click on this link to check out what is available https://hot-frog-print-media-llc.printavo.com/merch/hillside