Fremont Middle School
August 9, 2024

A Message From the Principal
Good afternoon,
I want to take a moment to express our gratitude at Fremont Middle School, for the ongoing support and partnership of our school community. This time of year offers us all a chance to pause, recharge, and spend time with friends and family.
I encourage students to use this break to rest, enjoy quality time, and reflect on the accomplishments of the past months. Whether you’re celebrating a holiday, traveling, or staying cozy at home, I hope it’s a time filled with joy, relaxation, and connection.
When we return on January 7th, we’ll dive into the second half of our school year, building on the progress and growth we’ve achieved so far. Together, we will continue to inspire and support our students to reach their full potential.
Thank you for being an integral part of our Fremont Middle School community. I wish you and your loved ones a safe, happy, and restful winter break.
Dr. Emily Loerakker
Principal, Fremont Middle School
Morning Announcements - January 7-10th
Drinks in School
Per our PAWS expectations and Working for Success, we ask that students only have water in classrooms and hallways. If students purchase a drink at lunch, that drink should be finished before exiting the cafeteria. If purchased outside of school, it should be finished before entering school.
8th grade Graduation Photos
January 9, 2025 is graduation picture day. First-period teachers will convey students' appointment times for pictures that day. Pictures will be taken during periods 1, 2 and 3 and students will NOT dress for PE on this day.
Photos will be taken in a graduation gown, provided for the photo by the photographer, and also in whatever the student has chosen to wear under the gown. We do NOT wear a graduation cap. Students should wear dress clothes for pictures. Some suggestions include a long-sleeved shirt and tie, dress pants and dressy blouse, skirt and/or dresses. Please note that pants or skirts will show in some of the poses. There will not be time for wardrobe changes during the photoshoot. You can change into more comfortable clothes after your picture is taken.
Please email eloerakker@fsd79.org with any questions.
8th Grade Fine Arts Tours
On January 16th, we will host an Mundelein HS assembly to learn about Fine Arts course offerings and opportunities at Mundelein HS.
On January 17th, Stevenson HS-bound 8th graders will travel to Woodlawn at 12:45 pm to learn about Fine Arts opportunities at Stevenson.
Message for MHS Class of 2029 Families
Hello future Mustang families,
We are very excited to welcome our incoming 9th grade students and their families to Mundelein High School. We have a few updates and reminders to share. Course placements will be emailed and mailed to your home address during the week of January 6th. Additionally, students and families are invited to attend our Incoming Freshman Night, scheduled for Thursday, January 16th, at Mundelein High School. We ask that families and students with last names A-L attend the 6:00 PM session, while those with last names M-Z are asked to attend the 7:15 PM session. The presentation will be available in both English and Spanish. After each presentation, the Activities and Athletics Fair will be held in the Main Gym.
Link to Class of 2029 placement letter
Hola futuras familias de Mustang,
Estamos muy emocionados de dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de noveno grado entrantes y a sus familias a Mundelein High School. Tenemos algunas actualizaciones y recordatorios que compartir. Las asignaciones de cursos se enviarán por correo electrónico y por correo postal a su dirección de casa durante la semana del 6 de enero. Además, invitamos a los estudiantes y familias a asistir a nuestra Noche de Bienvenida para Estudiantes de Noveno Grado, programada para el jueves 16 de enero en Mundelein High School. Pedimos que las familias y estudiantes con apellidos de la A a la L asistan a la sesión de las 6:00 PM, mientras que aquellos con apellidos de la M a la Z deben asistir a la sesión de las 7:15 PM. La presentación estará disponible tanto en inglés como en español. Después de cada presentación, se llevará a cabo la Feria de Actividades y Atletismo en el gimnasio principal.
Parent University - January 21
Parent Book Club - “The Anxious Generation”
As part of our Parent University programming, FSD79 and the Fremont PTO will be co-sponsoring a Parent Book Club event on New York Times #1 Bestseller, “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt. We will be hosting a one-night discussion on the book on February 11, 2025. For more information on the book club event, please visit our table at next Friday’s Reading Rally. Additional information will be shared with families in the near future. Secure your physical or audio copy of the book now to prepare for the discussion.
Free Mental Health Services
Dear Fremont Families,
As we approach the holiday season, it's important to remember that our students' social-emotional and mental health remain top priorities, especially during this time of year. Please take the time to review our new Family Resources document created by the Fremont Mental Health Team to help support our students and families.
Additionally, ReferralGPS is a service providing assistance to our community in finding local mental-health and substance use-related treatment resources. The service compliments the District's existing support systems as a tool for student service teams and families to connect with treatment. Along with a searchable database of treatment options, ReferralGPS provides Care Navigation to assist families in triage and appointment setting.
School district staff and families may access ReferralGPS in two ways:
Contact Student Services (social workers, psychologists, counselors) to seek out treatment options
Visit this link to search for treatment resources or connect with a Care Navigator anonymously
The platform has the ability to filter by mental health concern, clinician gender/specialty, location, and insurance acceptance. The service is available for all types of private and public insurance options including PPO, HMO, Medicaid, and families that are uninsured or underinsured.
ReferralGPS is available for use by District students, staff, and families at no cost. All information entered on the ReferralGPS tool is completely confidential and securely stored.
Please note, this service is an optional resource available by choice and is not mandatory in any way. If you are interested in seeking counseling-related services at this time, please consider reaching out to the Student Services team or visit https://referralgps.com/find-help/FSD79.
Your involvement and understanding are vital as we navigate this holiday season together, ensuring a supportive environment for our children. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community.
Best regards,
Ms. Krista Winkelman
Executive Director of Student Services
Early Pick-Up Procedures
If your student needs to be picked up early, please notify our main office at 847-566-9384 or send an email to the receptionist, Karolina O'Malley, at komalley@fsd79.org. A parent/guardian or designated person must present identification to pick a student up early. Please note that the latest pickup time is 2:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and 1:30 PM on Wednesday. Parents cannot park in handicapped parking spots near the gym as it interferes with bus pick up.
The Fremont PTO would love to see you at our meetings this year! Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month in the Middle School Den at 6:00 pm. Our next meeting is on January 15th.
Childcare services for children ages 3+ will be provided at ALL of our upcoming PTO meetings. Please use the form below to let us know if you will be bringing a child to the meeting. It is not required to RSVP; however, we ask that you please do so if you plan to take advantage of childcare. Care will be provided by Fremont Middle School students for individuals ages 3 and up. Here is the form.
RSVP Form for childcare: https://forms.gle/ceerdTKn7Pa51mVt7
Here is the list of all meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
To stay in the know of what Fremont PTO is up to, follow and tag us on social media:
Instagram: @fremontpto
Facebook: Fremont PTO
Feeling overwhelmed by your child’s screen time and social media?
As parents, we’re all on a learning journey – let’s make that journey easier and more insightful together! Join us February 11, 2025 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Middle School Den for the Fremont Parent Book Club.
Pick up a copy of The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt and dive into this eye-opening book. We’ll explore all three sections together, share thoughts, and discuss how to navigate the challenges of raising kids in the digital age.
Don’t miss out – start reading today and come ready to connect, learn, and grow as a community!
Looking for something exciting to do during winter break? Come skate with us at Glacier Ice Arena!
When: Friday, December 27th
Time: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Where: Glacier Ice Arena, 670 Lakeview Pkwy, Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Cost: $10 per skater (includes skate rentals!)
Whether you’re a pro on the ice or just trying skating for the first time, everyone is welcome. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors for a day of fun on the ice!
New to skating or want to try hockey? No problem—reach out to Charice Paoli at charice@glacierskate.com.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Forget the scissors - Box Tops for Education has gone digital! Simply download the Box Tops for Education app (see www.boxtops4education.com for more info), select Fremont School District 79 (in Mundelein, IL) as your beneficiary, and you're all set! Enter the code H02P2R0D when you register for bonus points. Then simply scan your receipts after shopping, and watch the points (and $$) add up for our schools!
Thank you for joining us at Culver’s - it was a great success! We have a full year of dine-in nights ahead – check out the list here!
Don’t forget to order your student's 2024-2025 yearbook. Use the correct school code from our flyer when you order!
If you already have an account in Membership Toolkit, thank you for creating and/or updating your Membership Toolkit account last year.
If you don't have an account in Membership Toolkit, set it up now for free! Once you have created an account in Membership Toolkit your child will appear in the online directory immediately (that's if you choose to do so). To create an account, go to fsd79.membershiptoolkit.com and follow the directions in the attached form (Online Student Directory Set Up Instructions 2024-2025).
To gain access to the Online Student Directory your account must be active and you must pay the $15 PTO Membership Family Fee. If you paid your PTO Membership fee through your TeacherEase account before June 15th, your payment has been confirmed and you currently have access to the Online Student Directory. If you didn’t pay your PTO Membership Family Fee before June 15th, you can pay the $15 PTO Membership Family fee thru Venmo @Fremont-PTO; or by bringing or sending the attached form with your cash payment or check made payable to Fremont PTO to any school front office. The option to pay the PTO Membership Fee thru your TeacherEase account is no longer available. Once we receive confirmation of your payment, we will give you access to the online directory. Please note it may take up to one week to be granted access to the online directory.
Don't forget to download the FREE Membership Toolkit app to your smartphone-search "Membership Toolkit" in your app store.
Celebrate your Fremont Student's special day! "Happy Birthday, Your Child's Name" can appear on the Fremont Electronic Message Board. Just complete the Birthday Board Request Google Form 2024-2025; or complete the birthday board form and send it back to any school front office with your $5 payment per birthday message. If you have any questions, please contact Christie Johnson at cjohnson@fsd79.org.
Emily Loerakker
Fremont Middle School Principal
Nick Atchley
Fremont Middle School Assistant Principal
Important Dates
🛑 No School - Winter Break December 23 - January 6, School resumes January 7
📸 Graduation photos - January 9
🛑 No School - January 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
📸 Graduation photo retakes - February 7
🛑 No School - February 17 Presidents Day
- 📌 March 6 - Parent Teacher Conferences (11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.)
- 🛑March 7 - No School Institute Day
Fremont Middle School
Address: 28871 North Fremont Center Road, Mundelein, IL
Phone: (847) 566-9384
Website: middle.fsd79.org
Twitter: @FSD79
Instagram: @FSD79
YouTube: youtube.com/FSD79