Growing News
Clay County SD 4-H
June 2024
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LAST REMINDER for Livestock information!
All animals, including horses and dogs, need to be entered into 4-HOnline by June 1st. Please reach out the office if you need any assistance DNA needs to be submitted by June 1st for Market Animals attending State Fair. Note this is a Saturday so DNA should be to the office no later than 5pm on May 31! And we will not be answering the phones or email on June 1st!
Other deadlines occurring June 1st:
Youth Horse Literacy deadline
Lease papers must be uploaded with office signature - Due Friday May 31st for signatures!
Fairgrounds Work Days
The Leaders Association has set 2 fairgrounds work days to do some improvements to the fairgrounds before August. The dates are set for June 3rd and 10th both starting at 6pm.
On June 3rd we are looking for any and all helpers for these tasks:
- Scrape/Power wash the bottom of Clover Hall
- Power wash and clean stage
- Repair/ Paint Mini Golf โ Burbank Feeders
- Stain announcer stand in arena โ Meckling Livestock
- Cut risers in half and add handles โ Flyers
- Tear out old fencing around covered livestock arena, install new poles ( We are getting new continuous fencing this year!!)
Supplies needed: paint scrapers, power washer, gloves, dump trailer for old arena fencing, pliers, bolt cutters, tools for fence removal
It takes a village of volunteers to up keep the fairgrounds, we appreciate any and all help we can get to make some small improvements to polish this place up ๐
2024 State Fair Book
A NEW 2024 State Fair Book is our now! This book has a new schedule in it to reflect the South Dakota State Fair now starting on Wednesday August 28. Find it at the link below we will print a copy at the office for $2.
See the updates to the State Fair book below! They can also be found on pages 5-7.
Below was a change that was added last year but in case you missed it here is the State Fair animal Replacement Rule. Also found on pages 16-17.
ANIMAL REPLACEMENT RULE Infrequently, animals that are registered for the State Fair become unavailable by State Fair time. Usually this relates to herd health preferences, severe animal illness/injury, or premature death. Animal substitutions will be allowed through the specie check-in at State Fair.
โข The replacement animal must be identified in the familiesโ 4-H Online account by June 1st.
โข Families are allowed to identify up to 2 animals per species in FairEntry under the Substitution Department by August 13th. Animals that are not submitted as a substitute entry in FairEntry will not be allowed to substitute.
โข Except for Breeding Sheep, replacements are allowed on a species basis. Breeding sheep are only allowed to substitute a ram for a ram and an ewe for an ewe.
โข Due to stalling limitations, substitute animals will not be allowed on the fairgrounds. Only animals that are shown are allowed to stall at the fairgrounds.
We will again be joining Yankton County for their Special Foods contest please fill out the form below and send it to myself or the Yankton county address listed.
Youth Mentors Needed for Buddy Show
The Buddy Show is looking for youth mentors! Livestock experience is not needed nor is having an animal at the fair there will be extras to use!
We are also looking for someone to MC the show and a local celebrity show โjudgeโ Send nominations into the Extension.
Entries for the County Dog Show are due on June 17th at 11:59pm use the link below to register!
State Dog Show Update
SDSU Extension's 4-H program will host the 2024 State 4-H Dog Shows at three sitesโLennox, Mitchell, and Rapid City. See the contestant packet for event details. The registration deadline for the Southeast Regional Dog Championship is July 10, Central Regional Dog Championship is August 7 and Western Regional Dog Championship is September 18 via FairEntry.
View the information below for complete details about this year's competitions and check back regularly for contestant resources, show orders and contest results.
Please read the changes to page 3 of the contestant packet for the updated changes of the dog project.
Entries for the County Horse Show are due Tuesday June 11th at 11:5pm use the link below to register!
2024 South Dakota 4-H Legislature Program
It's that time of year again to think about running for the South Dakota 4-H Legislature! The SD 4-H Legislature is a state level civic and governmental education program al-lowing participants an opportunity to gain a better understanding of how our state government operates while strengthening youth voice opportunities for the SD 4-H Program. Through a series of hands- on workshops and a mock legislative session, teen participants have an opportunity to run a campaign, serve as a 4-H Legislator, draft bills, debate bills at the South Dakota Capitol building, and more! Due to the changed timeline, this yearโs participants may also utilize their county fair to cam-paign. Election results will be announced during the awards ceremony at the SD State Fair!
Interested in running for office to represent your county? Click on the link below to declare your intent to run and be on the list to receive all the details!
Declare intent to run: https:// sdstate.questionpro.com/2024sd4-hlegcandidatedeclaration
More information: https://extension.sdstate.edu/south-dakota-4-h-legislature-program
Contact your county office, Jenae Hansen-Gross, Hilary Risner, or Ron Frederick with any questions!
If interested you must declare candidacy by July 1 2024!
4-H Volunteer Recognition Awards
Do you know of a volunteer who has gone above and beyond to support the local 4-H program? Nominate them for one of the South Dakota 4-H Volunteer Awards. Nominations must be received by July 1st!
Awards include:
โข Outstanding Youth Service Award
โข Emerging Volunteer Award (in first 3 years of service)
โข Outstanding Volunteer Award (4 or more years of service)
SDSU Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer in accordance with the
nondiscrimination policies of South Dakota State University, the South Dakota Board of Regents
and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Learn more at extension.sdstate.edu. ยฉ 2024, South Dakota Board of Regents.
Educating, Engaging, Empowering
โข Outstanding Shooting Sports Volunteer Award (4 or more years of service)
โข South Dakota 4-H Volunteer Hall of Fame
โข South Dakota 4-H Shooting Sports Hall of Fame
For more information, visit: https://extension.sdstate.edu/4-h-volunteer-recognition-awardsmust Submissions must include a high quality picture of the nominee.
NEW - Food, Fun, 4-H!
Last month for this year!!
If you missed the deadline do not worry you can still sign up for next month just follow the link in the QR code in the flyer!!
Some kiddos having a blast with Food, Fun, 4-H so far! Join now, its not too late!
2024 Clay County Fair T-Shirt Contest!
Thank you to all that submitted entries we have some great designs this year! This years winner is Paisley Carter! See her winning design below! This will be on the 2024 4-Hers fair t-shirts as well as the cover of the summer supplement book. (Coming out soon!)
4-H Sewing Series - last class in June!
Sign up for any of these sewing series classes by scanning the QR code on the Flyer!
4-H Leadership Level-Up Resource Published
Do you have 4-H youth that you work with that are showing signs of disengagement? Are you an old-er 4-H youth that thinks 4-H doesnโt have anything to offer you anymore? Think again! The Leader-ship Outcome Team has developed a resource that compiles all of the next level opportunities availa-ble to young people looking to expand their leadership potential in 4-H. This resource provides a brief description of each opportunity, a direct quote from a past participant, and ways to learn more. Level-up your leadership today:
Fiber delivered Internet coming to Clay and Yankton Counties
South Dakotaโs Governorโs Office of Economic Development (GOED) has awarded Santel Communications a grant to in part, help finance new construction of a rural, fiber optic Internet connection to homes and farms. This is a once in a generation opportunity to leverage a major technology investment, in rural South Dakota. Donโt miss the opportunity to be included in the early construction project. A secure and well-connected rural space is critical to our ag economy now and well into the future. See the Santel provided project launch material and contact them for more information.
Changes to County 4-H Fair Schedule
- Wednesday โ Check in Poultry and Rabbits from 6:00pm โ 8:30pm
- Thursday โ Large livestock check in from 7-11 am
- Companion Animal Show โ Thursday morning at 10:30 am
- Poultry Show โ Thursday at noon
- Goat Show โ Friday at either 8:00 or 8:30 immediately followed by Sheep Show
- Rabbit Show โ Friday at 2:00 pm
- Beef stay the same Saturday 9am
- Round Robin โ Saturday at noon
- Buddy Show โ Saturday at 1:00pm
- Fashion Revue โ 3:00pm
NEW for the County Companion Animal Show for 2024!
Cloverbuds will be allowed to show a dog, with adult supervision. More information will be coming in the summer fair book.
2024 State Horse Show Dates Announced
The 2024 State 4-H Horse Show will be located in Huron. The event will run from July 8th -10th.
They also have now uploaded the horse project guide for 2024. You can use the link below!
Youth Livestock Literacy
Youth showing livestock must complete a YLL Event by July 1 2024!
Youth Horse Literary Program
The Youth Horse Literacy (YHL) program is a way to enhance the old Horse Safety Program. A YHL will be a requirement to show horse at the county or state shows in 2024! There are many events that may qualify. You may attend any event that interests you regardless of location. YHL must be completed by June 1st!
4 of Clubs - 50/50 Drawing is Back!! Here is an update!
After 17 weeks, our pot is $27,676!!! Only 9 weeks remaining!!
If you remove the bundle packs...we are $209 behind last year's pace. Which is awesome-we are maintaining our success from last year!!!
Things have slowed significantly but May is a busy time of the year for everyone so that is to be expected. Please continue to like and share our social media posts...this is free advertising. Also, feel free to invite some friends and join us for an evening out of the house. ๐
Statewide Community Service Project - Clover Care Kits๐งผ๐๐
We have officially launched our 2023-24 statewide community service project, Clover Care Kits.
This is an effort to collect personal hygiene supplies to be donated to facilities serving resource
limited individuals. For now we have a drop box located at the office for any donations look for more information in the upcoming newsletters as we find ways to give back to this project!
Suggested Supply List Primary
Suggested Suppy List Secondary
4-H Coach and Chaperone Application
Each year, South Dakota 4-H members have the opportunity to compete at National
competitions and attend National leadership opportunities. We are continuously looking for
talented individuals to coach teams and accompany youth on these experiences. Anyone
interested in these opportunities should visit https://extension.sdstate.edu/4-h-coach-and-
chaperone-application and complete the application. The office is currently collecting
applications for individuals interested in coaching or chaperoning 4-H members competing in
2024. We are also looking for folks to chaperone experiences such as Citizenship Washington
Focus, summer camps, Performing Arts, and SkillsX (formerly Teen Leadership Conference)
Upcoming Dates
May 31 - 4-HOnline registrations due for 2023-2024 year
May 31- Survey due for May Food, Fun, 4-H
May 31- DNA envelopes due to office by 5pm
June 1 - All animals must be entered in 4-HOnline, Youth Horse Literacy Deadline, Deadline to Identify Replacement Animals in 4-H Online
June 1 - Beginning of June Food, Fun 4-H
June 3 - Fairgrounds Work Day 6pm
June 3-5 4-H Camp Session 1 Poinsett
June 3-7 - SkillsX by 4-H
June 5-7 - 4-H Camp Session 2 Poinsett
June 7 - Extension Office Closed
June 10 - Fairgrounds Work Day 6pm
June 10-12 - 4-H Camp Camp Poinsett Going Beyond
June 11 - Entries for County Horse Show due in FairEntry by 11:59pm
June 13 - Special Foods at Yankton County Extension Office 9am
June 14 - Extension Office closed
June 15-22 - Citizen Washington Focus Trip
June 17 - Ceramics Painting 2pm 4-H Center
June 18 - 4-H Sewing Series Table Runner Class at 4-H Center 1pm
June 19 - Extension Office closed in observation of Juneteenth
June 20 - County Dog Show 6pm 4-H Center/Covered Arena
June 25 - Clay/Union/Yankton County Horse Show 9am and Donnelly's arena
June 28 - Survey Results due for June Food, Fun, 4-H
July 1 - Youth Livestock Literacy deadline
July 8-10 - State Horse Show in Huron
July 11 - Come Create Day flyer coming soon!
July 15 - Fashion Revue 9am
July 15 - End SS Match 4 scores due by 930 next day
July 17 - CDM & Horticulture Judging School 10-6pm
July 18 - CDM & Horticulture Judging School 9-4pm
July 20 - Regional Dog Show @ Lennox
July 24 - Project Entry for County Fair deadline in FairEntry at 11:59pm
August 1 - Fall State Shoot Registration Opens
August 5 - Clay County Fair Set Up Night
August 6 - Open Class Entry Night
August 7 - 4-H Project Entry Night
August 9 - 10 - Clay County Fair
August 11 - Clean Up Morning
August 13 - Deadline to register for State Fair by 11:59pm
August 13 - Deadline to upload Registration Papers in Fair Entry
August 17 - Regional Dog Show @ Mitchell
August 24 - State Companion Animal Show - Madison
August 28 - September 2 - South Dakota State Fair - Extension Office Closed
August 31- End of SS Match 5
September 6-8 Fall State Shoot - Mitchell
4-H Requirements Policy
In January 2023, the Clay County 4-H Leaderโs Association adopted, the following policy in regard to 4-H Members earning premium money:
All members must meet the following requirements to receive fair premium money:
- Presentation at club level or higher (must be approved if outside of 4-H)
- Hand in journal or record book
- Participate in a county event (fruit sales, food stand, Dakota Days float, etc.)
- Attend four club meetings in four different months.
- Must participate in showmanship for any and all livestock species in which they exhibit to receive premium money in that area.
The Independent Club Members requirements are the same as above, except instead of four club meetings, they must participate in a minimum of four county events.
Leaders Association Charge Account Policy
At the March 2022 4-H Leaderโs Association Meeting, the following policy was adopted in relation to charges made through the office regarding tags & other fair fees, food stand charges, etc. All 4-H families are permitted to charge a balance to the Clay County 4- H Leaders Association for reasonable and expected costs associated with membership, at the discretion of the Leaders. All 4-H families are also permitted to charge a balance to the 4-H Food Stand during the Clay County Fair. It is expected that any balance due is paid in full within 30 days of receipt of the bill from the 4-H office acting on behalf of the Leaders. One reminder will be sent following 30 days past due. Should balances not be paid in full by November 1 of each club year, 100% of any awards, premium money, fruit sale rebate, or other participation incentives will be withheld from all enrolled members of that family until the balance is settled. Should unforeseen financial circumstances prohibit a 4-H family from settling its balance owed, they must contact the 4-H office as soon as possible to identify a solution to reconcile the balance.
๐2024 Clay County Fair Dates - August 8-10๐
Clay County Extension Office๐
Office Hours Monday - Friday 8-5 (closed over noon hour)
Raven Davis
Lauren Hollenbeck
4-H Youth Program Advisor
Email: clay.county@sdstate.edu
Website: https://www.claycountysd.org/extensionoffice4h.cfm
Location: 515 High Street, Vermillion, SD, USA
Phone: 605-677-7111
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/332499696769521