September 2 - 16

Weeks of September 2-16
Welcome to our very first "First Grade Newsletter!" Here you will find helpful information including important dates and reminders, what we're learning about in each subject area, and any other important notes about first grade. As a reminder, you may click on "translate" at the top of this page if you prefer a different language. You may expect to receive these newsletters the first and third Tuesday of every month.
Important Dates
September 9 - Picture Day: flyers will be sent in Tuesday folders soon
September 10 - PTA Meeting @ 7 P.M.
September 11 - McDonald's Spirit Night
September 13 - Instructional Assistant Appreciation Day
September 16 - Fall Fundraiser Begins
What Are We Learning About?
Reading & Writing: Asking and answering questions about the text and describing characters, setting, and events
Letterland: -ad, -ap, -at
Math: Counting up to 150 and organizing and interpreting data
Social Studies: Learn about how people participate in a community
- Accidents happen! Please send a complete change of clothes with your child including underwear and socks for both warm and cool weather.
- Students sometimes accidentally eat their lunch during snack and vice versa, so please pack your child’s snack separate from their lunch.
- Transportation changes must be made by 2 P.M. Please also call the office by then in case we don't have a chance to check messages by the end of the day or there is a sub.
- If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday at school, you may send in a store-bought treat for the class which will be passed out at lunch.
- Attached you will find our schedules for both normal days and our flex days "Twisted Tuesdays." You will also find our specials schedules. Please send in your child with tennis shoes on the days we have for P.E.