Montessori For Flint
February 2019 Newsletter
Sneak Peak inside a Montessori Classroom: Quantities (Mathematics)
REVISION of ARRIVAL & Dismissal Procedures for MONTESSORI Elementary Students (K-3)
Morning Arrival - ALL Montessori Elementary students will enter through the Canopy Door and make their way to their classrooms where teachers will be waiting to greet them. The door opens at 8:40 a.m.
End of the Day Dismissal - Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Rinoldo-Hopkins will dismiss students from the Canopy Drop-Off area. They will walk with students outside and gather together in the pick-up area. If you are picking up your student before 3:40 p.m. please do so from the office.
Mrs. Hartke and Ms. Rodriguez' classes will dismiss from the Library with the other kindergarten classrooms.
ONLY Ms. Stinson's Pre-K classroom will continue to use the door next to her classroom for arrival and pick-up in GSRP.
Thank you for your help as we make this change.
Sneak Peak Inside a Montessori Classroom: Geometry
Sneak Peak inside a Montessori Classroom: Language and Literacy
Date Change: Montessori for Flint Parent Advisory
The Flint Montessori program is a partnership between the Flint Community Schools and Montessori for Flint. The monthly advisory meetings are an opportunity for families, the school, and community supporters to come together to guide planning, coordinate logistics, and identify next steps to keep the program and the partnership moving forward. If you are interested in providing your valuable input with this group and are able to commit to at least one year of monthly 1-hour meetings for the purpose of giving input and assisting with decision-making please contact Parent Liaison, Elizabeth Jordan at flintmontessori@yahoo.com or call (810) 610-7209.
Sneak Peak in a Montessori Classroom: Numeracy
Sneak Peak Inside a Montessori Classroom
The blocks are color-coded and different sizes to represent the algebraic Binomial and Trinomial formulas. The purpose is to challenge the children to find patterns and spatial relationships.
Montessori Parents/Guardians & Caregivers: We Need You
Dance Your Heart Out!
The Genesee County Great Start Parent Coalition invites you and your family to come and enjoy family-friendly music, games and activities, cookie decorating, and more!
A great way to get out of the house and spend time together!
Free photo booth - get your picture printed on-the-spot!
Dress your best or come as you are. All families are welcome, this dance is especially for families with children birth to third grade.
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, Feb 16, 2019, 01:00 PM
Court Street United Methodist, West Court Street, Flint, MI, USA
Need Tax Assistance? Visit Michigan 211 for Genesee County VITA Tax Sites!
About Montessori for Flint
Montessori for Flint serves as the advisory group to the Flint Community Schools' Montessori program. To be added to the advisory group email list, or to get more information, call (810) 610-7209.
Email: flintmontessori@yahoo.com
Website: https://www.flintmontessori.org/
Location: Durant-Tuuri-Mott Elementary, University Avenue, Flint, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 610-7209
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/montessoriforflint/?ref=br_rs